Cro Dude

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Cro Dude (born October 22, 1981 in The Croboy Islands), sometimes known as Grand Fukah is an infamous troll of the SteinArts forum; arguably the first and definitely the most long-standing of all the trolls, having been on the forum nearly non-stop since late 2003. He first joined as part of a program to campaign in favor of boycotting the boycott of the controversial (and now illegal) SteinArts game Crobuster 9000, and after that failed he drifed in as a permenant part of the forum crowd, which at that time was based around Mike Babula, Barrier!, and Paarli8000. He instantly became one of the major sources of humor on the forum, being one of the youngest main members, as well as holding remarkably right-wing, neoconservative beliefs. In early 2004 he oversaw the 2004 Forum Purges to a certain extent, calling for the bans of the "only three members who were even more annoying than he was". Three of the four people he mentioned were banned only a few months later, only Triae escaped punishment. During mid- and late-2004, he experienced a leftward political drift, especially after his wife died for an unknown reason. This continued throughout much of 2005 (a year during which he was mostly inactive). He returned in full blast in February 2006, announcing that he was a homosexual. He also attempted initially to mend his ways and even to convince Busau, who was the major troll at that time, to also mend his ways. Eventually, the expreiment broke down, and he reverted in to a troll once again, and has remained one since that point. Nowadays his forum power and influence are almost non-existent, so he is considered by most to be just a lowly humor source.

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