Mike Babula

From Steinarts

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Mike Babula (born July 10, 1959 in Michigan) is a personal friend of Jocro Jewarts and one of the founders of the SteinArts forum. He is also one of only three moderators. He has worked extensively with Jocro on his games, and has become a regular staff member along with Baker Johnson and Samantha.

He was born in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan and as a young man graduated from Johns Hopkins University. He traveled extensively across America as an odd-jobs man during the 1970s and early 1980s; he would regularly do computer programming gigs. He was married briefly from 1985 to 1991 during which he had a daughter. After he divorced, his ex-wife obtained custody of the daughter, and he has been single ever since. He began working with Jocro in 2000, after he met him at a bar in San Jose. He eventually became a permenant member of the company, and moved to Calamine City in 2005 when the company relocated.

Politically he is a centrist with a few liberal views. He was installed as the second moderator in July 2005 after shallowstux caused a forum rebellion. He has lived in over 17 US states, and four countries. He is also the oldest regular forum member. He is sometimes considered the forum's voice of reason, bringing a wise and rational commentary even during the worst and most trying times, and for this reason he is considered the foil to slurp:.

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