
From Sprite Wars




Due for editing. -CE

[edit] Organizations of the Imperium

Due for editing. -CE

[edit] Spritewars Involvement

First Time The Imperium was first deployed into SW in the first reset. They were a small, stranded force consisting of a few regiments and the Emperor himself. Their goal was to construct a transmitter to make contact with the rest of the Imperium, escaping Earth and bringing a full force to conquer it. Commander Evil was notable as being the laziest SW Commander EVER. (lol i admit it)

Second Time In the second reset, the Imperium had discovered Earth and after many comics foreshadowing the future, the Imperial Army invaded Earth, got shot at by the chaos legion a bit, then the season died.

Sprites were updated a bit, and ACV's were used.

Imperium 2.5 The Imperium also played a major part in the Eastern Campaign, working alongside a few other armies made by CE. They had the bad habit of hitting important machinery with their rifles to fix it.

Third Times the Charm... The Imperium has made a comeback for the Grand Campaign, with a LOT of new weapons, redone infantry and officers, and a kickass new plan for peace and equality on Earth and Mobius. They immediately allied with the Firefox and UEAF forces, and are responsible for most of the superweapon and fortress construction on Earth.

They liked whoring laser and railgun weaponry, A LOT.

...or not. GC2, they got the everliving shit kicked out of them, gave the Earth the finger, and fucked off to their home system.

Unknown whether they'll return at all during GC3, although Ai and a large amount of deserters have remained behind on Earth.


To be edited, but leaving main things up for now. -CE


A catgirl officer who is very experienced in all forms of strategy. Has been kind of a wreck since the destruction of Fortress Indomitable and the loss of her lover, Anton. After being kidnapped by one of the many Johns, her

She has a nice butt, as Mecha-Donkey Kong pointed out in the Grand Campaign.

General Marduk

Feared by his associates, he leads a special operations group of the IAF assigned to the worst possible war zones. His men consist mostly of Imperial Die-hards, 'Re-educated' Criminals, and various other nut-cases and psychopaths. He shows a dislike for incompetent generals, and has no respect for any other than his men and his Emperor. His men, likewise, are wholly devoted to the Imperial Cause, and will lay down their lives in a second if it is for the good of mankind. Marduk is the oldest living General in the IAF, although he refuses to discuss his lengthly term of service with other generals.

A rumor persists that Marduk is mentally unstable, and suffers from psychosis. What is unanimously agreed on, is that although he is unpleasant, he is very good at what he does. (which is being a pretentious dick, lololol

[edit] CONTENT

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