Grand Campaign season 2
From Sprite Wars
Beginning right where the first season ends, the second picks up in its place, after the Helios attack
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Firefox: Storm- Lead by Storm the Fox, Firefox aims for a new order of peace. They're main theme is fire, using an orange color scheme and fire based weapons.
Waffen SS: Solidus- A league of Neo-Nazis under the command of the war hungry Major, the SS command a vast army of werewolves and vampires, all in the desire of a neverending war.
Zombie Horde: Cryptic/Sanjit- The massive hordes of the undead. They are constantly growing stronger, with every being they consume. Their numbers are immense and have several powerful zombies among their ranks.
Holy Union of Goliath: Mouser - Controlled all of Africa. Did not like the Imperium of the Waffen. Teamed up with the BHSU for a brief time before they were overwhelmed and Africa was taken over by outsiders. Famous for their powerful navy.
Cydonian Empire: Glitch- A massive interstellar Empire, the Cydonians seek purity and peace in the universe but are well prepared to fight for this goal. The Empire has many different kinds of units, usually to fit a number of situations. Many of it's COs are CQC types. Cydonians have no particular color scheme for their units, though recent units are white in color, looking sleek and streamlined. The Empire fleet trying to take Earth is commanded by General Kriid
Imperium: Commander Evil- The Imperium seeks a new world order for Earth, an age of peace under their rule. Imperium units are noted for being black/gray in color with some form of red on them. The Imperium's assault force is currently lead by Colonel Ai.
Kuradian_Armed_Forces: Garrick- After fighting bitterly in the last war and going throught all major wars since the second corvolt war and a civil war, they decided to leave earth for Mars togheter with their Mars Bureau founding a new nation. Now, after receiving order no777 they have arrived to pacify Earth, as they, togheter with the remnants of the Terran Defense Authority are the only one that still uphold the Solar Federal Forces' banner and thus they togheter are the legitimate governing authority of the planet. The Kuradians always attempt to be one step ahead of their enemies in terms of raw firepower, manouverability, armor and technology. Always at the price of numbers. Their standard infantryman is superior to the equivalent of other armies. Their main tactics is similar to the Mobile Infantry of Starship Troopers'(novel) fame The TDA is more conventional, but still focused on high technology. The KAF units are Grey/Dark Grey in color while the TDA tends to a golden/desert camo scheme
Voltor_Empire: Skurge - After there fierce battle in the western campaign, the Voltor empire returns to make an apearence in the Grand campaign. Lord Victor's plot is to rule Earth and convert it into another Voltor Colony. Seizing all minerals and killing all opposing forces. Voltor is a force not to be messed with..
BSHU: Rufus - The main communist force in the Grand War that have risen up as a great power and heading the NeoSoviet Union. They show a growing discontent for the war and their former allies and grown only more aggressive toward their enemies and even less merciful.
Former armies
Machine Union: Merku- This army was anxied by Faction IX.
There has been many causes of forum drama during this campaign, such as claims Commander evil The game master is bias and using the campaign as a tool to show off his armies and always win, through CE has openly denied this flat-out.
There also has been a number of inner conflicts one being an event of a CO character being raped, and the excessive use of In context propaganda.
Some of claimed most drama has been caused by CE’s faction attacking others out of bias, and trying to hold there number of victories.
The most recent drama was caused by a comic showing one side of the forum drama, causing some players to argue.