Main Page

From Sprite Wars

Revision as of 12:22, 22 March 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Welcome all to new Sprite Wars wiki. This wiki is intented to make wikipedia style collection of information about Sprite Wars, which we all love and(at some degree) hate. Mostly love, tough. Here are couple of things that should be known.



Admin 22/3/2009

Uploading pics is now not possible. Please see [[1]] for details. Let's try to get this thing up into air again.

To new people

Please register or log in. This will help me a lot to see who wrote what. Of course, this is not required to write articles.

Also, read rules and information how to write articles. Here is the FAQ if you need more information. You should also read this.

Wanted articles

History of Sprite Wars <---Better one needed.

Sprite Wars




Terran Dominion

Featured Articles

The_Mobian_Empire A genocidal pro Mobian government lead by the emperor Shadow.

Sprite wars 2: The Eastern Campaign Series 2 Great campaign!

Grand Campaign season 2 Another great campaign!

New articles

The_Federate_States_of_Armex Member of Sprite Wars

Lord Victor A character in Sprite Wars

Danbucks Danbucks: Somethign worth of fighting

Kugestaldt Republic A Army in Sprite Wars

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