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The world builders where perhaps one of the oldest and most mighty races in the universe, among others. There technology had reached limits, some could never believe. Technology was said to be of creation class and pandiemensional. There people where also immortials and able to become reborn after death, it is unknown how many times this can be done.

Last of the world builders, Ryic and Kulien

Examples of world builder technology.

~Time travel ~Realm skipping ~Perfected AI systems ~Hyper advanced medical research ~Mastery over time and dimensions.

The builders advanced so far, that they grew to become a race of watchers, who swore never to interfere but only to watch on the spheres below them. However they sometimes used there skills to undo damage to the timeline and repair paradoxes.

The homeworld of the builders was known as the gem of the systems, Arcania. As well, as there own world, the builders set up outposts in many planets and dimensional zones. There technology could even allow them to create Artificial planets and Dyson spheres.

The homeworld of Arcania


[edit] Silver Eclipse

Silver Eclipse was a terrorist faction formed by a world builder named Claíomh Solais, who was a wise scientist in his day. He believe the builders should use there power and technology to rule all lower life forms, and use science to create an immortal universe, full of ageless races, and an endless grand empire lead by the world builders.

Many nobles defected over to the silver eclipse movement becoming the inner circle of the group known as the Circle of 15. Even people from other races joined up, such as Mobians, and Elom.

I: Claíomh Solais 2: Kulien Felgard 3: Crocea Mors 4: Balmung 5: Dsku 6: Tyrfing 7: Caliburn 8: Szczerbiec 9: Cyril 10: Durendal 11: Meria 12: Merkirak 13:? ????? 14: ???? 15:Skurge

The group was classed rouge by the Worldbuilder lords, and exiled.

[edit] The great realm war and the end of an era

The day of the builders was to come to an end. When a collective group of powerful assimilating races joined together for a galactic take over of all life in the great systems. This movement became known as O.N.E. over time O.N.E assimilated more advanced races and technology growing into an unstoppable juggernaught that threatened time and space itself.

Due to the danger, the Worldbuilders had no choice but to go to war against O.N.E. This became known as the great realm war. The hubs of O.N.E soon crushed many outposts and drew closer to Arcania. In a last ditch effort to protect all life, the world builders unleashed a powerful Chronological weapon that wiped O.N.E out of the timeline forever, but it came at a cost. The weapon also destroyed the worldbuilders.


(world builders)

Ryic Blackrain Kulien Felgard Claíomh Solais Skurge


Hub 34R Terraforming agent Dae4

[edit] Rise of the circle

Kulien Felgard and Solais met again years later, after Felgard recovered his memories due to hiding out when the war went on. They travelled far across the stars and reunited the surviving circle members. The mission of silver ecilpse was not to change, however now they seen themselves as gods of a new interdiemensional empire, and decided to take over Earth in the late 71st century.

However a band of lone heroes stood together in a last ditch effort to end Solais’s desires for godhood. There names where Ryic Blackrain “Kuliens brother, and a surviving world builder.” Elton Merkuvino III “A time agent from 51st century Mobuis” and a strange agent of an unknown organisation known only as John.

Solais was defeated in a final battle and the circle was finally destroyed. However Kulien and Merkirak fled to the 21st century to try again on Earth, which would soon became the final battlefield between the last of the worldbuilders.

[edit] The 9th order

Kulien after arriving in the 21st century along with Tyrfing deciding the reform the group as the 9th order, and Faction IX Using advanced manipulation to gain combat data and battle tactics they high jacked an existing empire known as the Machine Union.

During this event the 9th order built the Heilos and destroyed Pangera and the Imperiums foothold on Earth. Later once the unions purpose was complete, they disbanded it and showed there new face as Faction IX

During this event, they used fellow member Merkirak who had fallen back in time to the 60s and had to live through the entire 20th and 21st century waiting for his comrades, as a puppet ruler of the new group.

Now Kulien has shown himself as the true ruler of Silver Eclipse and wishes to start his grand empire on Earth. Soon his endgame shall be underway and the new creation project begins.

[edit] The Skurge

The 15th member of circle of 15 known only as Skurge believed that preserving the weaker races of the sprite universe was a waste of there time, constantly implying the other members to obuse there place and allow the world builders to become a dominating empire over other lesser races. Being rejected every time, Skurge remained silent. After the events of O.N.E Skurge betrayed the circle of 15 and stole left of technology from O.N.E's decimated labs. As the members of circle of 15 tried to stop him it was too late, Skurge escaped into a time displacement portal. It is unknown where he is now or what he is upto but it is rumored he is to appear in the next Grand campaign...

Skurge's race is unknown. He is shrouded in mystery. His appearance is a commander hat, with a black gas mask and coat. This shows unique resemblance to a Voltor Empire officer uniform. Skurge's abilities are Darkness manipulation. He is able to shift in the shadows and to make devastating attacks from darkness.

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