Liberators Army

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The Liberators Army is a hard trained army that have a surprisingly high amount of integrity.They cannot stand dictators and armys that slaughter innocents. With high sense of justice and having experienced the horrors of the first wars and battles, they fight bravely and justly.They also follow certain morals and ethics. Many troops would give their lives in order to protect civilians. They also fight for each other in battle as well, showing incredible self sacrifice. They began as a small peace-keeping force in the first seasons it appeared for. In later seasons, it grew and became more well equipped with improved Solider and vehicle units. It still maintains its image as a shield of the people and its allies, despite its growth.



Captain Briano Barillaro The main character and a representation of the member of the forum, Briano is the famed, well trained, decorated Captain of the Liberators Army. A well trained solider of the Liberators, Briano received extensive training as a cadet and a recruit. He had risen threw the ranks as a renowned individual, and was even offered the position of General in his military carer, but turned it down so that he can fight along side his men. He cares for the soldiers he commands in battle, and he is an experienced combatant. He hails from Surrey British Columbia, Canada. He fought hard in many battles, but prefers to use force as a last resort if given the chance. He suffers from chronic depression due to the guilt of losing his men in battle, but trys not to let it distract him from his duties. His choice weapon are two Submachine guns and a switch-blade in the heel of his combat boot. He dose own a Bren Light Machine gun that once belonged to his uncle, but only rarely uses it. Another weapon he was recently seen with is a M249 Squad automatic weapon that was specially issued to him. He also has some (if somewhat limited) knowledge on piloting aircraft. Briano cares deeply about Vivian, his girlfriend and fellow comrade in the Liberators.


1st Lieutenant Vivian Churchill

Briano's childhood friend and fellow solider, Vivian has become a well trained solider. Like Briano, Vivian also hails from British Columbia. Vivian cares a lot for Briano. The two of them are almost always seen together, including on the battlefield. Vivian joined the Liberators becuse of her desire to protect people. She is kind hearted, and in battle, a cappabule fighter. Her choice weapon is a AR-10 assault rifle with grenade launcher attachment, but also likes the FN P-90. She also wields a melee weapon called a Tonfa, simaler to police issue nightsticks, except weilded in pairs. She owns a personel, computerized H.U.D. that was given to her by Briano. She is descended from British military great,Winston Churchill. Vivian is engaged to be married to Briano, this engagement happening in the Grand campaign.

General of the Army Matthew

Briano's close friend, Matthews strategic skills, military knowledge and bravery had allowed him to become the five star general of the Liberator army. Briano and Matthew had been thru many battles during their years as enlisted men. He's known to be able to analiys a battlefield for information thru forensics and deductive reasoning. He can tell the personality of a enemy casualty just by personal effects, what his shoe size was and his stomic contents. He earn the the Rank of "General of the Army" (the highest decorated rank of general) durring a covert mission against the Terren dominion (TD)with Briano and Vivian and a squad of Liberator troops. Durring the mission Matthew was captured with two other soilders under his command by the Vilot wolf army (VWA). One soilder was killed saving Matthew from death by leaping infront of a bullet from a VWA soilder. One of the automatons, touched by the selflessness of the soilder who was shot, turrned on his comrads and swore alligence with the Liberators. Matthew then orderd the remaining soilder and the droid (which introduced itself as Scythe) eluded capture and found Briano's and Vivian's squad. While inrout to a rondivue point with Liberator Rangers, they discoverd some VWA troops preparing to excicute civilian prisoners. The Liberators intervined and saved all prisoners, but sustained casulties. Fortunetly the Rangers arrived and nutrlized the remaining enemy forces. Briano, Vivian and Matthew were given comendations for General positions, but only Matthew accepted the position. Briano was promoted from Staff Sergent to Captain and Vivian from Sergent to 1st Lieutenant.

Brigadier General Alie

Matthews Sister, Alie is a very brave and cappabule girl. She joined the Liberators shortly after Matthew did. Matthew trys to keep her out of harms way, for she almost died on a mission with him on hill 400. Once he was made General of the Army, he made Alie a Brigadier General to keep her safe. She, however insists on going into battle periodically. Alie deeply loves Matthew. She's just as smart as Matthew, thowe isn't as level headed or as calm as Matthew.

2nd Lieutenant Alexis Alexis joined the Liberators after she lost her family and a friend were killed in a artillery attack on her hometown. She then joined the Liberators and became a top solider and hand-to-hand combatant. Her drive and combat expertise allowed her to rise thru the ranks to become a 2nd Lieutenant.During her tour of duty as an enlisted solider, she met Dianna, whose personality resembled that of her old friend Jillian. They both became inseparable. She is ussually bad tempered, sarcastic and is ruthless in combat, was known to shoot the limbs of prisoners that anger her.Durring a combat mission with Dianna, both her legs were shot and she was dragged to safty while still firing her weapon at the enemy.

2nd Lieutenant Dianna After losing her brother to the war and conflict (her brother was a resistance fighter), Dianna discovered the existence of the Liberators Army and joined as an enlisted solider. With her passion to become as good a solider as her brother she managed to earn the position of 2nd Lieutenant. Soon after her commendation was made and she became 2nd Lieutenant, she met Alexis. They soon grew attached to one another and eventually developed a deep, romantic affection with one another. Aside from being a good soilder, she is also an accomplished mech pilot, and usully pilots a standard RK-56 walker. She is Alexis's complete oppisit, being kind, carring and sincer. She saved Alexis durring a mission in which Alexis took buillets to her legs.

Dorangonnosuke-san Developed by a top-secret, freelance, military hardware development facility, Dorangonnosuke-san was developed as a multi-role military robot, and is by far the most destructive, powerful force in the Liberators army. Dorangonnosuke-san is an advanced AI that is capable of leaning and evolving. Affectionately known as suke-san by the COs and the troops, Dorangonnosuke-san is one of the most predominant givers of morale in the Liberators army. Even when the soldiers of the Liberators are in the most seemingly futile battle, just by the sight of Dorangonnosuke-san can cause the morale of the troops to sky rocket wither or not suke-sanis laying down fire. The increased morale boosts Liberator ranks and combat efficiency. He is commonly seen with Briano and Vivian. He seems to have some connection with The Guardian (a.k.a. The Dark Guardian) of the Abyss of Darkness army (information regarding the connection is mostly speculation at this time). It's believed that the two were constructed together. Dorangonnosuke-sans evolving AI is so advanced that some abilities, found in humans may be acquired. (Its not confirmed nor denied that he can use a form of Berserker mode like the CO's can use). He remembers a girl that he was friends with in his past her name is Reina, a former employee of the military development facility that created himself and the Dark Gaurdian.

Scythe Scythe is a mechanized solider of the Liberators. He is a strong headed droid and is the leader of the all A.A.S.U. squadron: The 145th Droid guard. He was once a VWA Droideka seris battle droid, but turned against his former comrades to save Matthew.

Anthany An old friend of Brianos, Anthany used to serve three years as Navy SEAL and two years as a Marine. Close to the end of his second year as a marine, he was sent on a dangerous mission as 2nd in command of his platoon. Unfortunately, their situation was compromised during the mission and most of the platoon was killed. Only Anthany and one other marine, an old school chum of his, survived and were taken prisoner. They were then subjected to painfully unimaginable torture. Their bodies were strained beyond human endurance, and the both of them were slowly dieing after five days of almost non-stop torture. A special OPS team was sent to rescue them, although the mission was a success, Anthany and his friend were at an inch from death once they were taken back to HQ. A cybernetics surgery was required quickly if the two of them were to survive. The cyberization was a success. Anthanys body was reconstructed and given cybernetic equipment. He is well known in the Liberators as being an expert sniper and swordsmen, and holds the rank of Major.

Shane (Resigned) An old school mate of Anthanys, Shane joined a Marine Corps and after years of training and missions done, became an elite trooper. He was eventually reunited with his old school friend Anthany. They operated in several missions together, and soon became experienced marine troops. On the last mission as marines, their situation was compromised, resulting in their capture and the deaths of their comrades. Shane was given grueling torture, and during the second week was given horrendous damage to his hands, feet and face. After the special OPS rescued Anthany and Shane, the two of them were given the cyberization surgery as soon as they got back to marine HQ. The operation was successful. Shanes hands, feet and face were heavily cyberized. Now unable to use conventional weapons, Shane soon became an experienced hand to hand combatant, and is an Officer cadet, the lowest Officers position in the Liberators. Durring the Liberators Conflict with the SS, Shane resigned from the Liberators to live out the rest of his life in peace, as he was growing tired of the constant conflict.

Blade A being from an alternate dimension who has just seen peace from years of war, Blade was a top solider withen the "mon military forces". Once the war was over, he and his girl friend, Naiona, spent thier time working with science experiments. Upon discovering the universe in which the Sprite Wars has taken place, he at first didn't want to interfere with the goings on in the sprite war. But due to Naiona's persistant's, Blade decides to go ahead and join the fray with Naiona. Blade is very warrior/samurai like in personality. Has insectioed characteristics. His skin consists of an unkown metal element, that provieds cosiderabule protection, thowe is susceptible to fire and heat. Has excalent combat reflexes and amazing speed. Thowe he can fly a bit, his wings are actually used for regulating body temprature. He can morph his pincers into hands but prefers to keep them in the form of pincers.

Naiona A being form a alternet universe. A usually gental and kind hearted individual, Naiona has been in many battles with Blade in their dimension. After the war in their universe and the many science exparaments they've conducted, they discover the Sprite War. Naiona sees Vivian in danger and insists that she and Blade help. After considering, Blade agrees. The two of them finally decide to try and aid the Liberators during this time of conflict. Naiona has phycich abillitys and can levitate above the ground. Naiona can also teleaport, see into the future, scence emotions and read minds, some of these ability's cause fatige when in prolonged use. She is a proficient user of side arms, thowe uses her phycich abillitys most of the time. They have prepared and are now ready. Her favorite sidearms are a Pair of Colt 45's, a Pair of Desert Eagles (or Deagles) and and a pair of Glock 18 machine pistols (Her only automatic weapons). She also owns a Colt Python Revolver.

Luka Luka is and AI that controls the Liberators mobile weapons platform that possesses a cannon that can transform from a supper heavy duty artillery gun cappabule of hitting targets halfway across the world, to a heavy duty beam cannon that can down multiple capital spaceships in medium earth orbit. Other weapons include AA guns, missile, tubes rail guns and possesses advanced radar. Its also rumored that Luka possesses a wormhole generation drive in order to traverse contaminants, even other planets and star systems. The only problem with the system is that it uses naquadria (or liquid naquada) generators to do so, which can be highly unstable if not properly calibrated and calculated. Luka also has a shield system to protect him self from orbital attacks from space ships, but the protection it gives can only last 7 minutes or so. Never the less, Luka is a true force to be reckoned with.

Recurring Charicters

Thier are several key charicters that show up now and again in the Liberators storyline. They are listed below:

Private Braburn Private Walter Braburn is one of the Anti-vehical specalists in the Liberators Alpha company. He was born and raised in NewYork City and is an accomplished tank hunter. His primary weapons are made up of either a LAW Bazooka or an eary model RPG-7, and finaly his sidearm. He speaks with a thick Brooklyn accent. His closest friend is Private McKlowskie, whom he meet as a cadet.

Private McKlowskie Private Sam McKlowskie is a Support gunner who specalizes in machienguns. He was born in Tenassy. His friend is Private Walter Braburn.

Tank commander Sergeant Welsh Welsh is a tank commander of a Bullchan class tank and as a part of the Liberators 111th armored tank divisson. Welsh was born in Londen Englind, comming from a family with a pristigus military history. He joined the Liberators Tank Corps and had become famous for his daring acts and that of his crew. One such case was when durring a tank battle the main gun and turret were distroyed and he and his crew were wounded, they continued fighting with a 50cal machinegun, sidearms and the machineguns on the tank, fending off light armored vehicals and infantry.

Tank driver Peas One of Welsh's crew members, Peas is the tank driver of a Bullchan tank. He drives the tank and operates the main cannon. He is a good driver but can be difficult to work with, under any circumstances. He tends to be Sarcastic and rude. He was born in a town in Scotland and speaks with a thick accent.

Tank gunner Jack Jack is the 3rd member of Welsh's tank crew. He operates secondary weapon systems, Countermeasures and is incharge of repair. He has a wry, chipper attitude and speaks matter-of-factly, ussuly stating obvius facts. He was born in one of Irlend's outer townships.


[Liberator units[1]]

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(More information to be added,thank you for your patience)

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