Waffen SS Werewolf Army

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A recurring army created by Soldus and one the major forces within the Grand Campaign


The Major

“Gentlemen, I like war, I love war. I like genocide, I like Blitzkrieg, I like aggressive war, I like defensive war, I like sieges, I like breaking through, I like withdraw, I like cleaning up, I like retreating. In the moors, on the highways, in trenches, in plains, in mud, in marshes. I love every aspect of war that takes place on Earth.” ~Majors famous war speech

An army made up of renegade SS turned vampire and werewolf, there dream is to create a world of everlasting war and battle. They have no morals or regard of life, and will gun down everything for the fun of it.

They have been in battle with the Cyber empire The Firefox, the Imperium and many other forces during the events of the Grand Campaign. They have also recently signed an allience with the Voltor_Empire and a few other infamous characters.

Solidus´ CO's

The Major - Leader of the army, being a great strategist, he knows how to act and make a great attacks, after living trough many battles, he wants to enjoy war one more time...

The Captain - Always silent and mysterious, The Captain always accompanies The Major being his body guard. He also posses high pain tolerance and reflex, as high regeneration abilities. It's unknown why he serves The Major and what his true motives are. It is also believed that his a telepath since he never speaks

The Doc - The so called "Mad Scientist", his the one who made the "Project: Vampires" come to life, his favourite hobby is making sick experiments on people.

Schrodinger - The warrant officer in the army. It's unknown what he truly is, and how he came to be, it's believed that he's one of the Doc's experiment's. One of his abilities to be "everywhere and nowhere", it's believed that he can move through dimensions, he is also immortal and can't be killed by any weapon.

Solidus - His name is shrouded in mystery. He seems to be a ghost of wich the Major and Doc constantly talk about. Expert in CQC.

General Gebbel - The 4th in Command to The Major. It's believed that he is a corpse from WWI that was reanimated by the Doc. Like Wulfart his serves The Major with loyalty an trust.

Herman Von Klempt - One of the "SS Einstein" divisions members. His body was destroyed in an accident an the only thin' that survived was his head which was put in jar to keep him alive. His the 2nd in command of the research team an is one of Doc's old friends

Professor Zemph -another member of the "SS Einstein" division. He was also the 1st test subject who particaped in Von Klempts an the Doc's experiment of splicing vampire an werewolf genes with human ones. This granted him super human strength, speed, agility an etc. His body changed as well becoming more strong. But after a explosion in the lab, Zemphs face got badly messed up so he wears a gasmask all the time so no one could see his messed up face

Vasilij´s CO´s

Vasilij - Newly recruited, Vas is an old-time friend of Solidus. He hasn’t been seen yet, but is believed to be a husky with super natural abilities, such as great speed.

Fatman - [ DECEASED ]

Airborne - [ DECEASED]

Decoy Octopus - Newcomer, not much is known about this mysterious man. It has been shown that he is a master of disguise. His able to imitate looks, smell, voice, personal emotions, styles (walking etc) and is able to mimic the hosts blood.

Officer Wulfart - Die hard nazi. A master with blades. Wields two wrist blades. Isn’t human, nor vampire or werewolf. Believed to be a some kind of ancient mummy.


Veterans - WW2 veterans turned in to vampires. Armed with MP44

Conscripts - Soldiers armed with Kar98k, Gewehr 43, MP40, MG-34

Super Soldat - half human half machine. They were created as the perfect soldier and are the Doc's second best project (the 1st was "Project Vampire"), they can't be killed my normal weapons such as SMG's or MachineGuns. They are also armed with heavy Venom guns.

Elite Soldiers - The Major's elite soldiers who are only on his zeppelin. They are armed with Ak-47 and are believed to be true werewolfs

Venom Troopers - The finest. These are VERY tough, I repeat, VERY TOUGH! They are rather tactical, and use their skills in field combat. Armed with MP40, Flamethrowers and Venom guns ( Small Vulcan cannon ).

X - Creatures - Not much is known about the so called "X - Creature" project.

Para - Troopers - These are one of the elite squads gathered by Vasilij and Solidus. They drop down on certain locations from planes and Zeppelins. Armed with MP40 and other weaponry.


Warmachine - The ultimate zeppelin. State of the art technology. It takes some serious fire damage to take one of these out. There´s also a flagship that I DO NOT WANT TO GET SHOT DOWN!

Zeppelin - Old time zeppelins, fished up from old Nazi supplies.

Kirov - Russian model zeppelin, got some serious firepower, yo!


Fortress Wolfenstein



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