Triax Commonwealth
From Sprite Wars
One of Mikes Armies used in Sprite_Wars_2:_Western_Campaign
Triax Commonwealth
|thumb|right|From Henry Sopots famous speech]]
“The world has abandoned us. We fight alone against an insidious enemy. An enemy that will destroy the Commonwealth.”
Bio:the Traix Commonwealth was founded during the first terraformings of mars. The federation first started out as a terraforming colony with roughly 500 people. After the first terraforming was complete and living organism can now walk on the planet's surface without the use of space suits humanity began moving there overcrowded world to the colonies and Mars. Soon after that Mobains and another race the Sabran (Cybernetically engineered furries) Were discovered when space probes were sent further into space thanks to technical advancements. Once then the three species worked on more advanced technology ranging from Warships, the Nexus orbital defence Ring, and Maser/particle beam technology. Soon the Commonwealth is one of the 3 of the largest colonial forces on Mars. There orders are to defend the people of mars and earth no matter the cost.
Head COs:
Michael: a Husky type mobain and head commander of the Commonwealth military. His goal is to defend the sol system and keep the peace with humans and other species.
Other COs:
Mike: A crazy mad scientist with a heart of gold. He's responsible for most of the triax raider's weaponry
Max Piston: Not alot is known about him. and looking at him body He's not a mobain. nor a human. Although he say he's from another world of cybernetic furs.
Karen: Female member and Michael's Girlfreind
Zod: Leader of the steel soliders. A harden robot vetern that fought many wars and now he's under Michael's command.
Brad: A modified standred unit and a skilled dropship pilot. Although he sometimes slacks off and goes on a rocket fuuel drinking binge. He's Allan's best freind
Allan: A modded standred unit with human like eyes. He tends to get in trouble with brad. He is also a dropship navigator and always pair up with Brad.
Julen: The federation's skilled Knightmare frame pilot. She is known as "The Butcher" due to her very violent fighting style. She has been endowned with a new type of knightmare.
Treiz: Treiz is a Mobain sythetic War doll Android. Build as not only as a personnel body guard unit, But a very effective commander. He is equiped with "Genecide mode" that targets all enemy units and kills them in a quick descreat fashion.
Wolf Bronski: A human exoframe trooper that pilots and thunderhammer exoframe. He's trigger happy in occasions and loves to eat. Sadly he also has bad manners (ie likes to burp alot)
Jennifer "silhouette" Steel: A female Exo-frame Jockey. She is highly trained in hand to hand combat and weapons training. She's a very skilled Exo-Frame pilot and pilots a heavy modified Lancer E-frame.
Alec Deleon: A E-frame trooper and cheif intellegance officer. If it wasn't for this guy Jennifer's squad would be deaf and blind. This guy can hack into any system and cause some rucause in computer, communication, and intellegance wise for the enemy.
Alex Knife: Another creature from the same world as Max. Like Max he's a cybernetic fur as well. Though farther in the process than Max. His body been heavily modified for faster agility and nerve ready dexterity, and quick reflexes.
Soliders: Normal grunts equiped with NVGs and autocannon rifles
Amored troopers: Soliders given some genetically enhancements. These soliders are normal grunts that seen action for a long time making them more experienced in battle.
Vampire armor soliders: Soliders equiped with the Vampire Power armor system.
Steel soliders: Robots made to fight along side humans and mobains. there battle ready and can keep fighting and won't stop ever till they destroy or crush the enemy base
Shock Marines: cybernetically made warriors from the same planet as Max. these warriors are highly train and very dangerous.
Neo-Sapian troopers: Neo-Sapains were first use in Colonising the planet Mars as cloned workers. Most countries on the mars surface treated them Like 2nd class citizens, but the commonwealth treated them like normal creatures. Due to this the Neo-sapains made a brotherhood bond to the commonwealth. These soliders were genetically engineered meaning that one dies they can just clone ten more in his place. Most military neo-sapaians are Male. There are females as well. These guys have the strength of 10 normal men and are as powerful as power armor. These guys are not easy to take down and on groups could throw even medium armored Tanks.
Dreanought: shock marines are loyal till death and even in death they can live in a dreadnought body crushing there enemies into bit size peices.
Exterminator Exo-Frame: The very first 3rd series E-frames. This unit is armed with a Exo-chain gun, and a eletric bolt cannon.
ThunderHammer Exo-Frame: Heavier and more armoed than the Exterminator. This E-frame was made for heavy assaults and fighter destroyers. Although ammunition is a problem so only the experienced E-frame pilots dare to use this one. Also it's armed with laser cannons, Missles , and a Grapple arm.
Lancer Exo frame: The pinicle of choice for squadron leaders and COs. the Lancer is a areial assault master. It's armed to the teeth with missle, particle cannons, and a Exo-Chain gun mark II. This baby unlike other E-frames is fast and well armored making it diffuclt to shoot it down.
Defender Destroid: the first of the Destroid mecha line. This unit is armed with 4 gat cannons. This unit is perfect for holding the defensive line or Anti-air defense.
phalanx Destroid: A variant of the destroid line. This baby fires powerful Long range missles at the enemy making it a perfect unit to soften up the defenses of the enemy base for raids.
Tomahawk destroid: This destroid is the main battle destroid of all destroid ground forces. it's armed with particle beam guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, Missle, and flamethrowers. Enough firepower to get the job done and then some. Also it have heavier armor than most destroids.
Shiker Knightmare frame: the latest mecha unit for the commonwealth. A high speed, well armored, and very dangerous mecha. This unit is eqiuped with a standred Anti-personnel machine gun and 2 Slash Harkens (wired rocket anchors). the slash harkens is a multi-purouse tool that can be used in various ways from getting up a mountain to anti-air/vehicle defense. it can be also armed with a assault rifle and rocket launcher.
Fragger: A advanced Combat Mecha Made to combat Larger mech units. It's system is a fully modular combat system allowing it to equipe itself with many onboard weapon system.
T-5A MBT: the pride and joy of the Triax Commonwealth. This multi fuctional tank is armed with two machine guns and a 90 mm tank cannon. the squad Commander version is modified for better speed, more armor, and two 90 mm guns.
ZS-34 Tank: A light tank with a cannon for use against infantry and aircraft. The unit has the ability to dig a bit into the ground and transform into a stationary turret to take on aircraft, infantry, and light armored vehicles as a defense building.
R-45 assault VTOL: A fast VTOL craft armed and ready for airstrikes and to assist ground forces. The commander type has dual engines and more armor and weapons.
Viper: A medium and main multi-purpose fighterplane for the Commonwealth. This unit can fight in space and atmosphere combat.
Tigershark: . A large spaceship now modified with anti-gravity thrust engines for use in the atmosphere. One of the many ships in the strike fleet.
Exo-carrier: Large space vehicles made to harbor mechs, fighters, and Exo-Frames. There firepower matches 2 destroyers and are armed with Homing Lasers.\\