Main Page
From Sprite Wars
Welcome all to new Sprite Wars wiki. This wiki is intented to make wikipedia style collection of information about Sprite Wars, which we all love and(at some degree) hate. Mostly love, tough. Here are couple of things that should be known.
To new people
Please register or log in. This will help me a lot to see who wrote what. Of course, this is not required to write articles.
Also, read rules and information how to write articles. Here is the FAQ if you need more information. You shoudl also read this.
Writing articles
I got couple of questions, how to add new articles. To be honest, I too didn't know at first. Here is solution.
First, type the name you want to make into search box. When you get message "No page with (link)this exact title(end of link) exists, trying full text search. ", click the link. it will redirect you to the edit page, where you can make new article. Sorry for all those who spend time because of this.
Wanted articles(will be updated)
History of Sprite Wars <---Better one needed.
Articles about armies and members