
From Sprite Wars

Revision as of 15:32, 8 August 2009 by MadJackalPrime (Talk | contribs)
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MadJackalPrime (just MJP or Prime for short) is a fairly new arrival to the Sprite Wars forums. His current (and only) army is a Mercenary syndicate called Mad Jackal PMC's.

[edit] About Him

Prime's interests include Video Games (preferably "violent ones without any of that strategic rubbish"), Science Fiction, Military Technology, Comic Books, Mechs, War, Firearms, and Spriting - hence the reason he joined Sprite Wars, which contains all of these things and more.

He often sprites things in his spare time, mostly customs based on whatever he is interested in at the time, and while not up to the standard of some of the people on SW, he's a decent enough spriter provided he can make the effort.

His home country of England is in the UK, and he takes great patriotic pride in this, not least because of the UK's Special Forces unit, the Special Air Service, which is considered to be among the most elite in the world and acted as inspiration for Prime (his main character) and, to an extent, his PMC's new look.

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