Tundra Territories
From Sprite Wars
Revision as of 13:04, 12 April 2009
Tundra Territories (also spelled Tundran) is an army played by Mandemon in current Western Campaing. Altough its inspiration comes from Battalion Wars serie (most notably first game), it has evolved into different type of nation.
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A nation of North, with long imperial history. Recently power sifted from iron grip of Tsar Gorgi to reformist Marshall Nova(Neither which will appear in campaing). This also lead rise of lower classes, as it was now possible for non-noble to be promoted to officer. Tundrans are highly territorial and what they lack in advanced, weapon they take back sheer spirit.
Their technology is little bit old, based on old farming vehicled. This can be seen most clearly in theri recon vehicle, which is basicly tractor with new engine. On the other hand, Tundran Battlestaion is the most powerful tank in the world.
Tundra Territories controls north-western area of modern Russia. It borders F.S.A to west, U.S.A.E to east and Sovernia to south. It's climate is very cold due to the climate change.
Tundra Territories appears in form of 7th Army. Three officrs are highlighted and promoted to CO status.
General Tatarin He's from old noble family and was made officer by birthright. He is extremely nationalist, which inspires his men to great courage and action. Dispate this, he lack of patience to consider enemy forces and has tendency to think that "will overcomes power". He has befriended with colonel Bulba, and dispate being higher ranking, listens to his advices when it comes to battle plans. Prefers to lead battles from Battlestation. He is also commander of 7th Army.
Colonel Bulba One of the new generation of officers. Unlike Tatarin, he thinks before acting but in turn, men don't respect him as much. He commands inteligence branch has more detailed information about enemy and can plan more carefully. He was first worried how Tatarin would react to him, but two have now become good friends. He plans, Tatarin leads.
Colonel Olga Vladistok Recently graduated officer. Shares same rank as Bulba. She is a rare exception among mostly male officers. She is not nationalist as Tatarin, but neither planner like Bulba. She is more somewhere middle of those two. What makes her different than two others is that she is by-the-book officer. To her, rule book=Bible. Altough she is no doubt good officer, her attitude makes her sometimes annoying. Still, for some reason, soldiers keep trying to get her to date. With little succeess, usualy.
Tundran Army
Core of the Tundran Army. Whenever it will be piloting Gunship to manning Battlestation, you can expect to meet Grunts. They are armed with AK-47 and other weapons depending their job.
Light tank
Excatly want name says. Lightly armor, light weapons, speed to outrun your everyday tank. They are so light, that they can be transported inside Transports. They are manned by single soldier.
Medium Tank
New tank for TA. Since old Main Battle Tank was easy target for fast moving enemy, TA wanted a new tank that could be used as a frontline tank, yet still fast enough to be difficult target. Engineers stripped Heavy tank from some of it's armor, redesinged the barrel and gajavascript:insertTags('\ ==%20','%20==\ ','Headline%20text');ve it wheels instead of tracks. Result was Medium tank, tank with speed and firepower.
Heavy tank
Short war with F.S.A showed that old Main Battle tanks were slow and easy targets, despie theyr armor and weaponry. They were replaced with Medium tanks, but old tanks weren discarded. They serve now as a heavy support in defence and attack.
Take Mammoth tank from C&C. Now make four times faster and you get Tundran Battlestation. One of the mighties weapon on Earth. Having four MG in front, other four on back, one on top and twin cannons to blast anything, it's a Tundran version of "Hell on Earth". To make matters worse for enemy, it has one of thickes armor on world. Favored by field commanders.
Basicly just a tractor with new engine and better plating. Usualy manned by driver and passenger.
Fast moving, long ranged and deadly piece of machinery. Artirellys mobilety makes it ideal for quick deployment, but it's useless without defence.
Missile / AA
Same as Artirelly, just with capabelity to shoot down air craft and bombard larger areas.
Tundran Air Force
Fighter MK I
Fast and reliable, Mi-1 (Mikhal-I) lacks armament. Sure, it can hold its own against enemy but it would rather have superior numbers before attacking.
Fighter MK II
Mikhal-II, AKA Mi-2 is new fighter that is being tested. It combines speed of Mi-1 with more firepower. Tradeoff is the agility, but that doesn't matter. Mi-2 is a fighter for support, not offense. Just like Mi-1.
Who wanted this place leveled? Tundran Bomber can hold one of the largest payload of bombs and it can even old it's own against attackers thanks to it's turret. Still, it needs assistance from fighters when moving enemy controlled areas.
Chopper for combat. Armed with missiles and two machineguns. Interestingly, it has one turret on back.
Transport chopper
Tundrans noticed that they need something to quicly move their troops. Gunships were good at moving tanks and small number of troops, but what if they needed to move large number of troops? Answer was to take shipping container, make it little bit smaller, add two motors and Gunship cockpit. Result is Tundran Transport chopper. It can hold light tank and around 10 soldiers, or container full of soldiers.