Voltor Empire

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[[Image:New_voltor_sig.PNG|The Voltor army Picture by Skurge himself]]  
Voltor is an army played by [[Skurge]] and is notable for being the most custom army in [[Sprite wars]]
Voltor is an army played by [[Skurge]] and is notable for being the most custom army in [[Sprite wars]]

Revision as of 09:22, 7 January 2008



The Voltor army Picture by Skurge himself

Voltor is an army played by Skurge and is notable for being the most custom army in Sprite wars


Lord Victor:Lord Victor

Victor is the Lord Master of the entire Voltor Army. He gained his rank for countless victories and ensuring the domination of hundreds of planets. Victor's intelligence is higher than most, but his Voltorian instincts sometimes cloud his judgment. He derives from the Grunt species of the Empire. What Victor doesn't make up for in kindness he makes up for in strength, and Victor is the least kindest of them all. His personal weapon is the Dark Matter Cannon which forms from a metalloid substance from under his skin. Victor is very short tempered and is easily frustrated.

Meta Victor: Meta Victor is the result of Lord Victor suffering major damage. To ensure than Victor will remain in combat, the Voltor encase Victor in a Voltor Alloy suit while he recovers from his injuries. The Meta Victor form is only temporary as he will recover and go back to his Lord Victor form. The Meta suit grants Meta Victor some additional powers and abilities. Inferno Punch, Meta Blade and many more. He is impervious to fire arms, explosives, flame and shrapnel. His weakness lies in Plasma or energy weapons.

General Benny: Lord Victor's little brother. But Benny is anything but little. He's incredibly tough and eats a twice as much as the average Brute. He wields mostly his own mini-cannon and his combat suit. Benny surprisingly always finds a way to escape.

Mistress Shrapnul: Mistress Shrapnul is Voltor's leading weapons and technology commander. She provides the best weapons available and research for the Empire. Though she is loyal to her superiors she can be a bit of a nut case when she has control of certain situations.

Colonel Bloke: Bloke is a mysterious-silent type. Always on alert and very cautious of his surroundings. Bloke is an excellent marksman only matched by his driving skill. He is in command of espionage and Special Forces, usually undergoes stealth and reconnaissance missions.

Commando Slaurga: Commando Slaurga is Voltor's leading soldier, usually taking on the brute force method of attack. He charges in battle blindly and thirsts for blood. Slaurga is a tough one but doesn't think before he acts. He gained his rank when proving a very useful warrior to Voltor and essentially turning the tide of the battle.


The Voltor empire is one of the most oldest races in the universe. There home world is distant and there Empire is stretched very far throughout the sprite universe.

There Empire is the most barbaric and dominating force to be known. The Voltor Empire is also renown for the thirst for conflict. The enemy galaxies are considered "Conflict farms" as they invade for the sole purpose of preventing inner conflict. Conquests emerge when the Voltor Empire is in need of resources, territory, bragging rights, new technology (this will very gathered on intelligence).

STRENGTHS The Voltor Empire has powerful weapons and brutal warriors who only fight harder when wounded. There troops will charge into battle if the idea looks good, they will almost always be unmatched in close quarters combat.. There sheer force is devastating.

WEAKNESSES The Voltor do however only really cower and retreat when either there numbers are running rapidly low. Or there squad leader dies. The Voltor don't use tactics as often for they prefer to charge into battle blindly.


Voltorians are rarely known to make Alliances with different races. Ceasefires maybe, but long term Alliances are just unheard of. The Voltor have made many temporary Alliances with the Shadow Empire for the purpose of trade or simply a common agenda.

The Voltorians find it easier to make enemies than friends, mainly because they don't see most as being worthy enough.


Grunts Voltor Grunts- Armed to the teeth these guys excel weapons. They're mindless warriors who will do anything for a kill.

Voltor Brute trooper- Tough but dim-witted, these guys are usually armed with slug weaponry.

Brute chain gunna- A brute with a chain gun.

attack dogs- A voltorian dog that is alot larger and alot more savage, bad eye sight, but excellent smell sense.

Voltor Zombies- Fallen warriors that were converted into the undead by Voltor's bio weapons- Zombie gas.

Voltor Migits- Small and fierce troops, these guys are equipped with usually crude weapons of the Voltor. Often used as cannon-fodder. These guys are fast as well

Voltor gun ho- holds two boltor's and smokes, careless fighters.

Fly boyz- Migits with junky jet packs that swarm skies using bombs and rifles.

Voltor bezerkers- There war hungry troops that prefer close and personal action on enemies, improvise with melee weapons.

SLAUGHTER GUARD- Professional killers armed with the best of voltor weapons, dressed in dark trench coats with gas masks with the fearsome glowing red eyes. There tough and survived many battles.

Voltor Scorcher- There armed with flame throwers and dressed in orange hazard suits. these are dangerous.

Voltor stinga'z- Voltorian Slaughterguardsmen armed with a stinger rocket launcher, capable of locking on targets.

Voltor Slaughter guardsmen- Armed with DM grenades and Slug Boltor's these troops are very commonly seen in battles.

Voltor Slaughter Brutes- Armed with a DM rifle these guys are very tough and alot more intelligent that the usual Brutes.

Migit Slaughterguardsmen- Small but deadly- armed with riot shields and shot guns these guys are quite devastating.

Voltor Chain gunna- Armed with a Voltor chain gun these guys are for crowds.

Voltor slaughter snipers- Sneaky and sharp, armed with a sniper rifle.

Voltor Assassin- used for stealth missions armed with knives and sniper rifles, these guys are like ninja's!

Voltor Juggernaughts- Only seen with commanding officers, armed with a heavy Boltor packed with a grenade launcher.


armoured car- A voltorian mini tank that has a turret on top, it can also carry about 5 troops.

Dark matter tank- A large tank that fire Dark matter lasers. Very deadly but slow.

Dreadnaught tank- large tanks with a gunner and a big cannon, slow but powerful

Stinga tank- armed with 12 missile launchers these babies can fire several missiles in one area causing devastating damage, though slow to reload and to mobilize.

Flame tank- A big tank that shoots flame, strong vs infantry, but the destruction of it can be big.

Kalasha can- a small easy to deploy machine gun turret, operated by one voltorian this thing can mow down infantry.

Marauda bikes- commonly used in raids and ambushes these guys are fast and effective, but weak defence.

Raptor bike- A Hover biker that shoots lasers (or bullets) fast and used by Slaughter guardsmen.

Reaper mech- Armed with big chain guns, these babies are very powerful.

Siege walker- Used to siege cities and complexed areas, commonly used for mobilize hq's.

Slaughter droids- Fast and deadly, armed with a buzz saw and laser gun these things fly the skies, can be deployed by Shade bombers and foot soldiers.

Stinga truck- A truck used to fire missiles at long distances. Though slow and weak.

Voltor APC- An armoured personal carrier that carries a gunner on top and capable of carrying troops.

Battle master tank- A common tank in the voltor army, with spikes at front and a cannon and gunner. a well equipped tank.

Voltor Battle bikers- Used for small and quick attacks, armed with a portable laser gun.

Doom buggy- a Buggy that carries 3 troops. one emplacement gun on top.

Dread tank- a large tank that is commonly used as a portable HQ. Two cannons on top and railings for soldiers.

Voltor Humvee- A regular Humvee used by Voltor.

Voltor mech- A mech armed with boosters and a chain gun plus a buzz saw hand.

Voltor pounder- A large artillery, fires in large distances.

Voltor "Mantacore" Battle mech, It's got large DM cannons, Strong Voltor regenerating armor and jump jets.


Parana- A jet ski used by Voltor soldiers.

U boat- a small U boat duh.

Patrol boat- a small ship that is used for patrols on open seas or rivers etc.

Voltor battle ship- A large battle ship that holds 3 large cannons and Flak cannons, also a heli pad.

Voltor Sub- a sub with torpedoes and missiles.


" The Bulk" Victor's very own Flag ship, a massive ship armed to the teeth that includes space for other ships, not to mention a huge volt cannon capable of levelling large ships. The Bulk is a very large ship that stands out compared to others, it's incredibly strong and hardly any attacks pierce it. It's been known that it had one captain, Victor.

Carrier- A huge ship capable of carrying fighters and bombers etc, also able to repair. Armed with many weapons

Battle ship- A space ship that is used to fight enemies.

Destroyer- a smaller version of a battle ship

Monolith- A cruiser often carries drop ships and supplies, relatively armed.

Shade bomber- A 3 man bomber capable of super sonic speed. Armed with 16 bombs and a gun turret above, this thing is very deadly.

Voltor fighter- A small one man fighter that shoots missiles and Dark matter rays, very commonly used.

Dreadglyder- a small jet pack glyder that shoots dark matter rays. Very commonly used and effective for low altitude attacks.

Voltor Drop ships- used to drop troops and vehicles, this can also provide early warning scanners.

Gun ship ( Hydra ) A gun ship that is capable of carrying troops and mounted cannons. Very effective.

Slaughter choppa: A deadly copter that has a rail gun and plus is can carry few troops.

Drakka ( Air cruser) A large ship that can hold squads of troops and vehicles, holds a stinger turret,1 DM enforcer turret, and 2 DM turrets. Also holds a gravity lift underneath witch carries anything Voltorian. 4 jet boosters.

Voltor Frigate: A large air ship for dropping of soldiers and small vehicles. It also docks small air craft as well. Equipped with alot of AA and ground cover.

LICH Mech: A Flying Mech with sonic boosters, Missile launchers, Hand Mini cannon, Power fist and it's most devastating feature a energy sucking cords. It tackles enemy mechs and large complicated vehicles and drains it's energy making it useless. Very swift and deadly.


The Secret un-charted island base: This base is well camouflaged on a reasonably large island. It's filled with AA defences including DM orbital cannons, the bases are almost impossible to see and it's got a very tough fire wall and radar jammer installed. The Base also has traps, cannons etc. It also has several hangars, Docks, Sub pens, bases and including a DM ICBM silo. The Dark matter intercontinental ballistic missile fire range is impressive, the explosion can destroy almost a complete city. Vaporising all life it can reach into nothing but ash. The Missile takes a long time to prepare and to target.


TECH LEVEL INFO; The Voltor army has developed mainly through war tech, There lasers are negative energy that incinerates objects of any kind. Voltor's large ships and vehicles are made from an alloy developed by unknown resources (presumed to be from Voltor's home world's dead-less volcanoes) It can be damaged but soon after the alloy will bend back in place and slowly heal itself. Voltor also has adapted tech from several races and created stronger tech. Voltor also got tech trades from Shadow Empire (DK's army)

HOW TO POTRAY: The Voltor soldiers are reckless beings, they barely cower and speak tough like. There actions are usually brute force but still do take cover depending the situation. Soldiers barely retreat unless co's are down or numbers drop rapidly

Skurge-Elliot Buss has rights over the Voltor characters and bio.

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