
From Sprinsology

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Sprinsology (from Latin: sprinsus, an ancient bowl of magical liquid; and from Greek: λόγος, logos, "word") is a branch of science which includes all activities and researches that are executed by a group of people named sprinsologists. The activities of spinsology are very difficult to specify since they are mostly a secret, and they have a strong variety. The main activity are sprins-sprays (more in Sprinsonology). Sprinsology is divided into three main parts: sprinsonology, vixology and fibulistics. Every single branch is saturated with five basic activities which sprinsologists execute in their secret laboratories or chambers:

File:Sprinsology logo.png
The sprinsology logo
  • research
  • creating
  • adjustment
  • execution
  • conclusion

Research is the first step to make a theory. The new theory, new sprins, fibulia or a vix mod are first researched and examined. Creating is probably the most important step and also a kind of control which the new theories have to pass. If it's all right, it goes one step forward: to the adjustment, where certain aspects of a theory, sprins, fibula or a vix mod are changing through numeours processes. Then there is execution, where new, already finished products are comparing and sending on the market, to the professional sprinsologist's inspection etc. Conclusion leads to new cognitions and conclusions and they are being exchanged with other sprinsologists.

Sprinsology is also an experimental science. In research and adjustment phases many experiments are performed. Sprinsology is not just a theoretical science, there is a practice also. Many spinsologists have to test their inventions and new theories working on the field (vix testing etc.). Sprinsology is a science which uses it's inventions in different purposes. Simply, sprinsology is a secret science that has no resemblance to any other what so ever.

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