Story:Soul/Kejan & Evadne

From Spira

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English, Videogame, Romance
  • Author  : ... Soul Inferno
  • Status  : ... (In Progress)
  • Published: ... 23:35, 14 April 2006 (PDT)
  • Rating  : ... (R)
  • Short Descripition: ...Inspired on Final Fantasy X and X-2

[edit] Chapter 1

Source: Ezboard Spira ORPG

[edit] Corran

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (4/15/05 8:50 pm)

At The City's Edge Evadne watched as Kejan stormed away, holding up the cold angry look until she was certain he had gone. When the door slid shut she moved back to the glass, visibly upset. She slid to the floor in a heap. Of course. Why would he be any different than anyone else? The kind words.. it was all just manipulation.. wasn't it?

She sat with her face, wet from angry tears, in her hands. The sunlight warm against her back finally made her doze off into a restless sleep. She hadn't slept in so long. But sleep only led to nightmares. Memories of a past she didn't want to remember. She wanted to feel safe.. safe in his arms.

The airship hovered over the etheral city and something in the room stirred. Evadne slept, but in this space where the line between the realm of the living and that of the dead was so thin Leviathan took control of the sleeping girl's body. She was so close to home.. and there was someone worthy finally of finding it.

Leviathan, in form of Evadne, moved silently through the ship with a fluid like grace that even the girl did not carry. It was a grace that also showed power. She moved past a sleeping Bramble who had a passed out Midori draped over him. Her eyes barely traced over them. Odin and Izunami was how she knew them. Let them sleep. The dorr in front of her slid open and she stepped into the control room. Her serpentine eyes focused on the Al Bhed that had turned to face her.

"Land the ship at the water's edge, outside of the city," a voice mixed between that of the blitzball star and that of the dragon spoke, "You will not find what you are looking for in there."

He glared at her. Anger. The aeon laughed.

"Evadne does not know the way.. Evadne is still dreaming. Dreaming of someone she feels understands her. I am here to show him the way to one of two treasures he wants. No one else no how to get through the Trials. The one in the temple is false.. you must go beneath the temple.. beneath the city.. and into the water. Unless I am mistaken.. and you are not the man she thinks you are?"

Soul Inferno – Evadne - (6/21/05 10:13 pm)

I never felt so alive til I saw blue eyes.. Until Now Evadne crossed her arms, turning away from him. That wasn't supposed to happen. Indeed. Damn her and her compulsive behavior. Wasn't he just using her, like everyone else? What the hell made him different? Whatever.. it was over now. The object he desired hovered the middle of the chamber over a tall pedestal, carved into the form of a dragon. At some time during the embrace the room had lit up, as if reacting to them. The golden light given off by the small sphere, glittered about the chamber, but Evadne failed to notice in her brooding. She couldn't care about this treasure, what did it mean to her? Now at least her deal was set. She turned to leave but was stopped when he grabbed her by the arm.

"Leaving so soon?" When she responded with a snarl his smile vanished. "Come on Evadne, it was a great kiss, best I ever had, and considering your attitude, probably the only one you've ever had. Are you going to walk away from this because you have a problem with me?"

"You are the one that said it was not supposed to happen," she replied, pulling her arm free, "You tell me. I figured we were done here."

"Evadne I didn't mean that it was a mistake, I meant..well you know, with the sphere and all." He shrugged. "Can we get the damn thing and get back to the ship, together?"

He felt her reluctance and let her go. Hiding his hurt at the subtle snub he crossed the room and lifted the sphere. If he couldn't have her, maybe it would be consolation. The floor beneath his feet began steadily to tremble and he looked from the sphere to Evadne, but Evadne was no longer there. Leviathan was.

"You summoned?.." the voice from the sea dragon echoed in his head, the mark of Leviathan flashed from the surface of the small sphere. But he had activated the sphere and the Leviathan he had met was gone.. from now on Evadne and the beast were one and the same, completely. "What have you done? I'm.."

If ever Kejan had come close to swooning, curse the word, it was now. He looked from her to the sphere and debated tossing it. "I, you...but it..."

It hit her like a ton of bricks, the knowledge. He had summoned Leviathan.. and it hadn't taken a summoner.. it was the sphere. That thing he longed to possess tied her to him. She curled around him, scales glittering blue, she moved as though through water.

"Release me from this form," she almost pleaded, never had she changed to the form of the dragon against her will, Leviathan lay its head by his feet, "I don't control this anymore!"

Kejan lifted the sphere, totally unsure of what he should do.

"Evadne-Leviathan, I think now is a good time to tell you I don't really ah, know how. I mean, I've never turned a woman into a dragon before. And now that I think of it...I think I liked you better when you were kissable."

The dragon raised its head from the ground, staring at him with serpentine eyes, eyes the same haunting color as Evadne's. While it was just an afterthought, his thinking of her in human form released her from Leviathan. In a burst of deep blue pyreflies, Evadne appeared in her human form, crouched before him, staring up at him. She stood, she almost looked hurt, and transforming hurt now. It was quickly replaced by anger..

"You knew!" she cried, "All those papers.. you knew this would happen!"

Kejan looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Wow."

Then as if realizing what he was doing he tore his gaze from her, looking at the wall with cool indifference.

"Evadne... you should." He looked back at her and just as quickly covered his eyes. Resolved he slipped off his jacket and handed it to her. "Do you mind? I am a man after all and I can only take so much."

Evadne stared down at herself and flushed a deep shade of crimson. She almost tore the jacket from his waiting hands. This had never happened before, ever. Slipping to coat over her she held back the instinct to slap him, clenching her fists at her sides. Letting out a deep exhale she turned her back on him.

As if reading her thoughts Kejan smiled.

"Well you cant slap me. I didn't know it was going to happen and if you'd picked it up instead of throwing a hissy fit maybe you wouldn't be naked right now."

"Don't turn this on me," she swirled back around to face him, "I wanted nothing to do with this. If you hadn't dragged me down here in the first place! Did you have it in your head the whole time, Kejan? From back when you first found out my secret? That you'd be able to control me!"

He wanted to supply a quick denial, but somewhere on this damn trip he'd lost his ability to Evadne, that was.

"I never intended this, I wanted only to learn the secrets of the sphere." He looked at her, his eyes pleading, the words he would never say aloud. "I didn't know you then, I swear.... Evadne, please."

Evadne's eyes teared up, she really didn't believe her own accusations but... that was life, wasn't it? Everyone wanted something. The walls were building themselves up again. She crossed her arms over her chest for a moment, she tried to look like she wasn't going to fall apart. But.. the tears fell and Evadne clung to him, crying.

"Not you too, Kejan..You weren't supposed to be like all the others.."

"I'm not, please." He reached for her. "I swear, Evadne....I am a sphere hunter, this is my job, but I...I didn't think that we, that this would happen, and I never intentionally hurt you." He held the sphere out for her. "This means nothing to me, Evadne... take it."

At first Evadne reached for the sphere, but out of some knowledge that she shouldn't have possessed she withdrew her hand and looked away.

"I can't.. I'm not like you, Kejan.. only the living can hold that sphere.." she tried to wipe away her tears, her face still partially buried in his chest, "I just wanted a chance at a normal life.. I didn't ask for this."

"Can I change it...what can I do?" He reached for her, hurt that he'd caused the hurt. "Can you tell me?"

She looked up at him, shaking her head. She didn't have the answers, even with the knowledge she had now gained from Leviathan.

"I don't know... I don't know what that sphere's purpose is.. or how I am connected to it." she looked back at the dragon pedestal, "Don't change me back... I just want to be Evadne.."

She knew it was unavoidable..Leviathan had always been a part of her since her death.. but not like this.

Soul Inferno – Evadne - (7/20/05 9:40 pm)

At the surface Yellow eyes shifted over the outskirts of the ghostly machina city that glowed over the waters of the moonflow. The settled on a small girl that fidgetted near the water's edge as if waiting for someone. Midori. His eyes narrowed with mischeivous a mischeivous glow to them, a smirk crossed his lips. She didn't even notice him.. this was going to be perfect.

Faolan crept along the path, edging closer to the younger Fayth, all the while she never turned and spotted him. Well he had been raised as a nomad in his short lifetime, as well as a great fighter.. he knew how to blend in when he didn't want to be seen. He paused slightly, wonder why she would be hanging around this city, this stretch of shoreline. That was when his sight trailed over the airship... just who was Midori in the company of? Had she had connections with one of the living? There would be time to find out.. after he made his move.

"Who are you looking for, small one?" his voice sounded from the trees but those same trees hid any idea of his location, she didn't see him and he almost laughed at the look on her face, "Have you lost your flock?"

He crept closer, undetected, and even as she turned to see who was talking to her, he stood behind her. Finally he tapped her on the shoulder which caused her to jump feet in the air. He did laugh at that.

"You should have seen the look on your face, runt!" he shook his head, sending his messy black hair flying, "You really should be paying more attention, I know you're dead already but it doesn't mean that you should be tempting fate and seeing you can die twice."

Cat Witch – Midori - (7/21/05 8:54 pm)

Re: At the surface - They took so long, but Midori tried not to think of it, the icy water heavy at the damp bottom hem of her skirt, sloshing around idly. Submerged skin felt cool, a little numb, but there was just something about water that made even wading in it so enjoyable. She wouldn't go farther for now, walking around and kicking at the water like a small child, all while humming a carefree tune that sounded much like the fayth's hymn.

She didn't like being alone, and she was getting impatient, but what else was she supposed to do? Midori wasn't about to swim out to look for them, unwilling to get wetter than she already was while standing here. Being alone, there were all sort of things that could happen. Like that feeling that you were being watched, the prickling at the back of your neck. That was what she felt now, pausing for a moment before ignoring it.

"Who are you looking for, small one?"

That prickling feeling, it was still there, and this time accompanied with a voice? Startled, Midori whipped around, searching for the voice. And yet, no one was there. So tempting to call out, but it was always more eerie to get only silence as answer. She was a creeped out now, but she tried to ignore it, humming once more slowly and trying to push the thought away in her mind.

"You should have seen the look on your face, runt!"

The tap scared the heck out of her as she screamed, turning and stumbling into deeper water only to fall backwards. Fiend! Well, not exactly. Midori shook from the shock, the cold, and also from anger at the laughing man as she caught her breath and tried to get to her feet, slipping twice before she managed to stand.

"You really should be paying more attention, I know you're dead already but it doesn't mean that you should be tempting fate and seeing you can die twice."

"That wasn't very nice! You're so mean!" the fayth was close to tears, hidden by the splashed water on her cheeks. "What did I ever do to you?" It had been a dirty trick, one that her brother had liked to play on her as well. Just as it was an old trick, she gave an old retaliation, aiming a kick at his shin.

She was breathing hard, and she was angry, wringing out her clothes and hair the best she could. So much for not getting wet. Still ranting about how stupid the man was, Midori finally paused when she remembered something that he had said. Stupid Faolan, always teasing her even in the farplanes. Just her luck the dumb bully managed to make it back to the living as she had.

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (8/5/05 8:02 pm)

Anatomy of a Tidal Wave - Cold Kejan, resigned to the fact that she would hate him forever (or at least until they got out of this cave), pocketed the sphere and started in the direction from whence they had come. But, it was gone? How could that be? Circling the spot that once held the opening that would lead back out to the city's edge, Kejan frowned. He traced the blue marks on the ground with the toe of his boot.

"I wasn't made for this cryptic @#%$," he hissed to no one in particular, "We have to find another way, Evadne---Evadne?"

He spun around to find the darkness his only companion, all but for the lonely lights that lit the path.

Evadne seemed lost in her own little world, her eyes on the blue lighted symbols that now traced over the floor. Kejan had let her go, and her small footsteps followed the way that the ancient symbols directed. She didn't know how far she'd gone until she heard her name being called. Was it her name? It seemed so familiar.. Snapping to her senses she looked around, standing in darkness with the exception of the symbol that lit the floor under her, putting her in an otherowrldly glow. But where had he gone? Had he left her? Of course.. like all the others.

"Women." The word fell from his lips like a curse as he started back the way he had come, "Evadne, are you trying to drive me insane? Because it is working, very well."

The sphere served as his guiding light bathing his surroundings in golden waves of light. He caught a glimpse of her, blissfully unaware of him, moving steadily away from him along the path the symbols offered.

"We dont know what's down there." When she turned and glared at him, with those intense eyes, he let her arm go. "Evadne, don't be stupid!"

"I wasn't aware that I was being so." she all but snapped back, "Do you see any other way, Kejan? This is the true temple of Leviathan, the blue lights are safe."

She rolled her eyes at him, as if he should have known that, but anymore than that her emotions were locked up again behind the walls she protected herself with. Kejan frowned.

"Evadne, is it you or the creature talking? How could you know these things? I am sure Leviathan didn't want anyone in this temple...I don't think she would say 'hey, treasure hunter, take the prize and let me point you to the door'." He grabbed her arm spinning her around to face him. "At least have the decency to acknowledge me would you?"

"I can't explain how I know what I know!" she growled at him, "You did this to me! You explain it to me! If you really think I am wrong Kejan, follow the lights, the corridors of any other color. See what happens to you then. I am not a stupid child, I have been around a lot longer than you... and this side of me, this Leviathan I have become, even longer, so don't play me for dumb."

She shrugged his jacket, he had given her on tighter, holding the single article of clothing tighter to her by crossing her arms over her chest. She took the moment to meet his eyes in challenge of anything he might have to say.

"Now what is it going to be treasure hunter? You can accept that maybe, just maybe I know where I'm going, or you can stay down here.. but then again I don't believe there is any further treasure down here."

For the first time Kejan had the grace to flush. "I don't like your tone or your implication, and you know damn well what I came here for and why. We will take your path and get out of this together, if you give me a chance to get through that shell of yours." He indicated the symbols, '"I will lead."

Not giving her a chance to respond, he held the sphere just ahead of him, watching as the symbols began to change, but what did it mean?

Soul Inferno – Evadne (8/5/05 8:28 pm)

Points of Authority – LP - "Aww come on small fry," Faolan offered a sly smile as he brushed his hair from his face, "You can't stay mad at me. I didn't mean for..." he bit back the laugh that was forming because she was still soaking wet, "for.. that to happen. besides, you really shouldn't be out here by yourself," he was serious now, "I could have been someone much worse."

He paused for a moment to look out over the water, not seeming to be affected by his partial blindness in one eye. he then looked down at the smaller fayth. She had always reminded him of someone, perhaps the younger siblings he somewhat remembered. Despite his teasing, he had come to like this small girl, he had connected her as a part of his family after death. And he was highly protective of her that was in that family. Taking off his cloak he wrapped it around her shoulders, to help warm her up and get her dry.

"Are you really ok, Midori?" he asked, patting her on the shoulder, "I am sorry."

His eyes narrowed on the airship, not far from where they stood. He didn't want to push the girl any further, but he wanted to know what was going on here.. who left Midori standing at the beach to fend for herself? Who had been with her?

Cat Witch – Midori

Re: Points of Authority - LP - Can't stay mad? Yes she could...Midori sure if she could get sick, but she was definately feeling that prickle on her skin she used to get long ago, the one where her skin felt like that of a plucked chocobo. Oh yes, she was COLD!!! And it was all thanks to SOMEONE...Continuing with her futile attempts to wring the water from her clothes and hair, she glared at him.

"I could have been someone much worse."

"No, you're pretty up there, so the chances of worse is pretty low," Midori grumbled, pouting. Untangling wet long hair only irritated her more as she stomped in frustration, only managing to splash more water on herself not that it really mattered. As if in revenge, she kicked at the surface, a lousy attempt to get him wet from where she was standing.

It annoyed her that he seemed to like picking on her, but not as annoying as how much he reminded her of the brother she had lost. He'd been serious after their parents had died, but would this have been what he'd been like if things had been different? Continuing her sulking, she hid the look of gratitude at the slight warmth from the cloak behind a pout.

"Are you really ok, Midori?" he asked, patting her on the shoulder, "I am sorry."

"I'm fine, just soaked," Midori grumbled, faking along the bad mood for now. "It'll take more than a little swim to kill me. Again. Fine, I forgive you." Funny how she could be mad and at the same time glad for another familiar face out of the farplanes. Just wait until Evadne found out who else was here!

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (11/15/05 11:29 pm)

Fayth gathering Faolan glanced over from the machina ship that was to the side of where he was standing over to the short girl at the other side. He gave her a brief smile, happy that she wouldn't stay too mad at him. This was Midori he was talking to afterall. That thought struck him and he looked back over the water before glaring at the ship again. It wasn't that he had anything against the ship itself, but it was the person it may belong too that made his features dark with annoyance. For a brief moment the aura of a large dark wolf could be seen around Faolan. It faded when he turned and moved back to Midori, leading her back to the shore.

"Where are Evadne, and what's his face.." Faolan stubled with the other fayth's name, "...Bramble? Last I saw you was with them,and now you're out here on your own?!"

Faolan looked serious now. What if something had happened to Midori? He frowned at that thought, but a cough delayed her reply and caught his attention. In an instant his blades were drawn. Just as quickly he had dropped them when he recognized the aqua-haired fayth. Evadne. He leapt into the water after her, helping her and holding her up for questioning and inspection.

"Where, by the Gods, have you been?!" he snapped, holding her arms, thought it was clear that she had come from the moonflow, under the city somewhere. Faolan had that trait of being the overly protective big brother figure and Evadne frowned at it. Faolan was so busy grilling her that he hardly noticed how she was dressed, or lack there of, or the man that had surfaced after her. Hardly.. When he caught sight of the Al Bhed, Faolan shoved Evadne behind him and growled, prepared for a fight. And Faolan even after being dead was built for battle.

"What have you done to her?," she breathed out between clenched teeth, "Where did you think you were dragging her off to? Evadne is not just some possession."

"It's not like that!" Evadne shoved Faolan aside, to no use. The other fayth still held his ground against the Al Bhed, who only smirked from Evadne to him and back. "He.. he got us out of Corran and the mob of blitzball fans.. and he summoned Leviathan.. He has the sphere fragment... he saved my life."

Evadne was aware that she had left a good deal of the story out, but Faolan didn't really need to know about Kejan kidnapping her and such. That would only set him off. Shrugging she moved back toward the ship.. she felt the need to restore her lost dignity. Faolan glared again at Kejan before turning back to Midori for some confirmation on Kejan's character.

Cat Witch – Midori - (11/17/05 8:37 pm)

Fayth gathering "Where are Evadne, and what's his face.." Faolan stubled with the other fayth's name, "...Bramble? Last I saw you was with them,and now you're out here on your own?!"

That was a good question, she really didn't know. Evadne had to be underwater, and as far as she knew, Bramble was probably locked in the lavatory or a closet somewhere on the ship. Midori frowned, avoiding his eyes as her thin shoulders rose in a shrug. About to answer, a cough signaled Evadne's return.

They'd been down there forever! What in the world could they have been doing down there? Eyes lighting up, Midori followed the other fayth into the water, splashing less than gracefully as she held out a hand to help out as well.

"Where, by the Gods, have you been?!"

"I've been up here forever! What did you do, go skinny dipping?" What had been so interesting under the water? About to point out overenthusiastically the obvious presence of Faolan, the young fayth froze, stepping back as the wolf aeon became defensive.

"He's fine! Really!" Midori splashed between the two men, hands up as if she could really prevent a fight. She still had lingering doubts about Kejan though. It was more because she didn't want to see what Faolan could do to him out of anger. Looking desperate, she flashed a smile to reassure her confirmation, heart pounding in worry. They really didn't want to pollute the moonflow with blood, did they?

((OOC: me!))

Ayeola o6 - Kejan UvMeva - (11/19/05 4:42 pm)

Re: Fayth gathering - Kejan let his gaze slide over the newcomer and decided in that instant that it would be better to make a friend than an enemy of this one. Not even moving for his weapon, he smiled at Midori with a look that said “thanks, you just saved my ass”. Holding his hands up in mock innocence, Kejan shifted the pouch at his side that held the orb. “You might want to wait before you kill me.”

Lifting the orb so that it caught in the moonlight, he offered the other man a smile. “I have my uses.”

He didn’t trust him; Kejan could tell by the look in his face. “Consider. And besides, Evadne might cry if deprived of the comfort of my presence. If her feelings are not enough -- ” All traces of humor disappeared from his face. “At least let her kill me; she‘s been dying to do it for a while.”

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (11/19/05 5:11 pm)

Fenrir, Leviathan, and an Al Bhed - Faolan's eyes shifted over the man before him, amber in color and very observant. Midori vouched for his character, but it wasn't to say that this person had earned his trust. Having crossed his arms over his chest he listened to what he had to say. It was clear that it was going to be hard to convince the fayth. A sneer crossed his lips at Kejan's humor, his implication that Evadne would be lost without his comfort. Evadne was a strong person, there was no way she needed a guy like this. He would have said so but his eyes shifted to the orb and he tuned in to Kejan's serious tone.

"That thing you possess," he said coldly, he could feel the energy it gave off but knew little else about it, "It is a highly dangerous keepsake. But what use would it be to me?"

His eyes caught the small insignia in the orb's center. That symbol he knew. He took a step toward Kejan but stopped, keeping his temper in check. For Midori's sake at the moment.

"I'm not surprised she wants you dead. But if she hasn't killed you yet then she must have a reason."

Faolan stepped down, trudging back to the shore, and out of the water. The pyreflies that danced about him were increasingly getting on his nerves.

"Perhaps I do have a reason," Evadne's voice cut in from the ramp of the ship. She was dressed in what she could find that wasn't her old blitzball uniform, women's clothing this time. Evadne could recall her frown at the flowly fabric, "But I don't owe that to you, Faolan. Not anymore so than I owe it to him."

Ayeola o6 - Kejan UvMeva - (11/19/05 5:23 pm)

El Saleem “Right…” Rolling his eyes skyward and talking to no one in particular he leaned against his ship, tucking the orb safely away. He really didn’t want a fan club, so if all the fayths hated him it was long as no one tried to take his head. That option was unacceptable under all circumstances. He didn't need this; there were already enough people out there that wanted him dead and now... Vowing not to look at Evadne (because looking would lead to touching and touching would lead to his downfall), Kejan made his way up the ramp. Needing to rest, but even more so needing to be alone.

And then he did it; he did precisely what he said he wouldnt. He looked at her, and he no longer wanted to be alone. She didnt return his gaze. Shaking his head, Kejan whispered something inaudible and disappeared into the ship. "Your wicked looking friend is welcome to stick around, not that I think he was waiting for my invitation."

He hurt.

Soul Inferno - Evadne aka Leviathan - (11/19/05 6:05 pm)

Ocean - Cold "What did you say to him?" Evadne caught Kejan by the arm. She let go slightly when he turned and frowned at her, "Kejan.. I.. What did you tell them?"

Faolan would cool off, it was his nature. But she had come to know Kejan too, or at least thought she did. And he did anything to fan the flames. She really didn't need the other fayth to know what had gone on under the moonflow. She hid a flush at the thought, hid it behind a cold stare. Hid it behind emotional walls that this man kept managing to break down. Faolan didn't need to know. She didn't need a big brother figure thinking he could shadow her every move. That was a role Faolan was better at playing for Midori.

"Don't turn your back on me." she breathed out, letting go of him finally, to play with her hair that was now pulled up in a loose bun off of her neck.

Ayeola o6 - Kejan UvMeva - (11/19/05 10:01 pm)

Southtown--pod "I'm not turning my back on you." Kejan retrieved his arm with a frown. "I've been practically drooling on my hands and knees, kissing your ass, however pretty, since we started this..."

He looked after the other fayth, the frown deepening. "Now lets get a few things straight. I am a man. I am a man who has been without basic needs for a long time." His voice was strained. "I met a girl, and I liked her, but since the beginning she has practically run me into the ground."

Rolling his eyes he fought the urge to scream. "Nothing I do is enough for you to just accept me. Nothing that I do is enough for you to trust me. Use me? Yes, you can use me easily enough, but you wont trust me. Now if you don't mind...I'm tired."

   Quote:In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman.

—Nancy Astor

Cat Witch – Midori - (11/19/05 10:27 pm)

Ocean - Cold What was it with these people and constant bickering? Midori could only watch in confusion, her attention bouncing back and forth. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, holding up her hands with the best mature face she could muster.

"Exactly! You're tired, get some sleep," Midori commanded. "And you," she guestured at the older fayth. "Calm down and...I'll explain what happened to us. Just, enough, can we please just go now or sit and talk without yelling?" It was a simple plea as she cast a look to the other fayths, loosing the commanding tone for her own self. "Please? You know I hate everyone yelling."

What in Spira had happened in those moments under the moonflow that could have everyone so suspicious? She definately had no intention of cleaning up the blood if they, especially the two testosterone driven ones, decided to rip each other's heads off. Although she still had her doubts of Kejan, her childish side kept her from acting as much on it. Instead, she pouted and ran back into the ship without a word, embarassed at her outburst and angry at her confusion.

The cargo hold was her haven for now as she settled behind a barrel, drawing her knees to her chest as she whimpered, finally noticing the lack of light as her phobia kicked in. Cupping her hands, it was emotion and fear that drew her aeon powers out from within, a small orb of light appearing to ease her worry. Blowing it into the air like a bubble, it hung over her like a guardian angel. There, she could weep in safety.

Sniffling softly from her hiding place, Midori knew she was being a baby, but as long as no one could see, she didn't care. Arguments always led to bad things. Her parents had argued with her brother before they had died. There had been an argument between her brother and one of his guardians before that friend was killed. She had argued with her brother before she'd become a fayth and never apologized. It was just the reminder that scared her. Arguing was bad...

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (11/19/05 10:32 pm)

Southtown--pod Evadne dropped her hands to her sides, staring at him trying to hide the look of shock and other deep emotions with little luck. She didn't know what to say to him. Was this another of his games, was he playing with her again? No.. it was different, it was in his voice. But.. had she had him pegged wrong? What could she say now? She forgot about Faolan and Midori for the moment and her eyes dropped to the cold metallic floor of the ship.

"I'm sorry.." she said after a long pause, "You couldn't understand... what I've been through.." she finally found the courage to look up at him again, "But no matter what I say.. it won't make a difference now, will it? Well then.. you might as well hear it. It's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust anyone... I've been used and abused my whole life. That spotlight was my prison and those fans.. they never see me.. they see the blitzball star, the money, the fame, but never me. That was my life.. and I thought I could finally do it right, but Leviathan, this aeon is a prison too. Who do you see, Kejan? Do you see the girl standing her, Evadne, or do you see the power, the whatever that hides over me? I don't even know myself, what I see anymore!"

She wanted to storm away, she wanted to hit him for making her fall apart yet again. But she did neither. Instead she brought her hands to her eyes, hiding the tears that silently fell. If he was going to leave, she wasn't going to stop him.

Ayeola o6 - Kejan UvMeva - (11/19/05 11:01 pm)

Gypsy Violin - "Okay." Cocking his head to the side Kejan nodded in the direction of Midori and the overprotective fayth who took off after her before wiping his palm over her cheek. "I'm going to help you see and you are going to give me a chance....but...what about them?" Evadne's face was totally unreadable. "They have each other." Taking her hand in his, he pulled her after him. "Come on, we're both soaked and slightly stinky..." He whispered the last wrinkling his nose ever so slightly. "And no more crying."

Twenty minutes later they were in the control room, completely dry and dressed in shapeless, and quite ugly, brown tunics. Lifting the mirror up for her to see, Kejan leaned against the control panel and pulled her back to his chest. If he'd been a better person, he would have resisted the urge to pull her so close. But he'd never professed to being perfect. Tracing the bridge of her nose with his free hand, he pressed his nose into her neck. Thank the Gods that stench was gone. "Now where were we...oh, I remember."

Turning the mirror to a slight angle, so that both of their profiles could be made out, Kejan smiled. "Now tell me what you see and I'll tell you what I see."

Soul Inferno – Evadne - (11/23/05 3:41 pm)

Giving In - Adema She didn't smell anymore, at least not bad. The smell.. it was violet perhap? Maybe lavender? She wasn't entirely sure, and she wasn't about to ask. The tunic though, was hideous to be nice about it. And not just the color, everything about it. The thing engulfed her and she felt as ifr she were wearing a bag of sorts. And then she looked up at the mirror, her eyes widened slightly.

Before she could even think of pulling away, Kejan had ahold of her, pressing her against his chest, his nose buried in the crook of her neck. She about flushed a deep shade of red, but she managed to keep the color from her cheeks. Good, because in the neck instant he had the mirror held in such an angle that both of them could be seen. She bit her lower lip slightly.

"What do I see?" she repeated, though in question form.She was trying her best to even look at her own face, at her own eyes. Afraid of what she may see. She wanted to look away, but Kejan held her chin in his grasp, "I'm afraid to look. That girl, isn't me anymore."

She forced herself to do it, she looked at her reflection straight in the eyes. That's not to say that she wasn't hesitant to do so.

"That girl... she's the famous blitzball goalie, she is also a serpent in disguise, but she is nothing special outside of that. She is secluded, distant, cold.. lonely perhaps.. Thats what I see."


Faolan tracked after Midori, moving easily through the darkness. He had been a nomad after all, used to living in the wilderness. The light she created helped as well, her use of magic guided him. The use of it drew one fayth to another. He tried not to walk to quietly, his feet tapping on the cold metal floors, he didn't want to startle the girl again.

"Midori? Midori, I'm sorry." he peered around a corner in the hull/cargo bay of the ship, around a box, coming face to face with the smaller fayth, "I didn't mean for you to get so upset." He hld a hand out for her, "C'mon out, small fry. I know you don't like being in the dark."

Keira84 – Kejan - (1/27/06 11:03 pm)

Re: Fayth gathering Kejan, glad that she hadn't swatted him away or broken his arm or something, frowned a little when she described herself so pitifully. His reflection stared at her, a stare so penetrating it seemed like he was trying to stare holes in her. He shook his head at her answer. "Then clearly, you're blind," he remarked bluntly. There was a certain tone of disappoint in his voice, but only because he couldn't understand how it was possible for her not to see in herself the same things he saw. It was obvious to him that she was special. "Because I see a strong woman completely unafraid of voicing her opinions, no matter how harsh. I see a woman whose opinion of herself is poorer than it has to be because of something I don't even know what is. But most of all, I see a girl who pushes others away and rejects them because she's prejudice and paranoid." Kejan paused there and turned them both away, looking into her eyes without the mirror. "Look, I respect that you're wary of me...hell, I even accept that you loathe me about the whole sphere thing...but I've tried my darndest to gain your trust and every time you shoot me down and hold me in contempt simply because I am what I am. What will it take for me to earn your trust? Because if you can't trust me, how will we be able to cooperate?" Kejan's voice dropped. He wondered why he even persisted sometimes.

Soul Inferno – Evadne - (1/29/06 11:22 pm)

Pitiful "Damn you," Evadne swore, though it was not full of bitterness or in the cold tone she was used to speaking in, "I don't loathe you, no matter what cause I could find. I'm not wary of you, even though you have given me reason to be. But it is not easy.. not easy to just open up. I want to open up to you... I want you of all people to understand. And that scares me."

She ran her small hands through her hair before resting her head finally, against his chest. She was on the verge of tears again and she didn't want him to see her like this. But damn if he hadn't already. And damn her if the place she felt the most comfortable was right where she was.

"You.. I can't hide behind these walls I've built up. Not with you. You see through them. Why? This girl that isn't perfect, that craves to be normal, is not who anyone has ever cared for... I'm scared to see what you see."

She rubbed at her eyes, hands slightly clenched into fists. She shouldn't be doing this, and yet she couldn't pull herself away from this man. He was a haven for her even in all his stubborness and whatnot.

Keira84 – Kejan - (1/30/06 6:08 am)

El Saleem For once, Evadne didn't throw scathing remarked his way and at this moment she was surprisingly pleasant to be with. Well, if you ignored the emotional twinge of it all. But that somehow didn't matter as much. Kejan was just glad that she wasn't dismembering him or other ghastly tortures. It was certainly good to hear that she didn't hate him, cause that'd surely cause him more emotional hurt than he thought he was able to feel.

Now that she was calm and vulnerable, Kejan put his arms around her, though a little apprehensively, since he didn't want to smother her and make her turn on him or something. He did enjoy it though...this genuine touch. Even though it seemed to pain her to say so, Kejan smiled ever so faintly at her latter comment. Kejan was vaguely aware that he had a knack for seeing people even if they covered themselves up. It was all between the lines. "Nothing to be scared of, darlin'," he said in his most peace-offering and up-cheery tone. "I've got you," he added softly and placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head.

Soul Inferno – Evadne - (1/31/06 8:42 pm)

Portrait in Black - Atreyu Evadne just let him hold her. Was content to just let him hold her. He was there for her, and that was really what she needed at this moment. In her time, there had been no one there for her in times like this when she was the biggest mess. When she was reduced to tears and crying. When she was forced to think of what she had really become and what she really wanted. Outside of Blitzball then, she never had anyone. Not anyone that was true... not anyone that cared for anything except her sports stardom. Even her family had fallen in to that boat. Evadne clung to Kejan now, tears wetting his own ugly brown tunic. There was something different about him.

"You've got me?..." she whispered against his chest, "Please just don't let me go. Don't leave me..."

And perhaps there was her perpetual bad luck again. There was a bit of a jolt from the airship and she about collided into him completely. If it were possible. She looked up at him, her pale blue eyes slightly widened. She forgotten that they had taken off from Corran yet again.. and she had honestly not gotten so used to flying yet. At least not in this ship.

"I'm sorry..." she muttered and flushed a slight shade of pink before straightening again, "What.. What was that? Did we hit something?.. I mean.."

Standing so close to Kejan still, she couldn't exactly see outside. And she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Her hands clenched slightly.


(Guess we should head out of Corran? Wanna head over to Daezian's home? We can can move after you reply or you can move over there now. Whichever)

Keira84 - Kejan

Wordlessly, Kejan swore to himself that he wouldn't let her go. Not even if she was kicking and screaming for him to do so...well, okay he'd probably consider it if she were kicking him, but Kejan figured if she didn't want anything to do with him, she'd have kicked him by now.

As the airship made a slight bump, Kejan furrowed his brows. That was suspiciously unusual and...unnerving. With one arm still protectively around Evadne, he turned halfway around and stared out the front of the airship. His eyes widened. Was he saw? Where the hell were they? What was this land doing up here in the clouds? He glanced down at the navigation system on the controlpanel of his airship that was currently on autopilot. He'd flown these skies many times, but never had he seen land up here. He used his free hand to press a could buttons as he looked up at the horizon every now and then.

"I think we hit land," he said vaguely, still in slight disbelief. After having cross-referenced their coordinates with all the digital maps this ship had, his eyes eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. His maps were all changed. There were new specks of land here that had never been there before. Kejan's eyes slid to Evadne. He decided they would land here and check it out. See if it was real. Loking away from Evadne again, he pressed in the command to land the ship and subsequently, the airship began its descend upon this unknown spit of land they'd literally bumped into.

[edit] Archadia

(ooc - continued from Corran)

Wordlessly, Kejan swore to himself that he wouldn't let her go. Not even if she was kicking and screaming for him to do so...well, okay he'd probably consider it if she were kicking him, but Kejan figured if she didn't want anything to do with him, she'd have kicked him by now.

As the airship made a slight bump, Kejan furrowed his brows. That was suspiciously unusual and...unnerving. With one arm still protectively around Evadne, he turned halfway around and stared out the front of the airship. His eyes widened. Was he saw? Where the hell were they? What was this land doing up here in the clouds? He glanced down at the navigation system on the controlpanel of his airship that was currently on autopilot. He'd flown these skies many times, but never had he seen land up here. He used his free hand to press a couple buttons as he looked up at the horizon every now and then.

"I think we hit land," he said vaguely, still in slight disbelief. After having cross-referenced their coordinates with all the digital maps this ship had, his eyes eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. His maps were all changed. There were new specks of land here that had never been there before. Kejan's eyes slid to Evadne. He decided they would land here and check it out. See if it was real. Loking away from Evadne again, he pressed in the command to land the ship and subsequently, the airship began its descend upon this unknown spit of land they'd literally bumped into.

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/1/06 11:52 pm)

Like how? - "Land?.." she repeated her own eyes finally finding the courage to peer out of the ship, "... Like a continent in the clouds?.. "

She watched as Kejan went through the motions to land the ship. All with one hand, as the other was still wrapped around her. It may have been an amusing sight if Evadne's own thoughts weren't elsewhere. In fact her thoughts had about turned completely. Now there were her own memories of the Spira she had seen, the little of it outside of Blitzball, and then there were memories of Leviathan. She looked up at Kejan as he stared down at her.

"Something about this place seems right," she said after a moment, "Archadia... It is one of the old cities of Spira. Reborn.. there is something else too.. I just can't place it."

Her eyes gazed again over the mass of land that the ship had collided into. And then she looked back at Kejan.

"If we're heartset on checking this place out, should we at least change?" she asked, gesturing over the ugly outfit she had on, "I just don't think I could go out like this. Even in a place full of dead people, if there are any to find. And you're not leaving me in here."

Keira84 - Kejan - (2/2/06 12:20 am)

Re: Like how? - A half-smirk appearing on his lips, Kejan tossed her a dressphere. He wasn't sure which one it was, but it was bound to be helpful for something. As a sphere-hunter, Kejan always had these lying around in odd places, seemingly random locations to the untrained eye, but to Kejan, there was a system in it. No matter where he was on his airship, he just had to reach out his arm and he was bound to find a dressphere of sorts. "Always prepared," he remarked confidently and chuckled a little.

He got a dressphere for himself to and changed into Gunner. He grinned at his he remembered why he liked this outfit so much. He looked damn good in it! Checking both his guns had bullets and that he had some spare ones, he glanced up at Evadne to see how she was doing. His black and yellow spikes of hair poked into his eyes a little but he blew them off, smirking once more.

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/3/06 11:02 pm)

Gunner.. and a Red Mage - He was so dead if this dress sphere was one of those ones that showed off way too much. If she ended up in Berserker or Lady Luck she was going to be upset. And then there would be no way he was going to drag her outside. She would rather be seen in this ugly brown tunic. She gave a look at the smirk across his lips, the she gave a raised eyebrow as Kejan himself used what was obviously a Gunner dress sphere. Well... that hadn't been a bad change.

"I swear.." she muttered at him, "..if this is a Lady Luck..."

In a flash of light she activated her dress sphere. Why would he have a Lady Luck dress sphere anyway. Weren't these ones that he used? That would be awkward. She about laughed at the thought when she opened her eyes. Catching a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the glass, she gave a smirk herself. She felt now that she was the better dressed. The dress sphere? Red Mage. She ran her fingers down the brim of the red hat on her head before turning around and meeting Kejan's eyes.

"Well?" she turned around, the majority of the outfit was crimson red. A sheer contrast with her aqua and blue hair. Instead of black accents, her in the Red Mage outfit had blues and wave motifs accenting it. "I think I win the prize here."

She sure hoped she wouldn't have to use the rapier sword at her side. She really wasn't great at sword play. But the magic aspect.. well.. she was a Fayth.

"Should we get the others?" she asked suddenly, remembering Faolan and Midori, "I mean.. I'm not sure we should just leave them hanging out. You know how Fao would get.. and I don't need scolding from him or the runt."

Keira84 - Kejan - (2/4/06 1:06 am)

Re: Gunner.. and a Red Mage - Being honest to yourself was important. And Kejan had to be honest with himself right now because Evadne looked damn hot in that blood-red mage outfit. He couldn't stop grinning. Yup, he was definitely liking this. But he supposed she was right aswell...they'd have to get the others. Even if that would mean less alone time, but maybe that was a good thing too. Kejan could use a crash course in self-restraint.

He nodded at her suggestion. "Yeah...I don't feel like being on the receiving end of whatever tirade they bombard me with if we don't include them," Kejan had to chuckle a little, spite of the mild threat. He hooked one thumb on the studded belt that hung around his narrow waist and sauntered past Evadne. Damn, what a stroke of luck he'd had with that dressphere he'd tossed at her, he thought. Walking with his back against her, without turning around, he said; "And look hot in that dressphere." He smirked to himself.

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/5/06 12:05 am)

Blah - "Thank you," she replied, an eyebrow raised knowing somehow that he was smirking, "I completely agree with you, if you don't me saying so."

She stood, hand fiddling with the silver, intricate design of the handle to her sword. Her eyes watched him walking away. She then looked down at her own outfit, lots of red. She hardly noticed as he kept walking. She really hadn't expected to miss her Blitzball uniform that much. The sport that she loved, the sport that had ruined any chance she had at a normal life. Shaking her head from the moment she looked back up to Kejan's eyes. He had come back? She offered him a bit of a smile in reassurance before moving from her spot.

"I hope Midori isn't still upset," she said allowed, "She is like a sister to me. Or well.. what I imagine a sister would be like. And Faolan... I see a brother in him. In a way, they are my family. Moreso than my previous one was."

She chuckled slightly, though it was obvious talking about such things was tough for her. She looked over at Kejan as they walked after that, wanting to see what he felt. Well also because she would be lost in the maze of this airship if she lost sight of him.. despite the many things that had happened to her already while aboard it.

Faolan let go of Midori after the ship had jolted. It was a little worse down where they were and the smaller Fayth and let out a small cry.. well more like a squeak, but Faolan wasn't about to tell her that and have her kick him again. He stood and helped her to her to her feet, before brushing himself off. In the next instant he was reatching for his weapons, looking very fierce.

"That wasn't a great landing.. I wonder what happened. We should find Evadne and what's his name. Or at least get out of here and see where we've struck ground."

Keira84 - Kejan - (2/5/06 12:36 pm)

Re: Blah - "Eh," Kejan shrugged off the topic of family. His own had been averagely dysfunctional he thought. Nothing unusual or bizarre, just a bunch of people who happened to be related to one another. He had to give a slight snort at the mention of Faolan. "He's definitely got the big-brother scheme down to a tee," Kejan puffed in rememberance of his meeting with the amber-eyed fayth. Far from pleasant. "You know...obscenely protective," he added with a slight smirk. It was slightly amusing though.

Kejan managed the handle that would manually unlock the exit to the airship and it lowered down, making contact with the ground. The land around them was spectacular. Misty peaks of mountain covered in dewey trees like a coat of green. Then if you looked to the west, you saw the conture of a highly advanced city much like Zanarkand. Only more colors and more nature in between. It was breathtaking, thought Kejan. Much more appeling than the dry, dusty desert of Bikanel Island. The spikeyhaired al bhed figured he could get used to this place. However oblivious Kejan had been to Evadne looking at him while they walked he'd been, he wasn't now. Turning his head slightly he smirked and nudged her a little. Words weren't needed he felt.

Cat Witch - Midori - (2/7/06 9:48 pm)

Re: Blah - She didn't like the dark. Midori didn't even know why she had chosen to hide in here when she could have chosen somewhere nicer and brighter. The light she created, it comforted her more than confused her, so she didn't question it. And then with Faolan, it was a big improvement that she didn't complain, cupping her precious ball of light to her chest as they sat there in the dark.

And then the earth, or the ship, shook and Midori gave a startled squeak, both from the scare and from her ball of light flashing out. They'd hit a bird, a...tree...something...When she was sure that they'd stopped, the younger fayth found herself burying her face in Faolan's shoulder. And pulled away quickly before he called her a baby.

"That wasn't a great landing.. I wonder what happened. We should find Evadne and what's his name. Or at least get out of here and see where we've struck ground."

"O-out of here...g-good idea..." Midori stuttered as she let him help her up, clutching tighter than she needed to his arm. Shaking slightly with her fear of the dark, she had to insist," m...Fao-? Can...we get out now? If you've forgotten, I'm just...a little...scared of the dark..."

Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/8/06 11:15 pm)

Re: Blah - Evadne nodded and hid a small blush from Kejan nudging her, as she looked over the landscape that played out before them. It was incredible. Not just the scenary, but this feeling she had. For once she was glad she had gotten this chance to live again. She wasn't quite sure she could trust it, as it had betrayed her before, but she was almost sure she was willing to at least try again. She couldn't stay as she was, but she was still scared.

Shaking her head from her thoughts she took in the place around her for the first time. Well the first time without her mind being elsewhere. The huge cityscape and the nature that surrounded it. Colors of all sorts. It was an intriguing scene.... but it just wasn't Corran. There wasn't the beauty of the Moonflow that reflected the lights of the city above it's waters. Ironic... she was beginning to miss the city she had come to loathe in her time. Another consequence of being alive she supposed.

She looked over from where she stood, to Kejan. She chewed on her lip, waiting for him to make a move. Finally though, she moved down onto the solid ground. It was awkward.. to have wisps of cloud float past her, she turned and watched as the heavens themselves seemed to rush past. She the looked back toward the city... well that meant people.

"I'm not so sure about this.." she muttered, running a had through her hair, "My fame has a way of preceding me.. even in places without a Blitzball team of their own. And I really don't have the desire to be stalked through this place by anyone."

Faolan nodded to Midori and took a hold of her hand. He wasn't going to laugh at her, she didn't need that kind of response right now. Instead he just lead her from the hull of the ship and down a corridor he had come which now appeared to be flooded with sunlight. He brushed his dark hair out of his bright eyes as he stepped forward with confident strides. If he was wary, he didn't show it.

His eyes fell upon the silhouette of the Al Bhed. He would have said something, but he didn't want to upset Midori any further. Besides, the way she had seen Evadne look at him.. well Faolan wasn't a fool. Instead he too stood and looked out around them. They were still up high in the clods and yet they had struck land. Land that was higher up than Valhalla, the city he had lived in. His head cocked to the side, this place caught his interest, he had been a nomad after all, and this was a place he hadn't yet explored in his travels. He let go of Midori and took a step forward before he stopped.

"There is another here.." he muttered to the smaller Fayth, "Another of us.. can you feel it?"

"There is a temple admist the city," Evadne responded.. seemingly as if she had heard him.

Keira84 - Kejan - (2/9/06 9:56 am)

Kejan grinned to himself as he strode fearlessly past Evadne and turned around to look up at her once his feet was on the soil. "Aw come on Eve," he pleaded cheerfully. "Chances that people will recognize that pretty little face of yours underneath that hat are pretty slim if you ask me," he said and chuckled a little as he turned his back on her and looked out on the nature around them. This place was beautiful. The air was so fresh and clean and the smell from the pinetrees that covered the mountainsides was simply intoxicating. "Let's trek down to that temple you mentioned and see what it's about," he said eagerly. His Spherehunter-self was beginning to itch all over to explore this place.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/15/06 5:04 pm)

Evadne tipped her head at Kejan's comment about the odds of people recognizing her 'pretty' face. She was grateful at the cover the wide-brimmed hat offered but all the same. She shook her head at his smirk.

"Only because you haven't been alive long enough to know any better.." she mused at him, "But since you and the others insist.."

She looked between Faolan and Kejan, both seemed to have the same look in their eyes. The want to see more of this place, to explore. It was awkward to see two people who didn't seem to like each other too much have the same look plastered on their faces. Midori must have thought so too.. at least that's why Evadne assumed she was having a giggling fit.

Smoothing out her clothes, Evadne looked toward the Temple in the distance. She could feel it now herself, there was a Fayth close at hand. Just as Faolan had said. Who it was? Well they were bound to figure it out. She stepped forward, since no one else seemed to be doing so and prepared to enter into the line of pinetrees before them. Take the straightest and quickest route and see as few people as possible. That was her plan. Faolan put up a hand to stop her.

"You're just going to march into the woods with no course of action and wearing a color that screams for attention?" she asked almost sternly.

"Well what other choice is there?" she looked back up at him, challenging him.

Faolan sighed, not wanting to have another fight with Evadne. A long time friend of his. Her ran a hand through his long dark locks.

"How about we stay on the path over there.. seems more traveled upon at any rate. What's the rush? If that Fayth were going anywhere they would have done so already."

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/15/06 5:27 pm)

Kejan began tapping his foot impatiently, openly annoyed over Faolan's hesitance. Maybe it wasn't the most clever move to get off on the wrong foot with that guy, but Kejan couldn't help it. It was as if he was programmed to be a cocky jerk...but atleast Evadne was warming up to it...which was pretty admirable in itself, since most people thought Kejan was nothing but a self-assured jackass.

Puffing out his cheeks and exhaling very pointedly, he scoffed, turned around and gesticulated with his arms that he was growing impatient. He began walking ahead of the Fayths, decided he would take the path that lead directly into the city. He had nothing to hide so why would he wanna sneak around? Unlike Evadne, Kejan liked attention...just as long as people kept it at a distance. Making close connections wasn't his thing. Unless of course they were pretty women. Strolling along, Kejan started cooling off and he looked around, hearing birds chirrup as they fluttered within the forest. He kind of liked this place...even if was completely unknown to him and pretty remote. An island in the sky, he thought with a slight smirk. How odd.

The Copter swooped dangerously close to a couple of the highest buildings of Archadia and the pilot let out a whistle of relief as he had yet again dodged that damn spear. It always caught him by surprise whenever he flew past that area, and he'd nearly lost his life to it several times before. Well...not in the recent past though. He'd only just become alive again and it was a thrill! When he'd first woken up in his temple, he'd patted his own body, surprised over how real it felt. Then, it had only taken him a matter of seconds before he'd burst outside into the glaring sunlight and cheered from the top of his lungs. Prior to dying, Daezian had been quite fond of life...even if he hated his job.

After the joyous cheer of being brought back to life, he'd headed over to the hangars and found his Copter...right where he'd left it. He'd climbed in, and here he was...flying over the rooftops...albeit in a dangerously careless manner. So he was a littler usty, what could you expect? But still reeling from almost hitting the spear, Daezian couldn't help but think that if he ever met up with those dillinquents that had brought Archadia back to life, he would tell them that they could've left out just that one spear.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/15/06 5:04 pm)

Evadne only watched as Kejan trekked rather cooly down the path that led right for the city. She frowned. But as Midori and Faolan followed suit only a few moments after the Al Bhed, she was the last one left standing. Not that she disliked being alone, she preferred it more than to being hastled by the mobs in Corran. But she didn't know this place.. she never really knew too much of any place but she knew nothing of here except the name. And the child like fear of being left behind and lost seemed to swell up inside her.

She looked back up at the city skyline, finding the temple again before she let out a sigh. By then, the others were a little down the path and she had yet to even begin following. But despite the beautiful landscape around her she was liking less of being alone out here. She soon found herself trudging down the path after Kejan and the others. She was a good deal back. Pulling the brim of her hat forward she hid any side of emotion in it's shadows. She'd be damned if she was going to be caught acting so childish. Even though she was at such a distance they probably couldn't read her face anyway. What could happen to her? Between the imposing figure that was Faolan, and the ever watchful presence (yes she had caught him turning around a few times, his eyes finding hers) of Kejan, alog with his quicks wits, what could happen?

Faolan walked close beside the seemingly cheerful Midori. It almost made him smile to see that she was enjoying herself, watching the nature around them. He was rather enjoying the views and smells himself. It had been so long since he had been so free. Sure the Farplane had endless expanses, but it had never been the same when compared to his nomad life in Spira. Something about all this being real..

[edit] Cat Witch - Midori - (2/16/06 6:55 pm)

Reply New Post Re: Blah "Ooh..." Midori gasped as a bird swooped by, the dark forgotten with the sight of all this open sky. She'd never been here before, never been a lot of places before, every little thing distracted her. Cities like this, the only one that had existed back then was Zanarkand, and she'd only heard about it from a traveller or two when she was younger.

The young fayth was practically absorbed in all the detail, slowly following along as her eyes flitted to and fro with amazement. A temple in the sky, it almost seemed poetic, mysterious in the way that she wondered how anything came into being. Temples, they always held a sort of fascination to her, so elaborate sometimes, that she sometimes forgot they housed fayths and their aeons. It was no wonder why her brother had normally had her wait outside while he went into temples to summon aeons. She'd end up spending the entire time annoying a priest and getting the entire party kicked out.

" what are we here to find again?" Midori asked Faolan, dancing backwards a few steps and glancing toward Evadne. Oh, and Kejan as well. Ceasing her exploration to glance Evie's way, she glared daggers at the Al Bhed's back in a future threat to hurt him if she hurt her friend. Even that was quickly cut off as she ran a bit ahead to observe something by the side of the road, feeling much like a little child in her distracted adventuring.

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/16/06 7:09 pm)

The fresh air was certainly doing it's wonders, that was for sure. Kejan's mood was improved by the beauty that surrounded them. It just faded away until only awe was left. This place...he wouldn't mind it if it stuck around for a while. Maybe he'd move here? The city seemed pretty futuristic and at the same time it had admirable nature. It was a clash...but Kejan liked it. Midori's voice caught his attention though and he looked over his shoulder at her question, to see who she'd asked. Faolan no doubt. He saw Evadne had finally joined them back there and he smirked. Looking ahead again, he thought to himself that he was thankful he'd chosen the Gunner dress sphere. Anything else would've been way too hot, he thought. Sweaty hot...the other type of hot was only enhanced in this outfit, he thought smugly to himself.

Daezian's Copter flew over the city, in circles, swoops and other gravity-defying manners. He couldn't help it, he loved it. It was one of the reasons he'd accepted his job too. The company gave each employee a Copter in which they would fly around town and collect money from the citizens. In other words, taxes. This naturally meant that Daezian and his co-workers weren't always well-liked, but he always excused himself that it was jus a job, and that he had to pay up just as they had. Except maybe not quite as much, since he worked there and had a low salary. He made a sharp dip, scaring some construction-worked that were station on a rooftop, and as he passed them, he saluted them and grinned as he soared over the city and deftly maneuvered his Copter.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/16/06 10:38 pm)

Enter another Fayth: "Another Fayth.. I suppose.." Evadne answered Midori's question seeing as no one else had. She was sure it hadn't been asked of her, but when had that ever stopped her?

She probably wouldn't have caught up with them at all except that everyone else seemed so intent at marvelling at this place. If Evadne showed an interest, she didn't show it in one way or another. She should be happy that the others were enjoying themselves. In a way she almost was, at least for their sakes. But she didn't seem to share in their enthusiasm. And she couldn't fake it, not even for the rest of them.

Having been lost in thought for the hundredth time that day and staring at her own feet to avoid the glances that were shot her way by her companions, she let out a smally cry as she smacked into a now stopped Kejan. She promptly frowned and gave the Al Bhed a small shove. Gesturing to either move or get out of the way. He had that smug look on his face... that one she was always tempted to wipe off. For some reason it annoyed her and he seemed to revel in that fact.

"What?" she questioned him, "Do I have a something on my face? What?"

Faolan could take a hint. He gestured silently for Midori to follow along with him as he moved past the two. They were almost into the city anyway. And there would be much to see there on the way to the temple. He could hear the distant commotion of people anyway. And they were bound to be of higher interest than Kejan or Evadne. This was a continent in the sky after all. His bright amber eyes were dazzling in the excitment.

"Lets go on ahead," he eventually grasped Midori by the shoulder, even though he was sure he couldn't lose her anyway. "The Temple or whatever, is just ahead... I'm sure they'll catch up."

Having watched the Coptr nearly meet it's end with the spire that stood from the top of one of the higher buildings, Citlali was immediately on her comm. She knew who was piloting. She knew by the wild, bright colored hair that would occasionally fly out.

"Are you trying to kill yourself again?" she quietly asked over the comm to the pilot of the other craft that she was above, "Because you're doing a pretty good job. I thought you said you could fly?"

It was more words than Citlali had spoken in a long time. But the layed back Daezian had a way of getting her to open up. Even just a little. And she found that she usually had something to say to him. Her own airship, the high-flying Icarus was hovering lower to the city. She wasn't a stranger to this place. Not in the least bit.

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/17/06 6:11 pm)

Reply New Post Re: Enter another Fayth Chuckling, Daezian replied to the the message that transmitted over his comm. "Aw,'re breaking my ego over here," he said dramatically as a grin flared over his deletable lips. Even if she couldn't see it, he clutched his heart. "Be nice, I beg you," he teased and moved the joysticks, moving the Copter sharply upwards, cutting through the air like a hot knife through butter.

On the trail, another smug character was getting his share of female smart-mouthing. "What makes you think you need to have something on your face to make me look at you?" he quipped sharply. "And you walked into me, remember?" he smirked and paid her back with a milder version of she shove she'd given him. He glanced around, he saw Faolan and Midori already passed. He wondered if that would stress Evadne. That her friends had left her alone with him. He sighed at the beauty of this place. "Kind of halts you breath doesn't it?" he said evasively as his eyes took in the sights around them.

===Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/17/06 7:12 pm)

Citlali rolled her eyes at Daezian's response. Why was she not surprised. But just as quickly she was at the controls her hands moving quickly and systematicly over the panels before her, before she gave a sharp jerk to the controls of the Icarus. That smug fool had just aimed upwards towards her ship. A ship that's strength didn't lie in it's speed. A quick matter of shifting the airship of the way and Citlali went back to cruising.

"Well I would be more considerate of you and your ego..," she replied through the comm, "..if you would try not to bring me down with you, Daezy."

She got up from her pilots seat, after setting the ship to autopilot. Standing, she could see that blasted Coptr flying beside the relatively massive Icarus. With her sharp eyes, she could just make out the smirking fayth. After a moment's pause, she gave a small smirk herself. He wouldn't expect it of her. She pressed a button on the bottom side of one of the control panels, and a large cannon type weapon, turned and aimed towards the small Coptr. She wouldn't fire of course, but she was letting him know that she knew he was still there.

"Oh Daezy.." her small voice like sugar through the comm, " do know how much I hate stalkers.. they make my fan club members so jealous.."

She would be landing soon, the floating docks and hangars loomed ahead of her. Airships much larger than her own were stored in some of those things. Archadia was full of such vehicles, but none were quite like her own. Moving on, she continued moving from the bridge and do towards that bay of her ship. The comm traveled with her incase her bright haired friend had any smart remarks. Though, she supposed she would be seeing him on the ground anyway.

Back on the trail, Evadne watched as Faolan led Midori off ahead before turning to deal with Kejan. She had been about to shove him back when she noticed that the others were leaving. Not that she was alone.. she had the creep that knew just how to push her buttons. That creep she couldn't find cause to be rid of. Especially not dressed as he was now. She blushed inspite of her self and quickly turnd to look around once more..

"It is beautiful.." she responded to Kejan's own remark of the natural beauty around them. For once she didn't assume that he was speaking of anything else. It had been obvious how enthralled he was with this place. It only made her long for Corran.. despite it's cons. If only she hadn't been so famous... "Perhaps..."

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/17/06 7:30 pm)

Kejan looked down and settled his eyes on Evadne. "Perhaps what?" he asked. Interrupted. Whatever. His mind was scattered for a few seconds. Her skin had him enthralled. But she would probably chop his hands or something if he dared touch her. Or some other vital limb. So he took keed to his better judgment that was still somewhat immune to Evadne and decided he'd keep his hands and his lips to himself. Atleast for a little while longer, his conscious smirked.

Daezian glanced to his side at the cooing of Citlalis voice and looked forward again, unphased. Then his head snapped to his side again and he stared dumbfoundly at the cannons she was aiming at him. Gaping and stuttering all at once, Daezian pulled the joysticks back, and downward to the left - making the Copter reel before it dipped down a couple feet. "Holy smokes, Lali, violent much? I didn't think you were the 'extreme measures' kinda gal!" he gasped over the comm. After the initial shock had faded somewhat, he had to chuckle though. "Women...they're all crazy," he commented and smiled to himself.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/18/06 10:42 pm)

"It's nothing.." Evadne said after a moment, meeting the eyes of Kejan, "It's stupid really... I just.. I was just thinking about my home.."

She sounded silly, she knew it. But it wasn't like she could lie to him. She had been comparing this place to one she loathed and yet missed. Her cool swims in the Moonflow as a child. Her sanctuary she had found in the Temple of Leviathan, after she had reached a level of fame in which she never had a moment to herself. Good memories that she had shoved deep inside her, wrapped by all the memories and feelings that she would rather forget.

"Perhaps.. we could stay here for just a bit longer. " she said finally, "Faolan and Midori are fine on their own. He would never let anything happen to her. He's a better guardian than I have ever been for her."

She found herself then wrapping her arms about his waist, holding herself close to him. She needed to be close to him. He offered her comfort, he had turned a blindeye on what she had been. That stardom that had kept her locked away both emotionally and physically. She owed much to Leviathan.. but most of what she was learning to see in herself had been because of this man.

Citlali chuckled lightly, hanging out of the bay door of the Icarus. It was being docked and she had been about to jump down when she decided to give Daezy (Daisy)'s remark a response. His Coptr was still nearby, she could hear it buzzing around now that her own engines had shut down. Knowing he would see her, she offered a small wave from where she stood, a smile that hid much more than it showed crossed her lips.

"I guess you don't know me as well as you proclaim to.." she offered back to the fayth over the comm she still carried on her, "..Take that as you will... but I'm insulted that you think I would shoot you from the sky.. however will you make it up to me?"

She leapt to the dock then, a bag carried over her shoulder full of not just a change in clothing and such supplies but maps and charts that she was delivering to someplace or another while she was staying here. Easily she managed to weave her way through the crowd, moving on her own way to pay respects to the Temple of Astaroth.

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/19/06 4:12 pm)

A little stunned over the sudden warm-up Evadne was doing, Kejan couldn't fight back the grin that smeared itself over his lips. He'd wanted to explore this place, he didn't deny that, but there would be time for that later and besides, he'd wanted Evadne's attention too and getting one out of two wasn't a bad deal, he thought.

He put two secure arms around her shoulders. "Sure, we'll stay here a while," he assured gently. A couple seconds passed in silence before Kejan smiled as something tickled his ego. "I should've worn this dress sphere sooner," he chuckled ever so faintly. Maybe they wouldn't have had such a tumultous start then? He was joking, of course, but he couldn't help throwing out lighthearted comments like that. It was part of the Kejan-package, he thought to himself. Boy, that's a weak defence, he thought to himself with a light scoff at himself.

Make it up to her?! Daezian eyeballs nearly fell out of their sockets at what she'd suggested. He was being aimed at with fearsome looking cannons and yet somehow, he was supposed to make it up to her? That's it, thought Daezian. Women are definiately completely and utterly out of their minds. He glanced down below and saw Lali's ship had docked and she was probably off to some odd destination with some random intent that nobody understood even if she explained it a hundred times over.

Grabbing his comm he held it to his face. "Laaali...Laaaaaali," he cooed in a sing-songy voice, with the slight intent to bother her or atleast get her attention. "Aw come on Lali, don't be all heartbroken and sulking now...I apologize for being so...tempting to aim your. cannons. at..." he said stockily, yet with a joking tone. He wasn't being too serious though, afterall, if there was one person he had a compulsive need to tease, it would be Citlali. She was that quiet person...a sitting duck that drew all sorts of attention without even trying. It was like a big sign saying 'dont poke this sign' and it makes you wanna poke it just because it said you shouldn't. WOOO! Citlali stopped from her casual walk upon hearing that teasing sing song voice erupt from her comm. People around her had stopped and stared in her direction and she did her best to conceal a blush. It was quite awkward, surely he knew that. And surely he knew how off key he was. When the audience had scattered she calmly picked up her comm and searched the sky for the other fayth. He was probably having a good laugh at her now.

"Oh Daezy.." she gave a small quiet laugh back at him as she reclined back against the side of abuilding, "How you still tempt me.. but if it seems my heart is broken it is only because you do so from afar. Why do you tease me so?"

A hand ruffled through her hair as she looked up at the busy skies above her. Hopefully there was now a fayth up there that was blushing as she had been a few moments earlier. She winked as though he could actually see her. Who knew where he was now. Well.. she had places to be, personal and buisness. As was typical, he would find her if he wanted to.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/15/06 5:04 pm)

Evadne found herself again looking up at the Al Bhed, Kejan. This time with a bemused look on her face, and a raised eyebrow. With a quick sweep of her hand, that red hat that was common of her dress sphere was off her head, giving her a better view without the shadows. She shook her head suddenly, before stifling a small laugh against his chest.

"The dress sphere has nothing to do with it.." she said before her pale blue eyes swept over him, "But then.. I suppose it doesn't hurt."

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/20/06 12:27 am)

WOOO! - Kejan grinned. "So you mean to say that burlap really does it for you?" he teased and nudged her slightly before placing a random kiss on the top of her head. "How...adorably kinky and delightfully freaky of you Eve," he laughed a little and imagined Evadne blushing like crazy whenever she saw someone clad in that ratty old kind of fabric. He'd never have guessed. Naturally, she probably wasn't into that at all, but hey, there was so little to tease her with, atleast this was something.

Chuckling to himself, Daezian was glad that Citlali couldn't see the silly blushing hue that made his ears glow almost as red as his hair. "Broken heart? Well I just find that a little bit strange, so you're gonna tell me where you're going so I can meet you there and see for myself just how broken that sweet lil heart of yours really is," he teased. Daezian laughed into the comm and shook his head at himself. "Unless you're chicken," he challenged.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/20/06 11:22 pm)

"Another thing to blame blitzball for.." Evadne replied, trying to hide the smirk that was creeping onto her lips, and letting her slim hand trace down his chest before dropping the red hat. Her eyes were narrowed in a look that hid rather she was joking or not. "You just don't know my dirty little secrets.."

She couldn't help but blush when she said that. Showing an innocence that betrayed such words. She of course had no such afinite (sp?) towards the harsh fabric. But she was not about to let him frustrate her with his teasing. He already knew how to push most of her buttons, but teasing she could deal with. She had played on a team full of guys afterall. Maybe he would be the one to blush now.

"I'll stay my course," she said after a moment, "It has nothing to do with the dress sphere. I could make the Gunner look so much better.."

Citlali smirked slightly into the comm as she stood up straight again. Well she supposed this round had gone to her. But then there was his challenge. Her deep eyes hid the spark at him calling her a chicken. She gathered herself though and turned to check her surroundings. That Daezian could get her lost, he could be such a distraction.

"I don't fear you, Daezy" she replied as she circled the area again, her voice having a quiet yet amused tone, "That you would undoubtedly crash before landing, maybe. But my heart is always open to you... as long as you can mend what you break.."

Having found where she stood, she headed out again, a bit of a confident step in her walk. After a moment's breathe, she picked up the comm again. She had intentially left the other fayth hanging.

"If you think you can handle my poor heart, I'll be at the praying place of Astaroth. I'm sure you know the place... unless you know of another place that will give me room and board for a few nights.. The Icarus can be quite smothering at times.

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/21/06 3:49 pm)

"If I wasn't such a gentleman, I would almost think you were trying to trick me into taking this thing off," he said dryly...but grinned cheekily to boot, throwing off any traces of seriousness. He breathed through a lazy chuckle at calling himself a gentleman. That was quite the stretch he thought in hindsight. Oh well...hopefully Evadne could tell when he was sarcastic and when he wasn't. The latter being very seldom though. Kejan wasn't even sure he knew how to not be sarcastic anymore. Not that it mattered, he preferred being the joker rather than being all business. Because jokers got to mix the pleasure as opposed to those who were into business stuff. "But that said...I gotta confess, I'm pretty sure there's truth to what you say about make it look better," he smirked, his teasing eyes looking down at her.

Daezian smirked. "I hear Deazian's Copter is an excellent place for relaxation this time a year," he said confidently, withholding a couple chuckles, thinking he'd try and throw her off by coming off as somewhat half-serious this time. However, he was unsure that'd work, since it was totally against his nature to be like that. He never really took anything very serious, did he? Nope. Sure didn't. If he did, he wouldn't have died the way he did. He shrugged at his memories and instead put the comm aside and did a low, defying swoop and neared the rooftop of a hangar. After the people there had scattered away in terror, Daezian landed a little bumpily and came out from his flying machine. Looking around, he saw some people shaking their fist at him, shouting some mild obscenities regarding his flying skills, but Daezian just waved them off and turned around, smirking as he headed toward the Temple he knew so all too well.

(ooc - Citlali may move on to I suppose you can sleep here)

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (2/25/06 11:23 pm)

"I would never be so confused or naive as to call you a gentleman," she offered him quite bluntly, but not without a teasing tone, "Gentleman don't kidnap woman from blitzball games, especially in the midst of a huge crowd. A rogue or a scoundrel maybe.. but no gentleman.."

She hadn't forgotten when he had swept in and snatched her from Zanarkand. Right before a blitzball game that she was to play in. That was after he had learned her secret, he had found the mark at the back of her neck, the mark of Leviathan. She really hadn't liked him much then. She smiled at the thought. That maybe she didn't like him too much better now. He was a scoundrel. But he had the touch of an angel.

"But who really wants a gentleman?.." she shrugged slightly, "So perfect.. so fake.. Not me. If I weren't such a Lady I'd think you'd want to kiss me and be done with it.."

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (2/26/06 4:53 am)

Kejan raised an eyebrow, looking at her in almost disbelief with those swirly, green al bhed eyes of his. "Lady?" he questioned in a breathless tone, almost sarcastic at the same time. Then he smirked. Without anymore hesitation and anymore thoughts back and forth, Kejan strangled the voice inside his head that screamed for him to reconsider his would-be actions. Deftly putting a hand under Evadne's chin, he leaned down and gave her a kiss just on the side of her lips. A teasing smirk appeared on his own as his face lingered near hers.

Perhaps he was a scoundrel as she so bluntly dubbed him. Mentalyl shrugging, he figured that wasn't too far from the truth. It may very well be the most accurate label too, but he wouldn't admit that openly. But if he knew what then when he knew now...if he could foretell the way he would gaze upon her...would he still have done what he did? Would he have snatched her away like some booty that was up for grabs? Perhaps...perhaps not. It was hard to tell. Most of his life, Kejan had been stealing to make a living. Taking things for his own since nobody gave him anything. He was always taken things from... But now....was Evadne not giving him the light of day? She was. And what was Kejan doing about it? He wasn't sure. For once, he was unsure.

[edit] Soul Inferno - Evadne - (3/6/06 12:59 am)

Failure - Evadne opened her previously closed eyes, her breath heavy from some sort of feeling. Anticipation. Close to how she used to feel before playing blitzball. But this was a heavier form of it. Slowly her eyes found his, though his face still lingered to her own. There seemed to be a different look in his eyes. She closed hers again, a small tear sliding down her cheek. She was trying so hard not to let her defenses back up, but was that not a look of doubt on his face? Why would he have to second-guess himself. She could feel herself stiffen. Finally she stepped back from him slightly, she about turned away from him.

She pulled her arms around herself.

"Perhaps.. perhaps.. I was wrong.." she about choked on the words, before she was encircled by a set of powerful arms.

[edit] Keira84 - Kejan - (3/6/06 1:55 pm)

Whatever he'd stung. Somehow, some way, he'd gone and made things akward and tense again. Sighing a little bit, he shrugged mentally and figured it was just a regular curse. He was a fumblehead. Yes indeedy do. Having Evadne recoil like that was not only a personal defeat but professional one aswell.

He thought that if he grabbed her arm or something, he'd lose said limb. In a very macabre way at that too. But what if it was worth the risk? They'd had a moment and he'd somehow inadvertedly ruined it. But who was to say there wouldn't more of them? By golly, why not right now? Afterall, they both looked pretty damn hot on their outfits, he thought vainly.

"Damn it, Eve!" Kejan's mind was racing as he flung out his arm, grabbed Evadne and pulled her against himself. Not even a fraction of a second went by before he'd pressed his lips hard and fast against hers, kissing her with a tenderness that was in complete contradiction to the force he'd used just a second ago.

[edit] Kejan

Re: Failure - Unloco Whatever he'd stung. Somehow, some way, he'd gone and made things akward and tense again. Sighing a little bit, he shrugged mentally and figured it was just a regular curse. He was a fumblehead. Yes indeedy do. Having Evadne recoil like that was not only a personal defeat but professional one aswell.

He thought that if he grabbed her arm or something, he'd lose said limb. In a very macabre way at that too. But what if it was worth the risk? They'd had a moment and he'd somehow inadvertedly ruined it. But who was to say there wouldn't more of them? By golly, why not right now? Afterall, they both looked pretty damn hot on their outfits, he thought vainly.

"Damn it, Eve!" Kejan's mind was racing as he flung out his arm, grabbed Evadne and pulled her against himself. Not even a fraction of a second went by before he'd pressed his lips hard and fast against hers, kissing her with a tenderness that was in complete contradiction to the force he'd used just a second ago.

[edit] Evadne

Possession - Evans Blue (My Inspiration) Evadne was swept up in the flurry of events, pure emotion, and utter passion. Yes passion was the word. She couldn't even think, could just barely react. Soft hands, tight grip, warm body, strong movements caused by strong feelings, hard lips, and a tender, passionate kiss. There was that word again.. passion. The kiss.. it took her breath away, literally. That she could remember, she had barely had time to inhale before Kejan had pulled her back to his embrace, a gasp had been the only thing to escape her lips before his were on hers.

Now that she was caught up in his arms everything else had faded away. Her previous thoughts.. anything and everything was washed away. There was no world outside of them both. No past and no future.. just the here and now, the two of them. And it seemed like it could go on forever.

"Damn it Kejan.." she breathed against his lips, mocking the last thing he had said to her, "Damn.."

His lips found hers again, silencing anything else that may have been said. A hand traced down her cheek, brushing away any stray tears that may have been left from earlier. Did she pull away from him. No and even if she had wanted to, the scoundrels other arm was wrapped around her hips. Won over by the moment, she found herself opening up to him, kissing him back, her soft hand curled gently into his spiked hair. Throwing her walls down she let him brand her.. (I could say "claim" but people would get the wrong idea.. it's not like that you sickos.. they're kissing!!)

[edit] Kejan

Re: Possession - Evans Blue (My Inspiration) - Now, why had Kejan waited so long before he did this? He couldn't think of a reason, so if anyone asked, he was claiming mental instability. Or something similar. Because this was by far the one of the most enjoyable moments he'd ever had with this handful of a woman. Kejan figured it was about damn time too, but he'd never say that out loud. He was very much attached to his privates.

But beneath his vain and obscenely self-centered thoughts, Kejan did actually appreciate this moment on a much more personal, deeper level. Maybe their start had been rocky and not completely legal...but after spending all this time with Evadne, Kejan was starting to feel very attached to her. It was hard to decipher emotional ties in the midst of the raging lust though, and it kind of nagged at the back of Kejan's head. Afterall, he knew pretty well what she thought about him. She thought he was a filthy scoundrel. A no-good thief who hords all sorts of crap he finds along whatever way he elbows his way down. She thought Kejan was nothing but a rogue kidnapper with a brash and obnoxious and self-absorbed personality. And what was even worse? That she wasn't too far from the truth thinking so. But however rubbish a person he was, Kejan still had some amiable traits in him. A place within himself that was tender, cheerful and genuine. A place that was positively bursting at the seams and seeping out into his kisses.

Her hand in his hair, clutching and tugging at his spikes in the throes of passion was driving him nuts. Damn it, what he wouldn't give to have a wall here right now. Kejan grunted absently as he lost track of time and space and deepened the kiss as feelings of longing, desire and raw passion rushed through him. (oh lawdy have mercy on me)

Then, a twig snapped nearby and Kejan growled low in his throat as he pulled away from the needy kiss and looked around, glaring in every direction, his eyes hunting to find whoever had had the nerve to interrupt this fine moment.

(ooc - midori or whoever better have daaaamn good excuse for mister kejan now. or else...i pity j00. fool. lol)

[edit] Cat Witch

Midori Annoy Faolan or spy on the lovebirds? Somehow the second one held more appeal to the young fayth. It wasn't her fault. Midori was just at that age when people started getting curious of what other uses were there for males other than as brothers. For instance, it was still strange for her to see someone she knew so emotionally close to someone else. Particularily someone she didn't fully trust.

It wasn't actually hard to lose the brotherly fayth as they explored a small market. There were advantages to being on the smaller side and quick, dodging through a crowd after "accidentally" knocking another man into Fao as a distraction. Considering she'd also disrupted a pile of fruits that aided to the chaos.

"Evie should thank me, making sure he's not trouble," Midori whispered to herself as she made her way through the vegetation in the road just behind them. Keep on telling herself that and it was a better excuse than just wanting to eavesdrop. Unfortunately, skirts did poorly for sneaking around as did long hair.

"Get...!" The offending branch snagged at her ribbon, the anger enough of a distraction that she forgot to be quiet. Reaching behind her head, Midori gave a sharp tug and stumbled forward. Snap of the twig forfeiting the tug of war battle and her cover was destroyed, as was her dignity. It was maybe time to begin wearing things other than skirts as she stumbled and threw out her hands before her. The ground was mean, knocking the breath and a small gasp out of her as she lay there on her stomach in plain sight. What to do now?

Smile. Look innocent. Give a wave to Kejan and a wry grin to Evadne in hopes that she wouldn't be set on a trip back to the farplanes just yet. They couldn't be too angry, could they?

" your step there, it's a little...trippy?"

[edit] Keira84


"You! Runt!" hissed Kejan in opressed dismay and pointed accusingly at her. However, the young woman's grinning and innocent nature was making it hard for Kejan to be really angry and possibly blow up at her, so instead, he just found himself staring at her. His stare grew calmer by the second. In the end, he just shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose between two fingers.

He sighed and began pacing a little, opening a couple feet of space between him and Evadne, thought he would quickly close that space if Midor wasn't standing right there in all her intrusive glory, grinning her giddy arse off. Kejan then began wondering where that overprotective brute Faolan was. It was probably him who had sent Midori up here to spy anyway, seeing as Faolan seemed t have some sort of twisted need to monitor everything Evadne did. Kejan's pacing stopped and he looked a little dejected, but did his best at conjuring a more energetic and forgiving demeanor. "Hey kid, how about you show us the way outta this rural place and into the city, hm?" He felt calmer now and was even able to smile a little.

[edit] Soul Inferno

Evadne/Leviathan Eclipsed - Evans Blue The twig snapped. Almost as if by instinct Evadne snapped to attention. Snapped back to reality. She also found herself being held onto rather possessively, moreso than protectively. A growl had escaped from the person holding onto her as such, Kejan. Her blue eyes looked over into the brush near by. Midori. No sooner had she put the name to her mind did the girl come sprawling out of the foliage. Evadne bit her lip as Kejan pointed a finger and gave a shout at her. Evadne's main concern was to hide the blush that was creeping its way across her face. She herself couldn't find it in herself to be mad at the younger Fayth.

He had started pacing, his eyes moving between both her and Midori. For a moment there was that needy look in his eyes, but it vanished as he looked away from her and again Evadne's face was about as red as her outfit. With him having stepped aside Evadne had to find a new way to cover her flushed face and flustered look. Running a hand through her aqua hair she bit down on her lower lip and turned in a small circle. The hat..that was it. Look for the hat. She had dropped it during the whole.. "experience". Her cool eyes finally put a lock one it and Evadne kneeled down to dust it off, and place it back on her head. The shadows covered her face just enough. She stood up and turned back to current happenings. She took a couple more seconds to calm herself down and pull herself together again before she stepped towards Midori. She offered the girl a hand up, and offered a friendly smile.

"You are a horrible sneak," she muttered to the girl in a teasing tone, "And an equally as horrible clutz."

She pulled Midori to her feet and helped her brush herself off. Even tied the ribbon back in her hair after freeing it from the twig. There, everything was back in order. Well.. she looked back over her shoulder at Kejan.. maybe..

"I guess we should get going.." she managed to find the words, befor giving Midori a slight shove forwards, "Lead the was shorty.."

No sooner had Midori had her back turned, she had Kejan whispering something in her ear. Something that caused Evadne to hide her blushed face in her hands before she gave him a shove away.

[edit] Cat Witch

Midori "You! Runt!"

Cringing, Midori was tempted to crawl back into the bush. At least she wasn't being shot or made to ride on the outside of his ship. Exasperated, irritated was good, she noted. It meant not angry, not likely to strangle a poor little innocent kid like her.

"I was not...I'm...I thought..." the flustered fayth was much at a loss for words. Every excuse sounded bad when it was rather obvious she'd been trying to follow them. And not really well. With her hopeful smile and wide eyes, she prayed that she wouldn't get scolded, especially by Evie. Evie could be scary when she was mad...

"You are a horrible sneak," she muttered to the girl in a teasing tone, "And an equally as horrible clutz."

"Hey! I blame the tree and...It's hard to sneak when wearing a skirt!" Midori protested, dusting off as best as she could. But her smile was now genuine, grateful that she'd caught them in what seemed to have been a good mood.

Saved. They took her sneaking a lot better than the time she'd gotten caught following her brother when he was sneaking off to see some girl. She could almost feel the bruise on her head once more. Unconsciously, Midori rubbed the once abused spot and nodded at Kejan's command.

"Hey kid, how about you show us the way outta this rural place and into the city, hm?"

"Sure thing, it's this way!" Disobey him? She was still happy he wasn't mad at her. Like Faolan would be when he found her. Then again, she'd already decided snooping was worth the inevitable consequences. Too much fun.

And yet were they whispering again? Leading the way with more confidence in her lousy sense of direction than a map, Midori was tempted as usual to eavesdrop, glancing backwards every few steps until she stumbled on a rock. Paying attention from then on, she couldn't help interrupt once.

"So um...what in the world were you two here anyway? The city has more things to see."

[edit] Keira84

Kejan Re: Possession - Evans Blue (My Inspiration)

Kejan chuckled a little, as it appeared his suggestion cast sleep on Midori didn't seem like such a brilliant idea to Evadne. What good was the Restless Sleep garment grid if he couldn't put it to good use? But he didn't take her no so hard, since it was a half-assed suggestion to begin with. Instead, Kejan strut after Midor down the trail in his Gunner outfit, enjoying the way it made him feel when he knew he looked damn good.

He laughed a little at Midori's innocent question. Obviously she had a thing or two to learn about what it means when a hot man and a hot woman with tangible tension between them falls behind the rest of their group. "I'm sure it has plenty of things to see. But I'm more of a hands on person. Vision is not my favorite sense. I prefer taste and touch," he said and cast a glance at Evadne, his grin showing.

[edit] To be Continued

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