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Full Name: Artemis Blitzer (Born: Arefei Molniya)

Alias(s): Arty, Oboroten

Age: Eighty-six (appears early thirties)

Gender: Male

Species: Hybrid, Human/Snow Leopard-Demon

Spiritual Companion: Marigold

Occupation: Professional Demon Hunter



Artemis is surprisingly easy going for a demon/human hybrid, to the point that many will think he is aloof or lazy. In truth, he probably is both of those things, especially when one considers his habit of sleeping for the entirety of his sometimes week-long vacation or off-duty time. But this laid back nature masks a capable fighter. His demon blood causes him to be more susceptible to emotions such as anger or rage, and as such his non-chalance probably serves to keep him grounded. He is devoted to his job as a demon hunter; when there is a job to be done, there is (usually) nothing that will get in his way to complete it.

Shortly after starting his training as a Hunter, he took a vow of celibacy, and has not once looked back. As such, he has repressed all sexual desire he experiences. Though it's suggested several times that were this not the case, he probably wouldn't much care at all what gender his partner was, such discussions never do get much past the form of vague notions.

Because his demon side is based on a snow leopard, he enjoys cold weather over warm, becoming more active during colder months and spending more time sleeping during the warmer. Even so, his human side keeps this from being an overwhelming nuisance. He bears a significant grudge against his demon heritage, which is his primary reason for becoming a demon hunter in the first place. For the most part, he views them as inferior beings, though he has been known to make very rare exceptions for other hybrids such as himself. He also suffers from a fear of spiders.

Physical Attributes

Artemis measures in at five feet ten inches, and though his strength rivals that of many football players or professional fighters, he is leanly built, possessing a body one might very well see on a runner. His skin is very pale, with the black rings one commonly sees on a snow leopard visible on his arms and legs, usually assumed by normal humans to be an elaborate set of tattoos. His hair, a very gray color, is kept between jawbone and shoulder length, and usually used to cover his feline ears, another symbol of his demon heritage, and the eyepatch over his lost left eye. He usually wears clothing in which he can easily hide his tail, meaning a staple of his closet is a thigh-length jacket and shirts that cover his belt line. When in a more feral state, his eyes turn catlike, and his physical capabilities increase.

Growing up, his education focused on the rules, theory, and practical application of magic, summoning, and various supernatural activities, then various methods of physical combat and tactics, and standard education as an afterthought, meaning that while capable of spouting all manner of supernatural information, he is not schooled in the mortal areas of information.

Because of his demon blood, he possesses senses, strength and agility beyond those of a normal human and on par with a number of breeds of lesser demon, though he is easily outclassed by many types of full demon. He is capable of summoning creatures, though only those of very limited power. He is capable of limited kinds of teleportation, shielding, and binding magics, but for the most part his magical talents lie in passive skills rather than combat, such as tracking or locating objects or persons.

Before the Institute

Artemis' birth was the result of a breeding program set up to produce a super soldier bodyguard for a crime boss, who hoped to use his knowledge of the supernatural to capitalize on World War I and sell his super soldiers to the highest bidder. When the crime lord was killed before the completion of the program, and with only one demon/human hybrid produced, the remainders tried to hide the evidence of their actions by killing all test subjects and destroying the labs. Artemis was rescued by a dark shaman on the payroll, who recognized the child's potential, and took him to be trained in the black arts. After many years, in which Artemis grew to hate his teachers and their punishingly strict teaching system, he was finally freed by a group of demon hunters who similarly recognized Artemis' capabilities and took him on as a student, teaching him to fight and kill demons. After setting out on his own as a solo Hunter, he soon found himself taking part in a ritual to summon a demon and bind it to obey a human. The demon was Marigold, and the binding worked, though not to full effect due to Arty's half-demon status. Eventually they found out about the Institute, and were accepted as Hunters.

Interactions and Relationships

Personal Feelings Towards Teammates: Liam - He seems fine. Sometimes I wonder if he should really be a Hunter. Not because he's weak, but because his reasoning, while noble, doesn't completely fit with his choice. But he's determined, and I respect that. Whisper - I don't spend much time with him. I've never seen much reason to. He's a coworker. Vivi - I guess I put up with her. She and I don't associate often, but I don't mind that. She wouldn't be here if she weren't at least partly capable of doing her job as a Companion. Marigold - She's nice. Sometimes she does things I don't understand, but I guess that's just her personality. She seems to like spiders, which I just don't understand. I hate spiders. Hate them. They creep me out. Mari is...kind of enigmatic, I guess. Keil - I don't hold the fact that he's not completely human against him. I think he lets his emotions control him a bit too much. I think he yells and insults other people because he's not completely comfortable with himself. But he seems like a trustworthy enough person to work with.

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