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Seventeen year-old Josefine Vivian Winters - usually addressed as Vivi - is the second daughter and fifth child of Andre and Madison Winters. She is a main character of Haunted, currently holding the occupation of "Companion" to Liam. Vivi died on the twenty-fifth of September, nearly a week before her eighteenth birthday, when she exited a going-away party for her best friend in order to get her jacket out of the car she had parked half a block away and was hit by Liam's car. She is cursed to walk the Earth as his constant companion due to her death condemning his his otherwise sinless life to Damnation. If he dies before both their names are cleared by a great deed, both will be damned.

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Species: Ghost, formerly Human

Human Anchor: Liam Gabriel Barre

Birthday: September 31



Personality: I think I'm doing pretty well. Most the ghosts I deal with are trying to kill people already, and being, you know, complete asses about dying. I know I'm not easy to get along with, but fuck, I DIED, so I think I reserve my right to be a bit of a jerk when I feel like it. At least I haven't taken anyone else will me. Yet. Definite party girl. I was at a party right before I died. My best girl's birthday. We're were going to do a joint one the next week, but her dad got a job transfer. She was going to be leaving for the next county over, and changing schools. So we threw her a surprise bash.

Likes: I like cake and most sweets, but I can't eat them anymore. Television is always good. Possessing asses like Keil and having them make even bigger assholes of themselves....Cute guys are a definite...And cars. I guess I do rather like cars.

Dislikes: I DON'T like idiots. Like Keil. Keil is a perfect example of an idiot. Um....mushrooms....and bats. Bats are the ugliest things ever. Although I do like turtles and they're not exactly pretty. But come on, Benny the Turtle Cop is adorable. Her favorite shows are Benjamhin (Benny) Filch, the Turtle Cop and the Super-Kawaii-Creepy-Snuggle-Happy-Fun-Time-Show! both of which air every Saturday morning. She also knows both their theme songs by heart.

Physical Attributes

Appearance: I'm Spanish/African American. So I'm pretty dark in the skin area. Brown least they USED to be. Now they're gray. Cause I'm dead. I've got red hair, it's not natural, but I guess I'm stuck with it now. I was going to dye it back to black, too. Okay, I'm petite. Like...four foot eight. Without my heels. I'm wearing, for the rest of for-freaking-ever...A yellow top, one of those one that has the ruffled shoulder sleeve things...and dark jeans. I WAS wearing a dark green jacket, but they took it off. And white and yellow strapped heels. The ones that are like highheeled sandalls. They kill your feet.

Weaknesses: Huh. Well, I can't say I really have any weaknesses...Except Liam. Cause you know, the guy's pretty much useless. If I was just, you know....DEAD, I'd be unstoppable. But no. I'm MURDERED and therefore CURSED because I've damned Liam to Hell by making him a murderer. I mean....what the freak? He hit ME. With a CAR. A nasty, junky, OLD CAR. Not a CLASSIC. OLD. CAR. In a Look-Ma!-I'm-Roadkill way! Forgive him?! Would YOU forgive him? It took me YEARS to get this body looking GOOD. And he TURNED IT INTO STREET PIZZA. (She's arrogant and prone to distraction. She's a ghost. A pure energy being. Magical barriers would hold her back. And any warding spells keep her from moving. Plus there's the fact that her LARGE family is still alive. She could technically be sealed into an object and therefore unable to do anything.)

Strengths: Well, I'm DEAD. So you can't really physically hurt me. At least without being dead too. Or a demon, or something. Liam can supercharge me during battle, which allows me to solidify myself at will, but that's only if we're close...I can actually break most summoning circles, except for strong ones, because I have a human connection or something. We think. We're still testing that bit out.....OH. I can communicate with animals. Kinda. Not really though. They can see me and stuff, but it's really hard to get them to do what I want, you know? But if I do it right, I can spook the hell out of them. Great for a laugh.


I can levitate. Turn invisible, which is really kinda pointless because most people don't see me anyway...Flip between solid and insubstantial....but only if the old Lima bean is around. Otherwise, I'm always insubstantial. I can possess people. It's really funny. I can only possess them if they're like...Weak willed...or distracted...Or really stupid. Like Keil. Keil is the perfect example.

Before the Institute

Previous Life: Huh. Well, I have three brothers, they're all alive, and okay as far as I know. William's a doctor, he's the oldest....Danny's a homemaker. He's an awesome cook, and he and my other brother Dennis get together every Wednesday for golf. Dennis is in the pro league now, and he's engaged I hear. Shelly, my older sister is still dating the same chick she's been with for....five years I think. They're really weird together. You think I'm a party animal, you should see them. And my mom and dad are still at the house raising my cousins Samantha and Natalie, ever since Aunt Reine died. Dad's retired computer technician or something, and mom was a lawyer before my aunt died. And that's pretty much the main family. Dad has four brothers and a sister, and mom had two brothers Well, I was in college, actually. Well, it was a little boring, but I actually didn't get the chance to really start my classes. I died too soon

Interactions and Relationships

Personal Feelings Toward Teammates: Liam - Guy swings in the totally wrong direction. He's adorable in that baby brother kind of way, which is weird because he's older. I didn't really meet the guy till I got bound to him after he hit me with his car. Well, I wouldn't say equal, but he has his worth, you know? The guy is great for clubbing, and if you're bored, just strike up a conversation in a crowded place. It's hilarious when people stare at him. Arty - Eh...He's a little lordy about the Hunter thing, you know? I mean, sure he had a bad childhood, but you don't have to angst about it ALL the time. He needs to learn to kick back a little. Have fun. Well, he treats me better than Keil. I mean, he doesn't talk to me a lot, but sometimes it's like he just sees me as a ghost. Not as a PERSON. I mean, I've read the whole scientific approach to spirits and stuff, but I still got something resembling humanity here. Unlike dog-boy. Whisper - If Keil hates him, I'll probably like him. Keil's not a great judge of character. Then again, Keil wants to jump his bones anyway though. Nah, I think Whisper'll probably be cool. Marigold - Um...Marigold is alright, I guess. We don't talk much. She seems to have a lot to deal with, very um...Preoccupied. Like she's not really paying attention. I can't blame her though. Tricked into sharing your life with a stranger? Messed up. she doesn't seem the type to backstab. I can't say she's a friend, but she doesn't seem evil or anything. And it does kinda bother me that she can hit me...But mostly she does that when she thinks I need to shut up. I like that she doesn't let anybody boss her around though. Keil - Oh freaking hell, don't get me STARTED. Keil's like...You know that whole bull in a China cabinet thing? He's like a rabid crocodile/bull/wild boar hybrid let loose in the middle of a mall. The guy's a total jerk. He has no idea how to communicate, and half the time he's like a dog in heat. Especially about Whisper. He seems to pick a person and go 'I hate you.' After all, he started the fighting with me. I think Keil's prolly a really big sap. He just wishes he were tough. He watches chick flicks. I've seen them. I mean really 'Naked Jungle'?! Bottom Line: Nuh...I suppose getting both me and Liam out of the pit we got dug in. I'd rather not go to Hell you see.

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