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Full Name: Artemis Blitzer

Alias(s): Arty, Blitz

Age: Eighty-six

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Snow Leopard Demon hybrid

Spiritual Companion: Marigold

Occupation: Professional Demon Hunter



Personality: I'm usually easy going, though I can get really angry when I'm fighting. I take my job very seriously. But I protect people who need protecting, and I usually like doing that. Some may see me as being lazy because I admittedly have some odd sleep patterns, but when I've got a job to do, very little can get in my way of performing my duty.

Likes: I like cold weather, because hot weather is just too stifling. I always like sleeping, and I do it quite a bit. And I like Hunting and slaying demons.

Dislikes: I don't like hot weather or not being able to sleep. I don't like evil demons. And I hate spiders. They scare me. Anything that creepy and crawly is too weird for me to want around.

Physical Attributes

Appearance: My hair is really blond, and I keep it long enough that it can conceal my left eye, which I lost in a fight years ago. I'm pretty buff, but not muscle-builder big or anything like that. I'm about five foot eight, my skin is pretty pale, though that's cause I'm part demon. I have cat ears that I keep covered up with a hat, and a tail I keep hidden, both of which are the product of my demon lineage.

Weaknesses: When I was growing up, I was mostly taught the ins and outs of magic and supernatural information, and how to fight in a few different styles. So I suppose I'm not overly intelligent. Strengths: Heightened physical strength and agility, and skilled in combat.

Abilities: Enhanced senses, strength, and agility. I can summon to an extent, but it's not the finely tuned evoking you see from advanced shamans and such. I know approximately two water type spells, both of which are tracking spells.

Before the Institute

Previous Life: I was born to a human female and a snow leopard demon male when some mob boss guy started delving into the supernatural world and tried to come up with an advanced bodyguard for his personal use. When I was born they killed both my parents and started raising me and training me to be a bodyguard. When the guy who I was supposed to be a bodyguard for was murdered, they tried to kill me to keep anyone else from knowing of my existence. But one of the guys was connected to a group of dark shamans, so they faked my death, took me to be raised by them, and trained me to fight demons that opposed them. They tried to teach me to summon. But even with my half demon blood, I couldn't summon major beings. Anyway, after a while, a gang of Demon Hunters found me, rescued me, and taught me to fight and kill demons. Since I have a major grudge against demons and dark magic, I welcomed the opportunity and joined them. Uh, after a while I struck out on my own, got bonded to Mari, and that was that.

Interactions and Relationships

Personal Feelings Towards Teammates: Liam - He seems fine. Sometimes I wonder if he should really be a Hunter. Not because he's weak, but because his reasoning, while noble, doesn't completely fit with his choice. But he's determined, and I respect that. Whisper - I don't spend much time with him. I've never seen much reason to. He's a coworker. Vivi - I guess I put up with her. She and I don't associate often, but I don't mind that. She wouldn't be here if she weren't at least partly capable of doing her job as a Companion. Marigold - She's nice. Sometimes she does things I don't understand, but I guess that's just her personality. She seems to like spiders, which I just don't understand. I hate spiders. Hate them. They creep me out. Mari is...kind of enigmatic, I guess. Keil - I don't hold the fact that he's not completely human against him. I think he lets his emotions control him a bit too much. I think he yells and insults other people because he's not completely comfortable with himself. But he seems like a trustworthy enough person to work with. Bottom Line:

Ridding the world of evil.

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