Void Adept Class

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The Void Adept

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Dark Vision, Detect Aura, Garandou 1d8(1st tier), Wu Wei Refrain(1st Tier), 1 Garandou Form, 2 Refrains

2 +1 +2 +2 +2 Shadow Barrier (+1 AC), Devour Shadows(1/day)

3 +2 +3 +3 +3 Garandou 2d8, 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

4 +3 +3 +3 +3 Shadow Barrier (+2 AC)

5 +3 +4 +4 +4 Garandou 3d8, 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

6 +4 +5 +5 +5 Garandou(2nd Tier), Refrain (2nd Tier), 1 new Garandou Forms, 2 new Refrains, Shadow Barrier(+3 AC), Devour Shadows(2/day)

7 +5 +6 +6 +6 Garandou (4d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain.

8 +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Shadow Barrier(+4 AC), Resist Energy 5

9 +6/+1 +7 +7 +7 Garandou (5d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

10 +7/+2 +8 +8 +8 Shadow Barrier(+5 AC), Devour Shadows(3/day)

11 +8/+3 +9 +9 +9 Garandou (6d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

12 +9/+4 +9 +9 +9 Garandou (3rd Tier), Wu Wei Refrain (3rd Tier) 1 Garandou Form, 2 Refrains, Shadow Barrier (+6 AC), Resist energy 10

13 +9/+4 +10 +10 +10 Garandou (7d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

14 +10/+5 +11 +11 +11 Shadow Barrier (+7 AC), Devour Shadows (4/day)

15 +11/+6/+1 +12 +12 +12 Garandou (8d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

16 +12/+7/+2 +12 +12 +12 Shadow Barrier (+8 AC), Resist Energy 15

17 +12/+7/+2 +13 +13 +13 Garandou (9d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain

18 +13/+8/+3 +14 +14 +14 Garandou (4th Tier), Wu Wei Refrain (4th Tier), 1 Garandou Form, 2 Refrains, Shadow Barrier (+9 AC), Devour Shadows (5/day)

19 +14/+9/+4 +15 +15 +15 Garandou (10d8), 1 Garandou Form, 1 Refrain.

20 +15/+10/+5 +15 +15 +15 Shadow Barrier (+10), Resist Energy 20, True Void Mastery

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: (4 x Int modifier) + 4 each level.
Favored Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Knowledge(Supernatural), "Spellcraft"

Darkvision: Adepts have darkvision up to 60 ft.

Detect Aura: The Void Adept first learns how to sense energy without the use of their eyes and ears. At will, as a standard action, the Adept can sense

supernatural phenomena within half a mile, such as ki, supernatural martial arts, magic and the like.

Garandou: The "Void Blast" attack. The Void Adept can call upon the power of nothingness within them to unleash a beam of dark energy. The damage starts at

1d8 at 1st level and increases by another 1d8 every other level. Garandou is a spell-like ability.

Garandou Forms: The Garandou attack can take different shapes and house different effects, these are Forms. 1 shape-type form and 1 effect-type form can be active at the same time. The standard Garandou attack is a ranged touch attack that strikes a single enemy within 60 ft. There are 4 tiers of Garandou Forms,ascending in power.

Wu Wei Refrain: Deeper refinements of the power of absence, Refrains are tricks and attacks that give the Void Adept an extra edge over their opponents. There is no limit to how many times Refrains can be used. Activating a refrain is a standard action and is considered a spell-like ability. The DC for Refrains is equal to 10 + the equivalent spell level + the Adept's charisma modifier. There are 4 tiers of refrains, ascending in power. 1st tier Refrains are 2nd level equivalent, 2nd tier Refrains are 5th level equivalent, 3rd tier Refrains are 7th level equivalent and 4th tier Refrains are 9th level equivalent.

Shadow Barrier: The Void Adept can solidify shadows and use them to deflect attacks. Every second level, the Void Adept gains an additional +1 misc. bonus to


Devour Shadows: The Adept can draw darkness into their own body to heal their wounds and reenergize themselves. They can do this any time they are in an area of low light or immersed completely within a shadow. The amount they heal is equal to twice their caster level multiplied by their charisma bonus.

Resist Energy: The defensive capabilities of the Adept begin to become more and more subtle. At level 8 the Adept becomes innately resistant to all Energy attacks as the aura of entropy he cultivates drains the attacks of power. The resistance starts at 5 at level 8, becomes 10 at level 12, 15 at level 16 and 20 at level 20.

True Void Mastery: The Void Adept has truly embraced Wu Wei completely, and is now perfect in form and clear in mind, becoming a Master. From this point on, the Adept doesn't age and is immune to poisons, diseases, critical hits, death effects and all enchantment and illusion effects. They can also now combine 2 Garandou forms and 2 Garandou Effects together at the same time freely.

Garandou Forms


1st tier

Empty Palm Style: Channels the force of the Garandou into a melee attack.

Frightful Spear Attack: Extends the range of the Garandou up to 250 ft.

2nd tier

Spatial Chain Linker: After striking the first target, the garandou splits off to attack the two nearest targets within 30 feet as well.

Bounding Space Mirror Strike: The Garandou can attack enemies around corners by reflecting off of nothing, striking with a -5 on the attack roll.

3rd tier

Shinkuu Garandou: The Garandou extends in an aura of darkness around the Adept, striking enemies within 10 feet of them.

Killing Field: The blast extends out in the shape of a cone 20 feet long and wide.

4rd tier

Imperial Ray: The attack stretches out in a line 50 feet long.

Doom Circle: The blast affects all enemies within 20 feet of the impact area.



Damage Calm: Target must succeed at a will save or become shaken.

Remove Celerity: Target must succeed at a fortitude save, or lose 10 ft of their movement speed for 1d4+1 rounds.


Clinging Dark: Target must make a fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round.

Chilling Heart: Target must succeed at a fortitude save or take a -1d6 to dexterity for (Adept level) rounds.


Vacate Mind: Target must make will save or be confused for 1 round.

Forceful Nothing: Target must make a reflex save or suffer knockback equal to 1d6 x 5 feet.

Pierce Paling: Blast ignores spell resistance and destroys a single defensive spell active on the target with a successful check against spell DC.


Erase Soul: Target must make Will save or gain two negative levels.

Wu Wei Refrains


Hollow Structure: Effect a single item or area as if by the shatter spell.

Dangerous Ignorance: Remove a single target's small manners. If they fail a will save, they gain -6 to all rolls involving Bluff, Diplomacy. Intimidate or

Sense Motive.

Night Breath: The air in a 20 foot radius within line of sight becomes chill and thick with fog, offering concealment to all within it as the Fog Cloud

spell. Additionally, the fog drains all enemy characters of their strength, making them fatigued while in the cloud and for a round after.

Dampen Gravity: As the spell Feather Fall, also adds +20 to jump checks.

Kill Light: As the spell Darkness.

Destroy Resistance: If the enemy fails a will save, Destroy Resistance gives that enemy a luck penalty equal to the Adept's charisma bonus plus half their

caster level to a single chosen save.

Grasping Shadows: As the spell Earthen Grasp, with no need for earth.

Filling in the Blanks: Removes Blindness from self and pierces magical darkness.

Entropic Warding: Jinxes the luck of enemies attempting to locate or snipe the Adept, deflecting ranged attacks (as Entropic Shield) and erasing the Adept's

tracks and scent.

Erase Disguises: Allows the user to see invisible characters and Dispel illusion effects (as the spell).

Defy Physics: As the spell Spider Climb.


Slaughter Luck: As the spell Bestow Curse, usable at range. Even if the target succeeds at a will save, they still receive a -1 to all attack and damage

rolls for 1 minute.

Necrotic Puppet: Fills a target corpse with solid shadows, animating it as the Animate Dead spell. This spell lasts for 2 minutes per caster level.

Scorn Physical Laws: The Adept creates a void of gravity around themselves, allowing them to fly with perfect maneuverability at a speed double their land

speed. This spell lasts 24 hours.

Hungry Darkness: As the darkness spell, except that the shadows within the darkness will tear at all characters the Adept considers an enemy, dealing 1d6 per

2 caster levels to anyone who fails a reflex save.

Bonds of Ice: As the spell Stony Grasp, but dissolvable by fire attacks. Every round stuck in the grasp inflicts 2d4 cold damage on the target.

Slip into the Shadows: Acts as the spell Dimension Door with a short range(25 ft+5/2 levels). The Adept leaves the dimension door under the effects of the

Invisibility spell.

Closed Mouth Hex: Creates a Zone of Silence with a range of 20 ft. (as the spell)

Collapse Power: As the spell Dispel Magic, however any creature that loses a spell effect immediately takes 2 points of damage per level of the spell effect.


Deadly Arctic Kraken: Summons forth an area of freezing cold, where the shadows grasp and claw at all within it. Functions as the spell Evard's Black

Tentacles, plus all creatures within the area of the refrain take 2d6 points of cold damage each round as well.

Defensive Larceny: As the spell Greater Dispelling, but the Adept is granted a shield with 5 temporary hit points per spell level dispelled by this refrain.

Entropic Shadow Defense: The Adept gains complete concealment in any area that isn't brightly lit, making them undetectable. Additionally, any enemy who

draws close immediately loses 4 points of strength temporarily, lasting 5 minutes per 2 caster levels.

Wall of Deadly Ice: As the spell wall of fire, but inflicting cold damage instead, half of said damage is non-elemental void damage and is not subject to

energy resistance.

Deadly Ice Hornets: As the Summon Plague spell, adding the Adept's charisma bonus to all effects. The damage dealt is considered magical cold damage for the

purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Leave of Senses: If the target fails at a will save, that target begins to attack it's allies as if under the effects of a Charm spell. If the target

succeeds at a will save at any time to break the enchantment, they must immediately make another will save or become Confused for 3 rounds.

Destroy Emotion: If the target fails a will save, the Adept can selectively destroy any emotions they might be feelings, removing anger,fear, hate, sorrow,

joy, etc.


Body of the Void: A true master Adept can abandon their physical body, discorporating into a swarm of void spirits that take up 2 10 foot squares,

distributed however the Adept wishes. In this form, the following traits take effects -Dex increases by 6. -Armor bonuses to AC are lost, but the Adept gains a +4 size bonus to AC, plus a deflection bonus equal to their Charisma modifier, plus their Shadow Barrier

level. -The swarm has a fly speed of 40 ft with perfect maneuverability. It can pass through solid surfaces as the Passwall spell. -The swarm possesses swarm traits. -The swarm has an attack that deals 4d6 of magical damage to any creature sharing space with the swarm. -Distraction: Taking actions within the swarm requires a Concentration check.

Walker in Darkness: As the spell Shadow Walk, with each hour spent shadow walking healing the Adept as if they had rested for two full days.

Deadly Vanishing Act: As the spell Greater Invisibility, but if the effect is dispelled or removed somehow, a sonic burst strikes the dispeller and radiates

outward for 20 ft for 4d6 damage. All effected by the damage are stunned for one round.

Absolute Zero: All traces of heat within a single target are completely eradicated. They take 6d10 cold damage and must succeed at a fortitude save or are

frozen in ice, paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the Adept's caster level.

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