Main Report/1

From Soul Wiki

Report 1

The look into the human heart is a look into human understanding. What we think that we understand is that people can change, now that may not be true due to the fact that the outside appearance of a person can change, but their heart may not.

If we break down what we know and what this report has, it will show what is true and not true. Although now you may be asking yourself, how can you tell if someone is pretending or not, well that’s simple, believe.

If we were to cut your soul/heart in half, you would have one good side and one dark side. This is explained, or as according to the bible, Adam and Eve ate the apple of the knowledge of good and evil. This supposedly caused it. But others may speculate as to why we have good and evil in ourselves.

No one is pure of heart.

But this is only scratching the surface, sort of like what you learn in school about the civil war, is only scratching the surface.

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