Main Report/2

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Report 2

Emotion, it is the thing that we exert out of us, from the soul.

Our soul, you may think commands this emotion. Wrong. The soul may produce it, but it can't control it. Once it is out, it is out.

What your emotion is, will have a difference then what you may want, or more then what you may want. When you are sad, you may not want to be sad, sometimes you can't stop it. Or when you are laughing so hard you want to stop, but you can't.

Controlling emotion really is hard. Since when you force a laugh or force yourself to cry, you must work at it.

This is another reason why how you act may not be how your soul is.

Sometimes your emotion can take over your soul. Make you become the very thing that you were once against. Ex: When a good hearted citizen kills someone over who knows what, then is put in jail.

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