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Kautos is an inhabited world in the [name to be determined] system, the Nth planet in said system.


Orbit and rotation


Kautos is composed of six continents, but is dominated by its main continent,a large continent which spans from the the arctic circle of Kautos to the subtropics of the southern hemisphere. It is the size of the Eurasian-African supercontinent of Earth, and is the most populous continent. The northeastern section of the continent is a region named Apollonia and is sometimes considered a continent in its own right for cultural reasons, in a similar matter Europe is on Earth. The main continent also has a genuine subcontinent located in the south named Eura, located on the Euran tectonic plate, which used to be an independent continent before it collided with the main continent X million years ago, creating the X mountains, the highest mountains on the planet.

Kautos has no land located near its poles; only two continents have land barely edging past the polar circles. As a result, permanent ice caps are only located in high levels of elevation; the ice caps in the polar circles are entirely over oceans.

Weather and Climate

Kautos has a similar climate structure as Earth, although it is greatly affected by the lack of continents sprawling across the equator.


Anatomically modern humans evolved on the planet north of the subcontinent of Eura, in the savannas, and spread out from there as bands of nomads sought new sources of food. Agriculture began simultaneously on the main continent in two different locations - one in the north-east in what would become Audentior by the Mirkasi, and in the north-center of the continent by proto-Geldikan peoples. Both locations were located on the floodplains of large rivers, suitable for growing crops.

Proto-Apolloni peoples conquered the rich agricultural lands of the lower Antyan (Editor's Note: different name?) delta, destroying and enslaving the Mirkasi city-states located there. The Apolloni in the lower Antyan river were greatly influenced by the Mirkasi, and would eventually develop into the Lower Antyan peoples. The Mirkasi on the continent were assimilated to the Apolloni-speaking peoples; however, the insular Mirkasi remained free and developed into the contemporary Mekrasi people.

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