Day of Mourning

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For the Soloralists, July 11th is a cursed day. Such is the Day of Mourning, a Soloralist holiday in which various incidents in the past had occured, and are remembered. (Both lore and history) The follwing is a list of these incidents in the Soloralist dating system.

The Dates

  • 4 AED (9019 bASC): On this date, the plague that would ravish the Tapfer continent was released by a terrorist Micron. This plague would eventually drive nearly all of the elves and microns to extinction; something that these races did not need after the Eve of Destruction.
  • 9363 AED (340 ASC): After the elections of the previous date, a huge amount of riots and rebellions initiated on this date in Audentior, which would lead to the secession of the four provinces from Audentior. This would remove Audentior as a major power once again, leading to its inevitable downfall.
  • 9728 AED (705 ASC): The Shirerithian Military managed to deactivate the Main Antigrav Generator on Nelaga, crashing all of the Flying Islands of Jasonia, which killed millions. This was effectively the date of the destruction of Jasonia, and the end of the Shireroth-Jasonia War.
  • 10133 AED (1110 ASC): (Control of Destiny 3) The Purge of Nonhumans was declared by Diga of Tymaria. Tymaria invaded Elpidos, leading to the country's destruction and the massacre of millions of elves and microns.


This holiday is a day of rememberance to the Soloralists. Four incidents, all remarkably on the same date, would lead to the downfall of nations. A quite religious holiday, those who celebrate the holiday pray to the gods to save their people, as well as the thanks for the survival of the faith. Theological debates in the past have talked about this date, questioning as to why these events have occured as it had - why has such bad luck fallen upon them? Soloralist consensus is that, with the exception of the Purge of Nonhumans, it is related to the proper balance of the Quintessences, keeping the balance of the positive quintessences in check. As such, Balance is another theme of this holiday. On this date, it is also traditional for people to be tranquil, and to not be hostile to one's enemies - hostility could lead to quintessential corruption or disbalance if action is taken.

This holiday is most important to those of the Menelmacari varient of Soloralists due to the downfall of the elven race on two of the dates.

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