Outpost: Biomes
From Soloralwiki
World-generation system used in Outpost Mainly put here because I keep losing the damn thing...
Ones-digit: improvement
0 - none (open terrain) 1 - outpost 2 - farm 3 - logging camp 4 - mine 5 to 9 - not used (yet)
Tens-digit: terrain type
10 - plains
20 - forest
30 - hills
40 - fertile
80 - impassable hills
50 - desert, 60 - snow, 70 - snow hills, 90 - impassible snow hills? (not used yet)
Hundreds-digit: water
000 - no water
100 - water top
200 - water right
300 - water down
400 - water left
500 - water top and right
600 - water top and left
700 - water bottom and right
800 - water bottom and left
900 - island, water on all four sides? (not used yet)
Examples: 10 - empty plains, no water 420 - empty fertile land, water to the right 812 - farm on plains, water to the bottom and left
Thousands-digit: half seasons until construction complete 1000 - 15 days 2000 - 30 days etc
Example: 1112 - ignoring thousands digit = 112, a plains with farm and water on top. 15 days until this is completed (will show as a construction site until then)
Ten-thousands: unique objects 10000 - Arcast 10001 - Water Temple 10002 - New Brookshire 10003 - Echus pirate base
Ignore all normal biome references