
From Soloralwiki

Revision as of 21:43, 27 December 2006 by Osmose (Talk | contribs)
Tier First
Requirements None
Weapons {{{wep}}}
Good Stats {{{gstat}}}
Bad Stats {{{bstat}}}

An adaptive self-taught or instructor-taught warrior.



  • Good stats: Strength, HP
  • Bad stats: Magic resist, Evasion

Equip-able Weapons

  • Swords
  • Knives
  • Axes/Hammers

Skill Tree


=Tackle Tree

  • Level 1: Tackle (0 MP, range 1) deals about 80% of a normal physical hit but has a 75% chance to push the enemy back like a critical
  • Level 2:Ram (0 MP, range 1) deals 100% of a normal physical hit and has a 90% chance to push the enemy back
  • Level 3:Rushing Charge (0 MP, range 2 straight lines only) deals 100% of a normal physical hit and has a 100% chance to push the enemy back

Throw Tree

  • Level 1: Throw Rock (0 MP, range 3) a ranged attack that deals about 40% of a normal physical hit
  • Level 2: Throw Dart (0 MP, range 4) a ranged attack that deals about 70% of a normal physical hit

Evasion Tree

  • Level 1: Dodge (0 HP, personal) increases evasion for the rest of the battle by +5
  • Level 2: Disguise (0 HP, personal) increases evasion for the battle by +5 and has 50% chance of giving one-turn invisibility
  • Level 3: Play Dead (0 HP, personal) gives one-turn invisibility


  • Mercenary Sprint (10 MP, personal) get two move phases on your next turn (essentially allowing you to move double distance, and also move, attack, and move again)


  • Equip Axe/Hammer - Can Equip Axes and Hammers
  • Even JP - Main job receives less JP, sub job receives same amount of JP as main job.


  • Counter Tackle - Counters attack with tackle that may push enemy back.


Sword mastery, dagger mastery (level 1: +3 accuracy, level 2: damage +5%, level 3: can use weapon on any martial job) {probably need more types of melee weapons}


A balanced job stat-wise, though on low side on average and learning more towards melee. Has a varety of useful if not overly powerful skills and the basic weapon masters.

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