CoD1 New Battle Engine

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Revision as of 05:25, 10 February 2008 by Harvey (Talk | contribs)

(mostly here for Bill's sake. Any and all definitions may be changed at a total whim)


The engine is pseudo-realtime based, with each character sharing an overhead wait bar. Character head portraits move from left to right. When they get to the right side of the bar, the menu lets them make battle actions.


Dealing with Count and Wait

Key Terms

Key terms in the new battle engine, mostly dealing with speed at the moment.


Count is the time the character must stand still and do nothing until their next action is available.

  • Count is decreased based on a character's speed. (see Speed)
  • When characters have their count increased to 100 or above, they can act.

Count <100 = character can't act, must wait longer Count >=100 = character can act, action box pops up


Each action has wait; the default wait varies but most of them are between 80 and 100.

  • Actions have wait, which decreases count.
  • * Example: A character with 100 count performs an action that requires 100 wait. Their count becomes 100-100=0.
  • If count is increased to more than 100 (which happens often to character with high speed), than the difference is applied to the next action.
  • * Example: A character with 105 count performs an action that requires 100 wait. Their count becomes 105-100=5.
  • Heavier weapons often do more damage but also incur highter wait when they are used whereas lighter weapons can be weaker but build less wait.

Count - Action requiring wait = New Count after action


Determines how much count is increased per interval of time.

  • At the moment each interval is 1 second long.
  • Characters with higher speed will increase their count to 100 more quickly, allowing them to act sooner.
  • * Example: A character with speed of 15 has a count of 20. After the interval (one second) their wait will be 20+15=35.

Count + Speed = New Count after interval


In terms of using attacks and techs, swiftness is a multipler on the base wait of an action.

  • Example: If a character with 100 count performs an action that requires 100 wait and they have +20% swiftness, the action only requires 100-20% of 100, which is 100-20=80 wait. Their count becomes 100-80 = 20.
  • Swiftness is always a percentage, making it more useful on moves with longer wait and less useful on moves with less wait.
  • Once the action is complete, swiftness has no further effect. Swiftness has no affect on speed; only the starting wait after using the action with swiftness.
  • All swiftness modifiers stack by addition.

Count - Action requiring wait - (Action wait * swiftness) = New Count after action

Changes to Status Effects


A stunned character immediately has their count decreased to 0.

  • Count will increase as normal from then on.


Paralyzed characters have a 50% chance of having their count immediately decrease to 50 when their count increases to 100, denying them of their action.

  • Count will increase as normal as normal from then on, but the paralyze may trigger again at 100.


Hasted characters gain the effect of +25% speed


Slowed characters gain the effect of -50% speed

  • No, that's not fair at all. Cry cry.

Haste and slow have no effect on swiftness; only speed. Being hasted doesn't decrease the wait of actions; it increases the rate count is increased after the action is complete

Base Waits for Common Actions

Physical attacks with a heavy weapon: 100 Physical attacks with a medium weapon: 95 Physical attacks with a light weapon: 90

  • Not all types of weapons have all three weights

Most techs and magic spells: 100

Using an item: 80 Changing equipment: 80

Guard: 50 Switching rows: 50 Flee (failure): 50

Delay: 30

  • Delay builds "temporary wait", keeping the character's actual wait at 0. This is useful for setting up double-techs.

Other Information

Weapon Glossary

Weapon general statistics and lists of existing weapons by number.

For weapons with different weights, the heavier weapons generally have a higher base damage than the lighter ones.

In each category, known weapons are listed by number. No weapons will be added until they're actually in the game to prevent a lot of weird ordering when weapons will inevitably be added later on. Because damage plays an important part of the new attack forumla, untested weapons will be given ? damage ratings.

Many weapons, specifically magical ones, have additional stat bonuses. Those will be listed here when they are determined as well.

PSI Rods

PSI Rods (Jason, LordStone)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: light
  • Type of damage: blunt
  • Notes: Cannot critical. Very low base damage. Based on a phsysical attack thwack with the rod. PSI Force is considered a ranged attack and uses a different formula.

1 - Stick. Dmg: 6, light 2 - Wooden Rod. Dmg: ?, light


Swords (Bill, Wombat)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: heavy, medium, light
  • Type of damage: slashing
  • Notes: Some swords, mostly heavier ones, require both hands.

1 - Wooden Sword. Dmg: ?, light 2 - Imperial Sword. Dmg: ?, medium

Laser Swords

Laser Swords (Matt)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: medium, light
  • Type of damage: energy
  • Notes:

1 - Crude Laser Sword. Dmg: ?, medium

Robotic Arms

Robotic Arms (AI)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: heavy, medium
  • Type of damage: blunt
  • Notes: Cannot perform gun-based techs and double-techs while equipped.

1 - Alloy Arm. Dmg: ?, medium

Arm Cannons

Arm Cannons (AI)

  • Range: ranged
  • Weight: heavy
  • Type of damage: blunt, piercing, energy
  • Notes: Each type of arm cannon only has one type of damage attribute. Cannot perform fist-based techs and double-techs while equipped.

1 - Arm Cannon. Dmg: ?, heavy


Staves (Amy)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: heavy, medium, light
  • Type of damage: blunt
  • Notes: All staves require both hands.

1 - Quarterstaff. Dmg: ?, light


Knives (Empress, Myrin)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: medium, light
  • Type of damage: slashing, piercing
  • Notes: Some knives are slashing, some piercing. Cannot perform crossbow-based techs and double-techs while equipped.


Crossbows (Empress)

  • Range: ranged
  • Weight: heavy, medium
  • Type of damage: piercing
  • Notes: Cannot perform knife-based techs and double-techs while equipped.

'Net Guns

'Net Guns (Scott)

  • Range: ranged
  • Weight: medium
  • Type of damage: energy
  • Notes: Some 'Net Guns drain HP, MP, or count.


Clubs (LightEning)

  • Range: melee
  • Weight: heavy, light
  • Type of damage: blunt
  • Notes: Heavy clubs require both hands.


Wands (LordStone)

  • Range: ranged
  • Weight: light
  • Type of damage: energy
  • Notes: Cannot critical.

Physical Damage Modifers

Melee attacks: -10% damage on flying enemies. Some enemies fly too high to be hit at all by melee attacks Ranged attacks: +10% damage on flying enemies. +10% damage to the back row (back row takes -50% damage, so

ranged get a net -40%)

Blunt attribute: +10% damage on unarmored targets. -20% damage on armored targets. Slashing attribute: +10% damage on unarmored or lightly armorered targets. -10% damage on armored targets. Piercing attribute: +10% damage on armored targets. Energy attribute: Not affected by armor. +10% damage on robots. Ignores incorporeal creature penalties. (all other types take -20% damage on incorporeals such as ghosts)

Current Damage Equation

(Base Damage + (Attack Stat/2) - (Defense Stat/4)) *Crit Mod *Range mod *Attribute Mod *Slight Randomizer =

Damage to defender

Base Damage

For physical attacks: weapon damage
For physical techs: weapon damage + some possible bonus
For magic spells: some set number

Attack Stat

Generally attack for phsysical attacks and techs, magic attack for magic spells

Defense Stat

Genearlly defense for physical attacks and techs, magic defense for magic spells

Crit Mod

Critial hits do 50% more damage. Most physical techs can critically hit

Range Mod

This is where the melee and ranged bonus or penalty modifier is applied for flying or back row defenders

Attribte Mod

This is where the attribute of the weapon vs the defender's armor bonus or penalty is applied

Slight Randomizer

Final damage is 90% to 110% of the total to this point.

Potencies and Out-of-Battle Status effects

See CoD1Potencies

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