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Revision as of 11:54, 29 December 2006 by Osmose (Talk | contribs)
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Tier Third
Requirements Soldier, Medic
Weapons {{{wep}}}
Good Stats {{{gstat}}}
Bad Stats {{{bstat}}}

A highly defensive melee combatant skilled in soaking up damage.


Job Origin Background


  • Good stats: Defense, Max HP
  • Bad stats: Evasion, Speed

Equip-able Weapons

  • Swords
  • Knight Swords

Skill Tree


  • Defensive Skills
    • Tense Up - (0 MP, personal) Raises defense 20% until next move.
    • Shield Guard - (0 MP, personal) Shield effectiveness increases, susceptibility to magic increases, until next move.
    • Ready Counter - (0 MP, personal) Defense decreases, chance to counter attack increases(enables counter attack if skill not learned).
  • Healing Skills
    • Field Aid - (0 MP, range 1) Bandages wound and heals allies or self up to 50% of max HP.
    • Holy Touch - (10 MP, range 2) Heal allies (decent amount).
    • Purifying Touch - (5 MP, range 2) Remove bad status from allies (Poison, Blind, Silence, Confuse, etc.)
    • Holy Intervention - (25 MP, range 3, radius 1) Heal allies and remove bad status.
  • Knight Skills
    • Swordspin - (0 MP, personal, radius 1) Deals 60% damage to all tiles surrounding the user. Requires sword or Knight Sword.
    • Impale - (0 MP, range 1, radius 2 straight line) Stab through one enemy to do 70% damage to space behind enemy.


  • Equip Knight Sword - Can Equip Knight Sword regardless of job.
  • Shield Skill - Effectiveness of shields increases.


  • Counter - Chance to counter attack after being attack by enemy.
  • Ally Protect - If ally is attacked in adjacent square, chance for Paladin to take damage instead.



A paladin's main purpose is to wade into enemy fire and soak up damage in place of other characters. He can also support distressed allies with healing abilities. Obviously a Paladin can't defend his enemies to death so this job is rather limited without some sort of offense from a subjob or levels in a more martial job. Using magic to incapacitate the paladin can quickly turn the tide against his side.

Paladin as Main Job

Paladin as Sub Job

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