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Weapon Cloud

5 motes, 1 willpower, Thrown 5, Essence 3
Simple (Spd 3), Scene
Combo-Basic, Obvious
Any Thrown Excellency

The Solar unloads his brace of weapons, or tosses his single weapon into the air, where it splits into a thousand revolving copies that surround him so that he may freely seize them and throw them. Mechanically this makes all Thrown attacks rateless and imposes [Essence] external penalty on incoming attacks.

COMMENTS: Three questions. First, wouldn't 'infinite' be better than 'rateless', as rateless implies no rate (rate 0), and therefore makes the weapons useless? Second, why the low Speed? If the author wants it to be quick, why not just make it Reflexive? It wouldn't break the Charm to do so. Third, why is this Charm Combo-Basic? As a Simple Charm with no rolled action, it may as well be, but if it's made Reflexive as I suggested, it severely hampers its comboability.

Seeking Missile Methodology

Seeking Missile Methodology for Thrown. Requires Thrown 5 and Essence 3 and has Triple-Distance Attack Technique as a prerequisite. Costs 3 motes.


Swift-Wrist Mastery

Thrown version of Rapid-Fire Concentration. Requires Thrown 5, Essence 5 and has Cascade of Cutting Terror as a Prerequisite.

COMMENTS: This Charm is... very, very powerful, but also seems to still need work. It seems like it's a scene-long version of the Lunar charm Twin-Fang Technique (p 154 of MoEP: Lunars) that has several additional effects. For starters, it applies to siege weapons, albeit for a 1m surcharge per shot, which usually cannot be used with the Thrown Ability, let alone Thrown Charms. Then, it goes on to add to Thrown Extra-Action Charms in a manner similar to Invincible Fury of the Dawn by increasing the maximum number of actions they allow by one. These two additional effects just serve to make the Charm more complex than it already is- simple is good, and without these two additional powers, Rapid-Fire Concentration would be rather simple. It might be better to lower the minimum Essence of this Charm to 4 and eliminate the additional powers altogether: a scene-long version of Twin-Fang Technique is vicious enough. The rest doesn't really fit; maybe the Invincible Fury of the Dawn one could be made into a Thrown equivalent, but the siege weapon enhancing power just doesn't fit the Ability at all.

Limb Crippling Maim
4m (+1 willpower) Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3 
Instant/Supplemental or Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Prerequisite Charms: Joint-Wounding Attack

This supplements a thrown attack, making its damage Piercing.
If at least two health levels of damage result, the Exalt may choice to cripple one of the target's limbs. The target rolls Stamina+resistance against a difficulty of the damage levels inflicted; if it succeedes, the limb is crippled only for a scene; if not, it is crippled indefinitely.
A crippled arm becomes unable to wield a weapon (resulting in an automatic disarm if one is currently being wielded) while a crippled leg cuts the characters movement in half. A second crippled arm likewise disables the other arm's movement, while a second crippled leg reduces the target's movement to dragging themselves along at one yard per move action, barring extraordinary measures.

If all four limbs are crippled, the target is relatively helpless, barring powerful magical effects or truely extrodinary and appropriate stunts.
If the user pays one willpower in addition to the mote cost, this charm may be used on step 7 of combat rather than as a supplemental.


Razor Carves the Mountain

Cost: -- Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 4
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Seeking Missile Methodology.
The solar may pay 3 motes to enhance Seeking Missile Methodology; in addition to its regular effects, the attack is now unparryable! The weapon thrown also unerringly returns to its owner, striking up to (essence) in additional targets on its return flight, applying the Solar's original attack successes and any additional effects to each.
At Essence 5 allows up to (Essence*2) targets to be effected. While on it's journey, the blade may not be stopped by any means, carving through all materials, magical or otherwise,with little difficulty. As well, this charm enhances Triple-Distance Attack Technique, making it a permanent, non-charm action. The character must still pay the motes for Triple Distance Attack Technique.

COMMENTS: This Charm should be a Permanent Charm, if it enhances Seeking Missile Methodology. Additionally, it ought to change the Type of Seeking Missile Methodology from Supplemental to Extra Action; it allows the Solar to make (Essence + 1), or ([Essence x 2]+1) attacks with a single unparryable attack roll. And, it's enhancement of Triple-Distance Attack Technique ought to be a separate Charm in and of itself. Honestly, I think this Charm is a good idea, but that the author went wrong in trying to attach it to Seeking Missile Methodology: rather than be an enhancement of another Charm, it ought to be an Extra Action Charm that allows the Solar to make a single thrown attack that strikes up to (Essence) targets, and causes the Solar's weapon to return to him at the beginning of his next action. Instead of Seeking Missile Methodology, it would use Returning Weapon Concentration as it's prerequisite Charm. Yes, this leaves out the unparryable power, but Thrown already has an undodgeable attack in Cascade of Cutting Terror.

Guillotine Severs the Chains

Cost: n/a Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 5
Keywords: None
Prerequisite Charms: Distance Carries the Guillotine
Effect: This charm permanently supplements Distance Carries the Guillotine. The Lawgiver's blade severs the chains of law, gathering more momentum and power the further it travels. The damage then becomes post-soak, collecting on step 10.

COMMENTS: I don't see why this Charm and it's prerequisite shouldn't be merged into one: if it's prerequisite CHarm were to have the enhanced effects of this one, without this Charm, it wouldn't be broken. After all, the only really long-range thrown weapon is the artifact Sling, and even then, most combats aren't fought at a long enough range for this Charm to add more than one or two dice. Plus, Solar Thrown's already ungodly awesome- even if it does add a bucket of dice, it's not too out of theme for the tree.

Casting Mountains Over Mountains Maneuver

3m; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 4
One Action/Reflexive (Step 1) Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Weapons
The Chosen of the Sun accept no excuses, and the burdens of aerodynamics are no exception. The Solars wouldn’t dream to limit themselves to mere daggers and chakrams. With this Charm, literally anything the Lawgivers can pick up is a deadly missile. By activating this Charm, the Solar can now throw any object that they can lift, according to the Feats of Strength table on pg. 127 of Exalted, Second Edition. Lifting such an object is reflexive as long as it is immediately thrown. Moreso, this object incurs no penalties for its size or shape and in fact has an Accuracy bonus equal to the Exalt’s Essence and a range of (Strength x Essence) yards. It has a Damage of +(Strength+Athletics necessary to lift the item) lethal or twice that in bashing damage, at the Solar’s choice. Either way, this damage is Piercing. Double the raw damage of the attack for purposes of knockdown or knockback. Particularly nasty objects, such as spiked constructs or vats of acid, may have special effects at ST discretion.

COMMENTS: Comparing this CHarm to the rules for lifting and throwing objects, it seems okay. The enhanced damage is what really made me pause: instead of dealing (Str+Ath required to lift the object)B, this Charm allows even blunt objects to deal Lethal damage, or twice their normal damage as Bashing. However, even with that, this Charm doesn't seem to be deserving of such a high Essence minimum: Essence 3 would do just as well. Finally, this Charm seems like it probably has an Athletics version that would stem off of Increasing Strength Exercise.

Reflex Volley Defense

4m Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3
One Scene, Reflexive (Step 2)
Combo-Basic, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency, Returning Weapon Concentration
Great is the Solar who can turn aside any manner of attacks with a well placed throw. This charm allows the Lawgiver to use Thrown weapons defensively, granting him the ability to parry any incoming attacks within range. This includes the Solar himself, if he so chooses. The Solar's Parry Defense Value with Thrown Weapons is equal to (Dexterity + Thrown + Essence +Specialties)/2. At Essence 5, this Charm becomes permanent, indicating the Solar is a true master of thrown weapons, able to use them defensively as he chooses.

COMMENTS:Two submitters wrote practically the same Charm, so here it is presented with the best effects from both

Reflex Barrage Counter-Attack

2m Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3
Instant/Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counter-Attack, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Reflex Volley Defense
This charm is used in response to an attack while under the effects of Reflex Volley Defense. With a quick toss of his blade, the Solar takes advantage of his opponent's attack, ricocheting it against their blade to strike them. This charm is declared before the target's attack roll is made. Should he not acquire enough successes to penetrate the character's Thrown Parry Defense Value, the remaining DV gets automatically turned into an equal number attack successes against the target, then gets to roll a counter-attack with his full dice pool.

COMMENTS: Does this charm grant two separate counterattacks- one using the leftover successes from the Solar's DV, the other using the Solar's Thrown attack pool? If so, wouldn't it be more logical to have it give one counterattack with a number of bonus successes equal to the leftover successes from the Solar's Thrown PDV?

Unfaltering Blade-Deflecting Juggle

5m, 1wp Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 4
One Scene, Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Prerequisite Charms: Reflex Barrage Counter-Attack, Weapon Cloud
A flower of blades dances between the Solar and his opponent. Beautifully perfect and unfaltering, he juggles, weaving an unbreakable tapestry between his opponent and he. His defense does not falter when subject to Onslaught and the attacking opponent's DV penalty is doubled for each attack made.

COMMENTS: First, can this CHarm be activated if either or both of its Prerequisite Charms are not already active? Second, does the immunity to Onslaught apply to all of the Solar's DVs and MDVs, as the text currently suggests, or does it only apply to the Solar's Thrown PDV? Third, does this Charm double the DV penalty of all Attack actions made against the Solar, or does it multiply the DV penalty of each attack action an attacker makes, presumably in a single Action? Either way, does this multiplying of the penalty come before or after other reductions, such as the one provided by Fivefold Bulwark Stance?

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