
From Solaradvproj

Revision as of 20:41, 24 November 2007 by (Talk)
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[edit] Limitless Evasion Approach

Cost: -; Dodge 5/Essence 3
Keywords: None
Prerequisites: Reflex Sidestep Technique

The nature of the Lawgivers is to move and act without limits. This charm enhances the Solar's natural abilities, allowing the Exalt to ignore penalties to her DDV that result from external environmental or situational conditions, including clinches

COMMENTS: This Charm appears to permanently allow a Solar to use her Dodge DV against any attack, including attacks that render her Dodge DV inapplicable, and including situations when her dodge DV would be inapplicable or penalized. This power doesn't seem all that bad at first, but it really is quite broken. After all, it means the Solar cannot be restrained to the point where he cannot dodge- even full body paralysis and being totally immobilized aren't enough to keep the Solar from somehow slipping out of the way with his full Dodge DV. Only undodgeable attacks and internal penalties could affect the Solar's DDV.

Personally, I think this Charm would be better if it were a 3m Reflexive Charm with a Duration of Until Next Action, the Combo-OK Keyword, and the Charms Shadow Over Water as a prerequisite; it'd be a Dodge version of Bulwark Stance, allowing the Solar to use his full, unpenalized Dodge DV against any and all attacks for one action, though it would also note that the effects of inapplicability are not considered penalties on the Solar's Dodge DV. As it is right now, it's broken as all hell.

[edit] Walking Between the Blades

Cost: - ; Dodge 5/Essence 3
Keywords: None
Prerequisites: Reflex Sidestep Technique

The Exalt's reflexes are in tune with the Essence of the world, and all is well. The Solar may subtract her Essence from penalties to her DDV resulting from onslaught and coordinated attacks. Additionally, this charm permanently enhances the effects of Reflex Sidestep Technique, allowing it to be activated as a reflexive, non-charm action which can be used with other charms without being part of a combo.

COMMENTS: These two effects seem to be separate and unrelated- one allows the Solar to continually evade a series of organized or repeated strikes, the other allows the Solar to evade unexpected attacks a little better than normal. The first of the two effects is completely negated the instant the Solar activates Flow Like Blood, and might be better if it was reworked to allow FLow Like Blood to reduce DV penalties from the Solar's actions the same way that Fivefold Bulwark Stance does. The second is powerful enough to merit it's own Charm, as it effectively renders the Solar immune to surprise attacks. Just my two cents.

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