From Solaradvproj
This page is for extensions of Solar Hero Style. Full Styles will be posted elsewhere.
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Inescapable Hero Grip
---, Martial Arts 4, Essence 3
Dragon-Coil Technique.
Upgrades Dragon-Coil to autosux.
Face-Breaking Atemi
6 motes, 1wp. Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Instant, Supplemental
Combo-Ok, Obvious
Crashing Wave Throw
Unparriable/Undodgeable, 10’s explode on Damage
A Hero’s Versatility
---, Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Solar Hero Form
Allows Solar Hero Style to be used with any MA tag weapon and the Form weapon for any style the Solar knows the Form for.
Unwelcome Surprise
4 motes, Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Instant, Reflexive (Step 9)
Combo-Ok, Counterattack
Solar Hero Form
When an attack misses, the Solar Hero seizes the weapon and retaliates with it. Make a counterattack at full MA dice pool + weapon’s accuracy and damage. In the case of magical items, only innate effects they may have apply too. Effects that cost motes do not apply. This even applies to ranged attacks, so long as the attacker is within the original range of the weapon.
Earning One’s Wings
---, Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Shockwave Techinque
Doubles the distance of Knockback for all MA effects. Doubles the difficulty of Knockdown for all attacks.
Lightning Swift Engagement
Cost: - Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Rush Attack, Solar Hero Form
Surpassing even his own limits a Solar accomplishes speeds that bewilder all that face them with ease. This charm enhances Thunderclap Rush Attack making it supplemental. Also, if the character spends an additional 3 motes when activating Solar Hero Form all their unarmed attacks become Speed 3 with no DV penalty for as long as the Form charm is active.
Speed 3 on -all- attacks for only 8m scenelong form, at essence 3? I'm wondering if Essence 4 or 5 might be more appropriate...
Glorious Champion Declaration
Cost: - Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form, Martial Arts Essence Flow
Through dent of practice and awakening of ones inner glory a Lawgiver shows his true worth in the Martial Arts arena. This charm breaks the normal rules on Form charms. It allows a Solar to activate Solar Hero Form as a Simple, Combo-OK charm. However, if a Solar has his anima banner at the totemic level(16+ motes of peripheral essence) he may activate it as a reflexive noncharm effect. He also no longer has to spend motes to count the successes of unarmed Martial Arts attacks twice for the purposes of determining damage. All unarmed Martial Arts attacks become enhanced with this effect. As another bonus, the Solar is able to benefit from one other Form charm he knows at the same time as Solar Hero Form. All these benefits force the Solar to spend 2 willpower on top of the normal mote costs of Solar Hero Form.
Tempered Steel Enhancement
Cost: - Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
After endless blows struck in the name of justice a Solar learns to always be on guard at a moments notice. Striking down that which would would do them harm without a moment's hesitation. This charm gives all the Solar's unarmed Martial Arts attacks the Orichalcum Magical Material bonus.
Righteous Fist of the Champion
Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Tempered Steel Enhancement, Solar Hero Form
Wreathing his fists and feet with golden essence they become weapons worthy of a Solar master. The Lawgiver gains smashfists/god-kicking boots/razor harness(although only in appearance, the Solar is still counted as "naturally" unarmed for the purposes of other martial arts styles), with an appearance based on the users personality, forged of pure essence with the stats of Spd 4, Acc +essence, Dmg +willpower, Def +essence, Rate essence. Cannot be disarmed.
The Path of Ordained Perfection
Those Solar martial artists who travel off the beaten path to unlock this path of Solar Hero combat find it holds similar Charms to those of their other, more natural Charm trees. This tree is just as natural for them to learn as the Core Book Solar Hero Style save that it can only be learned by Solar Exalted and Moonshadow caste Abyssals.
Strike of Titanic Force
4m; Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Solar Hero Form
The strength of the Lawgivers is that of a hundred men and he can bring it all to bare on a single target, overwhelming him with his might. This Charm increases the Onslaught penalty for the Solar’s attack by his Essence, greatly increasing the chance that his attack will strike. This Charm also allows his attack to ignore the hardness of his targets armor but not natural hardness
Assured Strike
3m, 1wp; Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Strike of Titanic Force
There is no manner of foe that a Lawgiver cannot lay his hands to rest upon, whether it is to forgive or condemn. This Charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack. If the Solar’s attack successes are not enough to successfully strike his opponent, either because he fails his roll or from other penalties, such as DV, he still inflicts his base damage for that attack. Perfect defenses still stop this attack but Charms that allow a target to move out of the way before an attack do not. In that case this attack lands and if the target survives then he makes his movement.
Stance of Anticipated Victory
2m; Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Reflexive (Step 2)/One Tick
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Prereqs: Solar Hero Form
Lawgivers are known for steeling themselves against the most dangerous of attacks. When this Charm is activated the Solar readies himself against all attacks he is aware of. He reduces Onslaught and Coordinated attack penalties to 0 and applies his full PDV against all known attacks.
Celestial Guardian Deflection
4m; Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Knock-Back;
Prereqs: Stance of Anticipated Victory
The will of the Lawgivers is absolute, so much so that they can stop the assault of any known force despite reason. This Charm is a perfect defense against all attacks, even trumping such attacks as Assured Strike and Accuracy Without Distance. If the attacker strikes from within the Solar’s [Martial Arts] in yards then he is also repelled a number of yards from the point of his attack equal to the Solar’s [Martial Arts + Essence]. This Charm comes with one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability.
Attained and Sustained Stance of Perfection
- ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Prereqs: Assured Strike, Celestial Guardian Deflection
It was not unknown for Lawgivers who practiced the martial arts to assume an enhanced, if not perfected, version of Solar Hero Form. This Charm enhances the Charm Solar Hero Form. When the Solar activates that Charm he may spend an additional point of willpower, if he does so then this Charm’s enhancements take effect.
When the Solar activates the Perfect Solar Hero Form he gains the usual benefits of the Solar Hero Form as well as increasing his Strength, Appearance and Wits by one dot; these increases count as natural dots for the purpose of Charm effects. Additionally he radiates an aura of invulnerability. Any being may enter combat with the Solar and they can protect themselves as best as they want but they believe the Solar undefeatable. This is an illusion effect that renders it impossible for them to attack the Solar directly; they may still use area effect attacks that happen to incorporate the Solar. To overcome this unnatural mental influence any character may spend two points of willpower and be freed of it for the scene.
Path of the Holy Monk
Those Solars who concerned themselves with the defeat of Demons, Undead, Ghosts and the Fairfolk often studied these Charms. Though this trees use would have been immense during the Great War, it was only fully created and finished during the First Age by Solars who were worried of a sudden escape and retaliation by the Yozi and their Demon Spawn.