
From Sodawiki

[edit] G

Gravity in the sodaplay applet. Every step, vertical velocity is incremented by the gravity, or decremented if reverse gravity is on.

It is between 0 and 4 in the xml file.

[edit] F

The friction coefficient. Each step, all mass speeds are multiplied by (1-f).

Its value is between 0 and 1.

[edit] K

Hooke's constant in the applet. It determines the "springiness" of springs. The formula for springs, as approximated by Gizmo is:


For mass 1:

xv2 = xv1 + n * (x1 − x2)

yv2 = yv1 + n * (y1 − y2)

For mass 2:

xv2 = xv1 − n * (x1 − x2)

yv2 = yv1 − n * (y1 − y2)

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