Roller Coasters

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Revision as of 01:36, 5 June 2007 by (Talk)
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Roller Coasters are models that rarely have springs in them except for barsprings. They use barsprings as a "track" for masses to travel on top of and usually involve mostly airtime. They became a concept when Sodaconstructor Beta came out, and have evolved much since then. Some constructors create nothing else but them.

[edit] Types

  • Noob: Very bumpy, usally look like the person who made them wanted the mass to magicly follow the bumpy curves.
  • Traditional: Normal gravity, smooth "jumps"
  • Zero-gravity: Usually have even jumps and some people think they require XML-editing. They also have no gravity.
  • Reverse gravity: Created upside-down with reverse gravity.
  • Glitch: The masses follow a continuous barspring using a bug in the programming.
  • Long/Gondola: Usually the type of coasters new uses create, very tall and more like a marble drop than anything else.

[edit] Tips/Techniques

  • Mass trains: Many masses close together.
    • Normal: Have a fairly even distribution and look smooth.
    • "Strobe": Made using XML editing and a program, these are one "step" of simulation apart from each other so that it seems almost like only the first and last masses are moving.
  • "V": A V-shaped mass-catcher that holds the masses, exploiting a glitch in programming.
  • Cannon: Another exploit that instead catches masses and then fires them later.
  • Open V: A type of cannon made with a V.[insert picture]
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