User:Gizmo/Rubik's Cubes

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Right now I can solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube in 3 minutes or less using the method I thought up all by myself. I have never used any kind of guide.
Right now I can solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube in 3 minutes or less using the method I thought up all by myself. I have never used any kind of guide.
<!-- This file automatically generated by BlueJ Java Development  -->
<!-- Environment.  It is regenerated automatically each time the  -->
<!-- applet is run.  Any manual changes made to file will be lost -->
<!-- when the applet is next run inside BlueJ.  Save into a      -->
<!-- directory outside of the package directory if you want to    -->
<!-- preserve this file. -->
<title>AnimCube Applet</title>
<h1>AnimCube Applet</h1>
<applet code="AnimCube.class"width=500 height=500 codebase="." archive="file:/C:/BlueJ/lib/bluejcore.jar,file:/C:/BlueJ/lib/junit.jar,file:/C:/BlueJ/rubik/" alt="Your browser understands the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason.">
<param name="facelets" value="rrbrwbbrrRGWWYOOYOyoywgowowGYYYBYYBOggogowbwbRBGRRBWGG">
<param name="move" value="RRm'D2'RmD2FtLmFt'LmBRmD2LmBmRmRtFRt'UmLFmL'Fm'L'D'LDB'LBL'FD'F'RF'R'FFD'F'RF'R'FUcFD'F'RF'R'FUcFD'F'RF'R'FUcFD'F'RF'R'FDUmLUmL'FmLFm'L'UcUm2Um'B'Um'BRm'B'RmBUc2Um2LUmL'FmLFm'L'Um2UcUm'B'Um'BRm'B'RmBUD2R2Um2R2RUmRUmRUmRUm2RUmRUmRUmRUm2">
<param name="speed" value="1">

Revision as of 02:15, 5 June 2007

Right now I can solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube in 3 minutes or less using the method I thought up all by myself. I have never used any kind of guide. <html> <head> <title>AnimCube Applet</title> </head> <body>

AnimCube Applet

<applet code="AnimCube.class"width=500 height=500 codebase="." archive="file:/C:/BlueJ/lib/bluejcore.jar,file:/C:/BlueJ/lib/junit.jar,file:/C:/BlueJ/rubik/" alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."> <param name="facelets" value="rrbrwbbrrRGWWYOOYOyoywgowowGYYYBYYBOggogowbwbRBGRRBWGG"> <param name="move" value="RRm'D2'RmD2FtLmFt'LmBRmD2LmBmRmRtFRt'UmLFmL'Fm'L'D'LDB'LBL'FD'F'RF'R'FFD'F'RF'R'FUcFD'F'RF'R'FUcFD'F'RF'R'FUcFD'F'RF'R'FDUmLUmL'FmLFm'L'UcUm2Um'B'Um'BRm'B'RmBUc2Um2LUmL'FmLFm'L'Um2UcUm'B'Um'BRm'B'RmBUD2R2Um2R2RUmRUmRUmRUm2RUmRUmRUmRUm2"> <param name="speed" value="1"> </applet>

</body> </html>

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