Neo jimmy6 asks everybody these 2 questions. "Those who wants me to make a fanstuff smiling wiki, sign here! But those who does not, sign here!"


From Smiling Wiki

< Characters(Redirected from Characters/Sma QU)

Sma is a smiley, bouncy ball. He smiles almost all the time. He was created by Neo jimmy6. Neo jimmy6 is proud. Neo jimmy6 is the user who also made HA HA HA Ball Comics. Sma will one day become popular. Sma will bounce with loyalty in the comic world, some day.


There are missions that needs to be completed, let's check them out.



Normal missions:

Mission 1: Try to make the world better to be.

Mission 2: Stop the littering.

Mission 3: Build a wooden bench.

Mission 4: Making everybody vegetarian.

Special missions:

Mission 1: Invade the sad troopers and make them smiling troopers.

Mission 2: Get back to normal dimension.

There we go.

But there is a very special mission for Neo jimmy6, let's check it out.



Ultimate mission

Mission 1: Make sprites for Sma.

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