Neo jimmy6 asks everybody these 2 questions. "Those who wants me to make a fanstuff smiling wiki, sign here! But those who does not, sign here!"

Neo jimmy6's questions/timezone

From Smiling Wiki

South cuiousity what time zone do you live in because the end of the week for me may not be the same for you. ---- Good question! But, next time, please leave your name. You know, its funny, cause I was just gonna quit this thing cause nobody was asking me stuff! Anyway, my timezone you say? I don\'t really know what timezone is... But! Before you start shooting nuclear missiles on your computer, I \'\'\'think\'\'\' I know what it means, so let me answer it. Present. I\'m in the present. Oh, and, just to tell you, the 9 December is my birthday. And, today is my birthday (in my timezone)! Hooray! -- [[User:Neo jimmy6|Neo jimmy6]] Happy birthday!!! [[User:Atom boy|Atom boy]] 07:32, 9 December 2006 (EST) Thanks! -- [[ User:Neo jimmy6|Neo jimmy6]]

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