Neo jimmy6 asks everybody these 2 questions. "Those who wants me to make a fanstuff smiling wiki, sign here! But those who does not, sign here!"

Neo jimmy6's questions/timezone

From Smiling Wiki

South cuiousity what time zone do you live in because the end of the week for me may not be the same for you.

Good question! But, next time, please leave your name. You know, its funny, cause I was just gonna quit this thing cause nobody was asking me stuff! Anyway, my timezone you say? I don't really know what timezone is... But! Before you start shooting nuclear missiles on your computer, I think I know what it means, so let me answer it. Present. I'm in the present. Oh, and, just to tell you, the 9 December is my birthday. And, today is my birthday (in my timezone)! Hooray! -- Neo jimmy6

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