Neo jimmy6 asks everybody these 2 questions. "Those who wants me to make a fanstuff smiling wiki, sign here! But those who does not, sign here!"


From Smiling Wiki

Revision as of 14:43, 22 October 2006 by Neo jimmy6 (Talk | contribs)

How to have a userbox

First, type {{userboxtop}} on the top of your userbox to start your userbox.

Copy the source code on your userpage.

And finaly type |} at the bottom of your userbox to end your userbox


Userbox Source Code
BBOOH This user is a wiki sysop.]]

{{userbox|1=#999999|2=#ffff99|3=#ffff00|4=14|5=black|6=BBOOH|7=8|8=black|9=This user is a wiki sysop]]}}
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Sysop Stuff