Neo jimmy6 asks everybody these 2 questions. "Those who wants me to make a fanstuff smiling wiki, sign here! But those who does not, sign here!"

Battles/Battle 1

From Smiling Wiki

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'''''The battle 1:'''''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Oof...
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' That was a long walk.
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' But I'm finally back in my kingdom.
'''THE THING:''' Neo jimmy6! I'm glad your here!
'''THE THING:''' We are being attacked!
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Oh great, you should go back to your kingdom, there probably being attacked too!
'''THE THING:''' Alright!
''{The thing goes back to his base.}''
''{Neo jimmy6 sounds the alarm!}''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Everybody defense position!
'''''Meanwhile at Funny kingdom...'''''
''{The thing gets back to The Funny Kingdom and sees it's on fire.}''
''{The thing sound the alarm.}''
'''ALARM:''' Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!
'''THE THING:''' Everyone out of the kingdom thing!
'''SOMEONE IN THE KINGDOM:''' Help help!
'''A FIREMAN:''' I will save you!
''{The Fireman takes out his "Funny Hose" and it squirts out peanut butter.}''
''{The fire is now put out.}''
'''THE THING:''' Well, I guess it's lunch time.
''{Everyone starts eating the peanut butter.}''
'''THE THING:''' That was yummy I'd better go see how Neo jimmy6's doing!
''{The thing leaves The funny kingdom.}''
'''''Meanwhile in the Smiling kingdom...'''''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Arrggghhh!
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' They are sending there elite force at us!
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' We can't hold on much longer!
''{The thing runs to smiling kingdom.}''
'''THE THING:''' Great I'm just in time!
''{The thing pulls out his paralysis gun and shoots the enemies leader.}''
'''ELITE TROOPERS:''' Our captain, RETREAT!
'''''DUN DUN DUN!'''''
'''''In angry kingdom...'''''
'''ANGRY COMMANDER:''' You people retreated!!??
'''ELITE TROOPERS:''' But they paralyzed our captain!
'''ANGRY COMMANDER:''' Go back to attack! I'll give you the best hero soldier.
'''THE KARLO:''' Come on lets go!
'''''At Funny kingdom...'''''
''{Someone from the Angry Kingdom comes... um... his name was... Bob.}''
'''BOB:''' I will destroy this kingdom!
'''THE THING:''' No!
'''BOB:''' Yes!
'''THE THING:''' No!
'''BOB:''' Yes!
'''THE THING:''' No!
'''BOB:''' FINE!
''{Bob leaves}''
''{Someone from a kingdom in Nashville comes...names uh... Henry.}''
'''HENRY:''' Hi
'''THE THING:''' Hi... Who are you?
'''HENRY:''' I'm Henry. I want to be a funny kingdom member.
'''''DUN DUN DUN'''''
'''''{Just then at the Smiling Kingdom...}''''''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Okay, this is it, there going to attack again any time.
'''A SOLDIER WITH 2 WATER GUNS:'''Omg! There they are! Who's that with them?
'''THE KARLO:'''Ha, this is the famous smiling soldiers? What a joke!
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Grr, I trained them!
'''THE KARLO:''' Ha, You must be kidding, then you must be awful!
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Thats it!
''{Neo jimmy6 shoots The Karlo, The Karlo ducks.}''
'''THE KARLO:''' Ha, thats all you got, An.El.So attack!
''{Neo jimmy6 starts using his water sword.}''
''{Neo jimmy6 ducks a attack and uses his water slash on 1 of the An.El.So.}''
''{The An.El.So gets thrown on The Karlo.}''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Take that!
'''THE KARLO:''' Hey, that actually hurt!
''{The Karlo pulls out his air destructo swords.}''
''{The Karlo uses his air destructo slashes on Neo jimmy6.}''
''{Neo jimmy6 ducks 2 slashes, blocks 3 slashes and 1 slash hits Neo jimmy6.}''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Ugh...
''{Sm.Su.So jump attacks The Karlo.}''
'''THE KARLO:''' Arrghhh, get off of me!
''{The Karlo slashes a soldier.}''
'''SM.SU.SO''' It won't just take that to knock me down!
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Good... Work... Soldier... If you... Survive... I will... Promote... You...
''{Neo jimmy6 calls The thing.}''
'''NEO JIMMY6:''' Ugh... We need... Need... Your help... THE THING!... Bring 5... Of... Your knights!...
''{The thing comes with his 5 Knights.}'''
'''THE THING:''' We're here!
''{Humorknight attacks a A.E.S with a Water gun.}''
''{FunnyKnight attacks Another A.E.S with a Water sword.}''
''{Another A.E.S and a A.E.S runs away... and HahaKnight, LolKnight, and ROTFLOLKnight scares away the others.}''
'''THE THING:''' It's just you and me now The Karlo.
'''THE KARLO:''' Bring it on!
''{The thing attacks The Karlo with a Paralysis gun, then with a water gun, and sword.}''
'''ALL:''' We win Yay!
[[Category:Finished Battles|1]]

Revision as of 01:53, 27 November 2006


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