Shy Guy Squadran

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Revision as of 05:08, 10 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Shy Guy Squadran is a comic based on Nintendo's Shy Guys of the Mushroom Kingdom
and Toei Animation's Dragon Ball Z.Originaly Sgs(Shy Guy Squadran)had a total of 98 Issues,but after
a recent demolition of comics 81-97,the series took a turn for the worse.But instead of sgs be canceled it
restarted with 10 times the quality.Before the quality and spelling/grammar would make you wanna put down the
comic and stop reading,the only thing that kept most of the fans reading was the storyline.Quality didn't inproved
intill issues 40-98 when Backgrounds were added,soon in issue 50 text bubbles were added for a brief couple of issues.
Around Issue 80 the row frames increased by 3 virtical and horizontal.

List of Sagas in SGS











Sagas Short Summary
The Shy Force 5 destructive firgures torture the planet
Neko Captain Neko enters the fray between Red and the Shy Force
Beyond the Shy Stars Red and the gang must find seven magical masks
Kabalt Red must gather the magical masks on the planet Kabalt
The new Shy Force The shy force returns,how can this be the same shy force?
Frieza Guy Red and the rest must give all they've got to destroy this ruthless tyrant
A new future? Shadow Sword Guy tells of horrible things to come in the future
Dark Guy A powerful threat is reavield
Android A varsity of androids attack the world
Cell Guy A shy guy with imense power threatens to destroy the world
Shadow sphiere The cause of all the terrible events is finaly revield
Majin Guy Majin Guy comes as a messanger to warn Red,but is over powered by evil
Chaos in the world above After Majin Guy's death the squadran is assigned a mission in the clouds
10 warlords All of the 10 Warlords are revield
100 Trials The Squadran splits up,with each of them there own journey,only 10 will survive
Ember Guy Red is forced against his will to destroy his team members
Super Blaster Guy and Native Guy Native Guy and super Blaster Guy help Red and crew navigate through Ember Guy's mess
The last 5 Warlords one after another keep em comming! The squadran gos on a series of adventures to find the 5 warlords remaining
Super Blaster Guy and Native Guy Native Guy and super Blaster Guy help Red and crew navigate through Ember Guy's mess
Cell Guy's Stand Cell Guy joins Red and thee gang to find the last warlord and destroy him
The Shadow Games A tournament is held for the strongest fighters in the universe.
Dengaku Guy and last warlord Dengaku Guy battles the last warlord while Red and the rest battle in the shadow games
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