Resistance: The Banner

From Sidsfix

Revision as of 04:56, 16 April 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)




Ox-Body Technique

  • Cost: ---
  • Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1
  • Type: Permanent
  • Keywords: Stackable
  • Prerequisites: None

The Exalted are made of far sturdier stuff than mere mortals; so it is with the Hands of the Maidens. For Sidereals, Ox-Body Technique can confer either a single -0 health level, or two extra -1 health levels. The Sidereal may purchase this Charm a number of times equal to her Resistance.

Water and Fire Treaty

  • Cost: 5m, 1bhl
  • Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2
  • Type: Simple
  • Keywords: None
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Prerequisites: None

Through a minute sacrifice of pain, a Sidereal can gain protection from any one element of his choosing. To activate the charm, the Exalt must touch a sample of the the chosen element. As long as Essence is committed to the Charm, that single element cannot harm him (water cannot freeze/drown him, fire cannot burn, etc).

Someone Else's Destiny

  • Cost: 4m
  • Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2
  • Type: Reflexive
  • Keywords: None
  • Duration: Instant
  • Prerequisites: None

When exposed to a drug or poison (intentional or otherwise), a Seer can seal the toxin away as part of her fate and then pass it to someone else. At the toxin's first damage interval the Sidereal can reflexively activate this Charm rather than resisting it. A successful Stamina + Resistance roll separates the effect of the substance from her fate but remains in orbit around it. When the Sidereal successfully attacks someone in close combat and rolls 1+ die of lethal or aggravated damage, the effect of that drug or poison is transferred to the victim of her attack as if her opponent had ingested the poison or drug himself. This Charm can only use one toxin at a time.

Shield of Destiny

  • Cost: 5m
  • Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3
  • Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
  • Keywords: Combo-OK
  • Duration: Instant
  • Prerequisites: Someone Else's Destiny

Catching his opponents' fates in a fine weave of threads, the Sidereal uses them to guard himself. If an attack damages him while this defense is active, that damage transfers to one of the opponents snared by this charm. The Sidereal's player can activate this Charm after damage for a successful attack is rolled but before it is applied. To do this, the player rolls (Dexterity + Resistance). For every two successes this roll garners, up to a maximum equal to the levels of damage the attack originally inflicted, the player can subtract one health level from the damage he would take and inflict in upon his attacker or one of the attacker's present allies.
This transferred damage cannot be parried, soaked or dodged except with perfect defenses. If the target does this, neither the Sidereal nor his target suffers damage. The Sidereal can only transfer damage to one target per attack. Bashing is transferred as bashing, while lethal and aggravated are both transferred as lethal.

Optimistic Security Practice

  • Cost:
  • Mins:
  • Type:
  • Keywords:
  • Duration:
  • Prerequisites:

Heartless Maiden Trance

  • Cost:
  • Mins:
  • Type:
  • Keywords:
  • Duration:
  • Prerequisites:

Storm's Eye Stance

  • Cost:
  • Mins:
  • Type:
  • Keywords:
  • Duration:
  • Prerequisites:
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