
From Shtarmon

< User:D3koy
Revision as of 02:28, 29 August 2006 by D3koy (Talk | contribs)

Need Help?

If you need help the best way to contact an admin is via the IRC. The Irc is viewable through Chatzilla as well as any other IRC application Two ways are:

1. An IRC Client Software

Some good suggestions are:

One note Chatzilla can only be used in conjunction with Mozilla Firefox


2. Web based CGI-IRC client

Go here to launch the web client. It is slow and prone to total existence failure; but serviceable, and not usually blocked by libraries and centers of education as well as places of business To log on here you will need the following:

  • A nick-keep it short
  • The Server
  • and the channel name- #ishtarmon

Having that you are now able to connect to us via your web browser.

After getting an IRC client visit the IRC here: #ishtarmon Once in there just ask for help. Most people in there will be able to un-ban you(if you were wrongfully banned) help you with learning the language, or editing. Feel free to idle in there or just make conversation;however, is a Sysop tells you to stop doing something please stop. They will ban you.

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