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  </ul>Taiwan authorities, a number of specific action for sovereignty as the situation in the South China Sea Taiwan tension ,in which the role of concern .At present, the Taiwan authorities in effective control of the South China Sea Taiping island .
  </ul>Taiwan authorities, a number of specific action for sovereignty as the situation in the South China Sea Taiwan tension ,in which the role of concern .At present, the Taiwan authorities in effective control of the South China Sea Taiping island .
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Revision as of 06:51, 19 December 2012

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Lv Hongxing no income distribution reform have no common pro

Onthe reform of income distribution -- the viewpoint overview of reporter Lv Hongxing one ,the current income distribution questions facing the field of our country current distribution system is distribution according to work as the main body ,a variety of modes of distribution coexist ,distribution according to work and distribution according to factors of production the combination of the basic allocation system ,due to the influence of various factors ,is facing a variety of problem .
Development Research Center of the State Council in 2011 with the publication of the series national income allocation dilemma and the way out on the current income distribution problems is studied ,the more representative of .
The book argues that the reform is not thorough ,system is not standard ,in the current income allocates a domain to exist four problems: one is worker pay and income proportion of GDP is low and continues to decline .
Two is urban and rural ,area ,industry and income gap between social member is pulled continuously big .The data shows ,1985 per capita disposable income of urban residents was 1.86 times that of rural residents ,in 2007 it reached 3.
33 times ,and in 2008 the town high income per capita disposable income is rural low income households per capita income 23.1 times .From a regional perspective ,in 2009 the national per capita disposable income of urban residents minimum provinces as highest province is 2.
4 times the highest province ,the per capita disposable income of urban residents with the lowest provinces of net income of farmer average per capita was 10 times the gap between .Electric power ,telecommunications ,finance ,tobacco monopoly sector average wage is 2 to 3 times as much as in other industries ,taking into account the gray income ,the actual gap at 5 to 10 times ,hollister.
The social member income data show our highest income group and the lowest income 10% 10% groups of income gap ,have 7.3 times from 1988 up to now 23 times .Three is the income distribution order non-standard ,speculation prevails ,corruption layer, gray income and illegal income income distribution relations deteriorated .
Four is the unspoken rule official rules ,hollister,the social transaction cost on the high side ,low income person undertook a large number of unnecessary costs to society ,social mobility has decreased risk .
In addition to the above four points ,the Fudan University Institute of social development and public policy Ji Jiangming also believes that conspicuous consumption ,consumption ,consumption of vanity also is the present distribution areas facing the problem can not be avoided .
In system shunt ,the special period of social transformation ,a surplus of money will get people to the pursuit of excitement, vainglory prodigality show type ,competition type consumption patterns of consumption ,resulting in a tremendous waste of resources .
Low income groups basic consumption level and living standard drops ,cause social economic resources allocation unjust ,social issues such as conflicts ,buried under the social unstable factors .
Central Party School professor from the income of our country structure analysis, he believed that now our country income structure is the inverted T-shaped high income ,medium income distribution to form a vertical line ,and the low income social stratum is following a long horizontal line ,this kind of income distribution distribution more than Pyramid bad .
Pyramid type distribution ,medium income more than us ,from Pyramid to olive ,hollister france,finish up would be easier ,and we now from the inverted T-shaped to olive ,the task is more formidable .Two ,cause income allocation problems in 1 and our country economy development mode about the viewpoint thinks ,income allocation problem with our country economy development pattern .
As of December 15, 2009 published China Daily published Wu Yue signed article to think long-term heavy investment ,light consumption, social wealth increased most by the government to engage in construction ,in recent years, finance income growth is more than GDP growth ,and relevant data shows ,from 1978 to 2006, income of our country dweller year all grow 6.
7% ,this with China reached two digit growth in stark contrast .Cause of resident in the proportion of low status has been difficult to reverse .2 and income distribution system is not perfect on the Tsinghua University Professor, wages in the proportion of GDP is too low ,the labor remuneration distribution proportion is too small ,working-class difficult to share the fruits of economic growth .
Total wages of 2002 residents in about 1.2 trillion yuan ,occupy in those days 12% of GDP and city residents of all 33% of their disposable income .Even if the farmer income 2 trillion as labor income ,labor income has accounted for only 32% of the GDP .
Labor wages institute director Su Hainan also thinks ,distribution system is not perfect is to cause income allocation problem highlights the direct cause .In primary distribution ,no clear and reasonable state ,hollister france,enterprise ,hollister,dweller three allocation proportion ,did not build normal growth mechanism of labor remuneration ,remuneration is low; in allocating the two times ,not in the form of rules clearly at all levels of Finance for social security and the transfer payment proportion ,no two distributive fairness sex ,rationality  ;three distribution of small scale ,charity donation remains to perfect mechanism ,regulating function .
3 and industry monopoly and administrative monopoly on many expert scholar thinks ,at present electric power ,telecommunications ,finance ,tobacco monopoly phenomenon is serious .Development Research Center of the State Council in national income allocation dilemma and the way out ,China current income allocates a domain to appear a variety of problems ,not the basic direction of the reform and opening up ,the fundamental reason or in reform is not thorough ,abercrombie,the market is not perfect ,system is not perfect and governmental function change lag .
The book argues that from the initial distribution and the two distribution areas of .In the initial distribution ,factors price distortions and market main body twist ,cause misallocation of resources ,make the position of labor is relatively worse  ;state-owned economy occupies a lot of social surplus ( savings ) ,abercrombie france,but gains did not form an effective national share mechanism  ;in the two distribution in the field ,lag of governmental function change ,the two distribution field regulator ineffective, converse adjustment phenomenon is outstanding ,insufficient supply of public services ,the initial distribution of gap formation has not been amended ,but is pulled further big .
Add income order is not standardized and the system is not perfect ,to obtain illegal income such as speculation ,provided an opportunity ,seriously affected the social stability and unity .Three ,reform plan why tardy difficult to introduce in June 14, 2012 ,the NPC Financial and economic committee vice director He Keng to divulge ,at the end of the NPC Standing Committee will be through income distribution reform plan ,the relevant departments of the State Council is actively revised .
But in the very next day ,he was made a clarification ,said there is no sure whether through .In 2004 the reform of income distribution has been started ,in recent years has been only the stairs ,but no one down .
Income distribution reform why difficult Foundation of reform of China National Economic Research Institute deputy director believes that there are mainly two factors: one is income allocation involve too much ,involve many deep reform, so reform is very difficult, a lot of problems is not a sector can be said to calculate ,can be solved .
Some comprehensive measures of reform ,need higher resolution and overall reform clear policy and path ,these will not down, by a department to make income allocation reform program ,it is very difficult .
Two because of the reform of income distribution will be touched many people vested interest ,to move the problem on system ,will inevitably touch vested interest ,some authority or official belongs in the interest in reform will be impaired on one side ,it may be negative ,to stop the force of reform .
A professor at the Renmin University of China in 2010 twenty-first Century interview that reports ,the current adjustment of interest pattern of course is not easy ,dynamic who benefits will be subjected to strong resistance .
At the same time ,the adjustment of interest structure also needs to consider the historical justice and maintain the sustainable development of economy, must be in a balanced condition adjustment .
Therefore ,don overnight can reverse thirty years to form a pattern of interests ,can regulate thirty years gradually anomie phenomenon of income distribution .Ministry of human resources and social security of Labor Research Institute room director Sun Qunyi thinks ,income reform must be a touch of personal interests ,such as tax levied on real estate, will touch developers and real interests ,but I don reform dystocia simply interest problem .
Because the income reform relates to the social development pattern, income distribution is the result of the whole social system ,economic model to decide, if to income allocation to adjust the income distribution ,probably limited effect ,so the key is to see the reason of income gap .
Four ,adjust income allocation of Route 1 to increase the two allocation reform Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher at the income gap crosses big reason where to find a text that ,reducing and weakening the government intervention is the initial distribution reform important task ,to increase the repartition strength ,especially in social security ,medical care ,education in the fields such as poverty ,rural area and western area increase transfer payments  ;promote the reform of the tax system, the real estate tax ,value-added tax ,consumption tax and other more assigned to local ,jordan,improve the central and local fiscal revenue and expenditure patterns .
Published December 17, 2009 people think ,adjust the unreasonable income distribution ,the key depends on increasing the two distribution reform .First of all we should make better use of fiscal and tax means ,directly increase the income of low income persons .
In 2009, the country has been through various forms to strengthen low income transfer payment ,such as the increase in food prices ,price increases of up to 15.3%; to increase kind of grain farmer allowance  ;up-regulation of town enterprise retirees etc.
.These initiatives is popular .Chinese Academy of Social Sciences macroscopical director Zhang Xiaojing thinks ,increase two distribution reform strength ,but also focus on the enhancement of low income groups continued to increase capacity .
The key is to improve their ability of employment ,increase their employment opportunities ,the government should give more favorable poineering policy ,for low income families in particular the unemployed workers ,increase groom strength ,giving them free to learn new knowledge ,new skills ,can make a variety of occupation for workers ,to improve the business ability and again obtain employment ability .
Full employment is not only to solve low income households income to scientific methods, but also solve the problem of income gap economic foundation .2 use tax to adjust income distribution of China Human Resources Development Research Association President Liu Fuyuan, can rely on the tax to adjust income allocation, on labor income ,capital income tax ,taxes on property income .
He thinks the labor income as tax basic body is wrong .On the wage income regardless of height should not be taxed .Function capital creates jobs and increase the wealth of society, should encourage enterprises to capital accumulation ,expanded reproduction ,increase employment and wealth for the society ,should try to reduce taxes  ;and property income ,namely,abercrombie, rent and interest ,is pure parasitism income ,thus not only should as soon as possible introduction of property tax ,and the tax rate should be higher than other categories of taxes .
The property tax as the current regulating income distribution relations breach, used to supplement .Property tax in the inheritance tax should be heavier ,encouraging people to rely on labor ,capital operation become rich by functions ,and cannot rely on to legacy lived a life of luxury .
He pointed out that ,in the long run ,the estate tax is to realize capital play its social accumulation function is the key ,the most effective tax .The socialist economy is surplus value most to public ownership of the market economy ,the estate tax at a rate at least more than 50% ,and should gradually improve .
Of course ,to continue to exercise the functions of the capital function should be exempt from inheritance tax heritage .3 other perspectives of Renmin University of China finance professor Sun Yudong think, countries should also continue to increase move to pay strength, fully consider the family comprehensive tax capacity ,taking the family as the unit levy and deduction  ;to perfect the system of enterprise income tax ,to favor the employment of small and medium-sized enterprises to give preferential tax ,tax cuts will negatively and promoting employment combine ,hollister;also government money should be appropriate to increase the transfer payment ,abercrombie and fitch,more tilt to low income group .
Just as World Bank senior vice president thinks ,accelerate the reform of income distribution ,the three field is very important .One is the financial sector .Our financial system is to big banks and stock market ,mainly for large companies to provide financial services and rich .
Two is the wealth transfer .Like the state transfer of resources to the mining enterprises, causing huge unfair distribution .Three is the monopoly of the field .The majority of experts and scholars believe that ,the social security system is the low income family last protective net .
The government should continue to increase the social old-age ,unemployment ,medical ,housing and other insurance coverage and efforts ,improve social security level .For the low income family ,air jordan,labor ,civil affairs and other relevant departments of the government should give more attention and concern, in social insurance ,relief ,medical policy corresponding tilt .
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