Journal Module

From Shahara


The merchant Kerowyn Hucrele has requested that you find out what happened to her children. She will give 125gp for each signet ring to each of you. There are two signet rings.

Kerowyn's children are Talgen and Sharwyn Hucrele. They are members of an adventuring party that includes Karakas the ranger and Sir Bradford the paladin.

The adventuring party went to investigate ruins near Oakhurst. Kerowyn says the Old Road leads to the ruins.

Sir Bradford wields a weapon called Shatterspike.

The adventuring party has not been seen in months.

Cattle herders won't go far from town. People have been found dead with injuries that look like cuts from a needle.

Next Steps. Kerowyn has mentioned that the healer may have more information for your quest.


Kerowyn Hucrele, female human: a reputable and wealthy merchant of the Hucrele family. Mother of two adventurers who have gone missing.

Mayor Vurnor Leng, male human

Constable Felosial, female half-elf

Ben and Jym, male humans: Felosial's deputies

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