To-do List

From Shahara

Revision as of 08:56, 5 January 2008 by Gretel (Talk | contribs)
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This is the page for our general adminly/staffly duties. Feel free to add things using the template below. When you've completed a task, make sure to strikethrough the whole thing using <del>this</del> style.


Cosmetic, Coding, and Building

  • Code a +finger system
  • Create a plot room off the OOC nexus to run things in (or, preferably, several), with (hopefully) customizeable descs.
  • Redo the ooc nexus. Write an actual description, take down the to-do list.
  • Write a newbie area and make a description and intro to the world for new players/guests, to be hosted there. Include details of how the game works OOCly, and what the world's like ICly. Include a link to Twidelin Wiki, how to set/remove channels, policy reminders (OOC knowledge vs. IC, we are using DND), how to read the message board, how to consult staff who are online and where to find more commands.
  • Create "OOC Discussion", "Seeking RP", "DMs", and "OOC Chat" channels.
  • Modify who command to display status flags for 'seeking rp' and 'DM'.
  • Allow flag 'newbie_read_policy' for newbies who have read appropriate IC and OOC documentation; permission to set flag either by newbie or admin as desired.
  • Code an interim item system. Items can be long strings ('wand of magic missile dmg 47, 2d4 dmg etc') that are added as entries to DB; with an eye to eventually develop a coded system. Long strings could lead to disaster.
  • Place sheets of all characters on the wiki, with an eye to eventually develop a coded system for +sheet.
  • Code a way to submit character sheets and have them mailed to Raeft from the room where Newbies log on. Possibly do it as a step by step prompt, or similar. (Raeft can provide examples of similar systems if Jules needs them.)
  • Make a "Guests/Newbies" channel. Set as a default channel for newbie characters.
  • Build some iconic IC areas (Dungeons on the outskirts of town? Something with personality, even if it's only a few rooms, that can be used for gridded adventure. Maybe a general "Wilderness" room, or some temp rooms the descs of which can be changed?)
  • Determine if players get to manage items (with adding items as requiring staff permission). Allow applicable people to view players' items.
  • Allow output of item list to everyone in current room. Similar to +prove.

Theme Information and Rules

  • Write "general theme" overview in detail, for everything different in this world as compared to "normal" D&D. Examples include Forgotten Desert, Ashcrow Mountains, Quay'luan forest, Mellowbark Forest, Spires of Hell, Floating Isle, Vanishing Glade, holidays (if any) and pantheon (if different from standard DND).
  • Write on what happened to Gathyanjo during Upheaval and how they survived.
  • Write page on skills added or changed in this modern setting.
  • Write page on prevalence of technology
  • Write page on state of magic, technology and psionics
  • Write anthro page introduction/physical details.
  • Create dinosaur anthros.
  • Write Hinterlands and Telces pages.
  • Write "Civilized and Uncivilized Races" page.
  • Write a page on "Alignments" and our handling of creatures with unusual alignment predelictions. (EG: How players can app to play members of races that're almost always a certain alignment, as a conflicting alignment)
  • Write a DM Primer stating things DMs should know about how we run things here, and what we want standardized across the board; for example, crafting, treasure tables, canon ('All kobolds are Sorc 15') and experience rewards.
  • Add a glossary for terms such as Foreigner, Unification War(s) and the Upheaval. Or have a dedicated space to the Lexicon.
  • Write page for alts: transferring equipment and wealth between alts
  • Write page on contacts and requisitioning equipment (if applicable)
  • A graphical map of Calados. Bonus points if it's zoomable and draggable with Google Maps API.

General Documentation and Organization

  • Create IC help system listing all commands and also some IC details about theme. Commands such as +ps and +finger.
  • Assign specific roles to staffers and make sure it's clear to players as to who is best to contact about which thing, without implying that all admins decisions aren't to be given the same weight. Determine best modes of contact with staffers, such as by their e-mail addresses out of the game, by in-game mail or by page.
  • Organize wiki with all character pages and sheets
  • Add sentence to Character Page section on Main Page: 'Please submit characters to ____'s e-mail (${e-mail}). Character pages cannot be created by themselves.'
  • Check IC policies and add ones concerning IC "ratings", consent-based, and similar, which newbies must both have read and agreed to before being flagged to enter the grid.
  • Figure out a process to delineate the application methods for: Characters with exceptional or odd alignments, people who want to run plots, and special/temporary characters to be used on the grid for durations of plots.
  • Write page for ways to contribute to Twidelin (no exp given): synchronizing wiki and bulletin boards into a newsletter on a forum, advertising for the game on MU* sites, etc
  • Rename "Twidelin Overview" to "Calados Overview" in "Twidelin Overview" page.
  • New email for submissions of plot, characters, etc. Update Raeft's mail to staff e-mail accordingly, where/if applicable.

Plot Development

  • Write an introductory plot for the world.
  • Create some ongoing "rumor-style" plots that anyone can pick up and run at whim.
  • Delineate the system through which one becomes eligible to DM real plots, and ensure people know about it.
  • Write a primer for DMs.
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