From Shahara
Please see the Firearms Rules first!
S- Semi-Automatic
A- Fully Automatic
Box- Box-like clip
Int- Integral, bullets are loaded directly into weapon without box or cyl.
Cyl- Cylinder shaped bullet storage, it rotates when fired.
Name Caliber Price DMG Range Weight Clip Modes Category Str Req.
Arc 4.6mm 60 gp 2d4 30 ft 2 lbs. 20 box S Simple Light 8
Barklow 10mm 90 gp 2d6 40 ft 4 lbs. 12 box S Martial Light 10
Geolite .357 80 gp 2d6 40 ft 3 lbs. 6 cyl. S Martial Light 8
Sweeper 4.6mm 110 gp 2d4 30 ft 5 lbs. 24 box S/A Martial 1H 10
Enforcer .485 140 gp 2d8 40 ft 6 lbs. 8 box S Martial 1H 12/14
Name Caliber Price DMG Range Weight Clip Modes Category Str Req.
Tagow 12 ga. 120 gp 2d8 40 ft 11 lbs. 10int. S Martial 2H 12
Ox 10 ga. 180 gp 2d10 30 ft 14 lbs. 6 int. S Martial 2H 14
Feller .322LR 60 gp 2d6 70 ft 9 lbs. 11 box S Simple 2H 8
Deterrent 6.77mm 200 gp 2d10 90 ft 13 lbs. 9 box S Martial 2H 10
Laborer .50 cal 340 gp 2d12 120 ft 28 lbs. 7 box S Martial 2H 14
Name Caliber Price DMG Range Weight Clip Modes Category Str Req.
Vargas 6.77mm 300 gp 2d10 100 ft 30 lbs. L/200b A Martial 2H 14
Valkyrie 5mm 200 gp 2d8 60 ft 7 lbs. 30 box S/A Martial 2H 10
Gaebolg 10mm 150 gp 2d6 50 ft 6 lbs. 32 box S/A Simple 2H 8
Name Caliber Price DMG Range Weight Clip Modes Category Str Req.
Frag 38mm 50 3d6 Spcl. --- --- ---- Simple ----
HE 38mm 50 3d6 Spcl. --- --- ---- Simple ----
Flashbang 38mm 50 Spcl. Spcl. --- --- ---- Simple ----
Smoke 38mm 50 Spcl. Spcl. --- --- ---- Simple ----
Arc: The Arc is one of the most widely used sidearms amongst the common civilian populace,
due to its light weight, weak recoil, sufficient magazine, and ease of use even by the
relatively unskilled.
Barklow: The preferred firearm for the discerning gunslinger, the somewhat heavy Barklow
has a strong punch and a decently sized magazine, its weight off-setting the recoil.
The standard issue sidearm for most law enforcement and military personnel, many variants
of the model exist worldwide, as its simple design allows it to easily be modified.
Geolite: Though the Geolite Magnum fell out of favor with the advent of the Barklow, due
to its smaller bullet capacity, it's still cheaper to make than the Barklow and is still
found in use worldwide as a backup pistol. Only the poorest countries don't include
speed-loaders (Additionl 50 gold, reload weapon as a Swift action instead of a Standard)
to balance out the low bullet capacity.
Sweeper: A favorite of criminals, adventurers, and private security forces, the Sweeper
requires a license to own or carry due to their potentially lethal force. Their frequent
use in enclosed spaces earned them the nickname 'Sweeper'.
Enforcer: Most civilized nations require a license to carry an Enforcer, due to the
pistol's heavier power and lethal ability. The Enforcer is often used with specialized
ammunition, such as armor piercing rounds, but its specialized design and heavy recoil
forbid the use of most gun additions, such as suppressors or scopes. Strength penalty
Is reduced if used two-handed.
Tagow: This firearm is a personal favorite of home-defense buffs and sheriff departments.
The Tagow offers a fair ammo count with a high amount of power, the kickback not being
too much of a danger when used properly.
Ox: SART (Swift Action Response Teams) and military personnel, as well as adventurers,
favor the Ox for its nasty damage and blowback capability.
Feller: A sturdy, strong hunting rifle, the Feller has excellent range and a well sized
clip, making it a prime weapon for the average ranger or hunter. Its low recoil makes
it easy to use. Before the advent of assault rifles, this was the standard issue for
Deterrent: A standard issue sniper rifle for military and SART personnel, this weapon
requires a license to own or carry due to its high power. Their design allows them to be
outfitted with a number of useful attachments.
Laborer: Illegal except to military personnel and adventurers who've proven they deserve
a license, this monstrous rifle is primarily used to punch through the armor of tanks and
in more recent times, heavily armored enemies. The complex reloading mechanisms (Full
round to reload) are offset by the sheer power it promises, making it a prized possession
of snipers. The heavy caliber bullets (Ballistic and Piercing damage) and armor piercing
(ignores up to 5 points of Hardness) capabilities make it highly desireable in warzones.
Setting up the Laborer is a Move action, it cannot be fired unless it has been set up, or
'deployed'. It must be set on something solid, putting the gunner in the Prone position
before firing. If the gunner wishes to move, the gun must be un-deployed and from there
can be moved to set up in another location. Firing 'from the hip' will have severe
consequences, particularly from sadistic DM's.
Vargas: Though it fell out of favor with the military a long time ago, the Vargas is a
commonly used light machinegun by civilian crews, gangs, and adventuring groups that
require a lot of heavy firepower in a concentrated area, such as deep-mining expeditions
facing the threat of Umber Hulks. It is preferred to have linked ammunition, but preloaded
plastic clips (full round to reload) of 200 rounds each can be loaded into the weapon
instead. It is often used as a stationary weapon, all models coming with a tripod, but
mounting additional attachments is useless due to the weapon's bulk and design. A license
is required to own, plus special permission from a high ranking official due to the high
power of this firearm. Like the Laborer, it can only be used effectively if deployed.
Because of this machinegun also comes standard with a tripod, and thus it is a highly
effective when used as a vehicle mounted turret or machinegun nest.
Valkyrie: Versatile and easy to use, the Valkyrie is the most commonly used assault rifle
across the world. Its simple design allows numerous attachments to be affixed, such as a
flashlight, scope, H-23 grenade launcher, or a bayonet. There are countless variants
around the globe. The ease of use, despite being a martial weapon, includes it in the
Rogue proficiency list.
Gaebolg: Named after a Saint, this is basically an upgraded version of the Sweeper, this
gun features a larger clip and equivalent caliber, making it useful for criminals and law
enforcement alike, as one can share ammo. Though it cannot be used with a suppressor, the
H-23, flashlights, and bayonets are common add-ons. The Gaebolg can, if necessary, be used
as a one handed weapon, but the firearm's balance and weight will impose a -2 penalty on
your attack rolls.
Grenades: Even when launched, treat Grenades as a thrown weapon. The explosion of a
Fragmenting or High Explosive grenade has a 30 foot radius, all creatures within the blast
zone must make a Reflex save (DC 11) for half. Flashbangs make a bright flash and a loud
noise, affecting every creature within 20 feet, they must make a Fort save (DC 16) or be
stunned for 1d6 rounds. The smoke grenade constantly generates smoke for 10 rounds, in a
20 foot radius, providing the same benefits as a 'Fog' spell, only it requires a strong
wind to blow the smoke away. Smoke grenades come in various colors for various situations
and can be purchased without much difficulty- Flashbangs, HE, and Frags however are highly
illegal, only issued to military, law enforcement, or adventurers under extreme
circumstances. If a character wishes to risk legal repercussions, they may make a Gather
Information check DC 24 to find someone willing to sell them some grenades, but even then
they can only purchase up to 1d8 grenades. Purchases will be handled by DMs.
Name Price: Weight:
Arc/Geolite 1 gp/clip -----
Barklow/Sweeper/Feller 2 gp/clip -----
Enforcer/Tagow/Ox/Deterrent/Gaebolg 3 gp/clip -----
Valkyrie/Laborer 4 gp/clip --/1 lb
Vargas 30gp/box or 60gp 400 linked ammo can. --/3 lbs
Name Price Weight
H-23 Grenade Launcher 300 gp 4 lbs
Flashlight 20 gp 3 lbs
Bayonets ---- ----
Extended Clips Clip x2 1 lb
Suppressor 80 gp 0.5 lbs
Scope 70 gp ----
Laser Sight 60 gp ----
Butt-Stock 40 gp 1 lb
H-23 Grenade Launcher: Attached to rifles only, these have the benefit of launching all
types of grenades, have a range of 150 ft, and are illegal to tote around in public even
if you have a license. H-23's cannot be masterworked or magicked under any circumstances.
Flashlight: Not the same kind of flashlights bought at the store, these are attached to a
number of firearms, providing 30 feet of clear illumination, twice that of shadowy, in a
15 foot cone. The battery lasts for 4 hours of constant use.
Bayonets: See Complete Scoundrel!
Suppressor: Muffling noises and reducing muzzle flash by trapping the gasses and light given
off by gunfire, these reduce the sound of a gun to the point where all creatures within 15
feet of the shot must make a DC 15 Listen check to hear it.
Scope: Increases the effective range of a rifle by 1.5 times.
Laser Sight: These sights are favored for night ops, making a red dot appear on targets
within 30 feet and providing a +1 bonus to hit. However they do not work in areas of
sufficiently bright light, such as outdoors in the daytime.
Butt-Stock: These devices allow certain weapons to be used with one hand, by providing the
user to set the gun against their shoulder for stability. A butt-stock can be placed on
the Tagow, Ox, Valkyrie, or Gaebolg. This allows one to fire the gun at a -2 penalty (which
stacks with other penalties, if you decide to use multiple weapons). When put on a Gaebolg
the penalty for using it one handed is reduced to -1. In the case of pump action shotguns
like the Ox and Tagow, one must still pull back the action to put a new shell in the chamber.
Special Equipment:
Name Price Weight
Environmentally Sealed Suit 500 gp 25lbs
Heads Up Display 3500gp 5 lbs
Steel Cables 100 gp/spool 7 lbs
Environmentally Sealed Suit: EVA or NBC suits, they are very fragile but absolutely
necessary in some situations. Only light armor can be worn over a Environmentally Sealed
Suit, and if their integrity is compromised you will suffer the full effects of whatever
area you're in. The suit will break after only 10 points of damage of are dealt to the
character, but it completely protects them as long as they occasionally provide themselves
fresh oxygen supplies. The suit imposes a -3 Armor Check Penalty and restricts movement
to 20 feet/turn. Follows the same rules as armor for sizing costs.
Heads Up Display (HUD)- Made with highly sophisticated, advanced technology, this helmet
almost entirely seals off the wearer from the outside world, providing them with considerable
protection from things that rely on sound. Most sonic damage is cut in half (that is, sonic
damage that can still fully effect those who are deaf will also affect you), and the wearer
gains a +4 bonus vs non damaging Sound based magical effects. In addition, the HUD comes
equipped with high sensitivity motion detectors, allowing them a form of Blindsense out to
20 feet. This protection comes at a price, the wearer suffering a -10 penalty to all Listen
checks. A high power radio is installed for effective communication. In addition, HUD's
come standard with a USB port to link to computer systems, where someone else can send them
limited visual and audio information. Finally, it is becoming quite popular and common to
find flashlights attached to the head of the helmets, along with a minor modification in the
screen to afford the wearer Low-Light Vision, though this costs an additional 200 gp. Due
to the requirements of having this device well protected and secured, it can only be used
with Heavy armors. Slot used: Head.
Steel Cables: Arguably better than rope, this steel cable is 1000-pound tested and comes
in coils of 50 feet each. A little heavier but much tougher. Cannot be used with Use Rope
except to tie people up, and even then at a -2 penalty to the check- commonly used for tying
down or securing particularly large creatures, people, and objects. AC of 10, Hardness 8,
HP 30. Break DC 35.
Modern Conveniences:.
Name Price Weight
Travel Case 1/5/10 gp 5/10/15 lbs
Briefcase 4 gp 2 lbs
Field Bag 2 gp 2 lbs
Travel Case: A simple, standard reinforced aluminum box with foam inserts. Wing clamps keep
it from accidentally opening. Comes in 10 lb, 40 lb, and 75 lb.-storage sizes.
Briefcase: Holds up to 5 pounds of anything you can fit into it. A briefcase can be locked,
securely but the lock is cheap (Open Lock DC 20, Break DC 10).
Field Bag: A useful combination tool bag/notebook computer case, you can store all sorts of
things in this bag. Tools, pens, cellular devices, there's even a clear plastic flap for
maps and plans. Usually made of leather or some other durable material, can carry 10 lbs.
of gear easily and comes with a shoulder strap.
Consumer Electronics:
Name Price Weight
33mm film 9 gp 2 lbs
Digital 12 gp 1 lb
Disposable 5 gp 0.5 lbs
Cellular Phone 9 gold ----
Desktop PC 40 gp 15 lbs
Laptop Notebook 50 gp 5 lbs
Computer Accessories-
Modem 6 gp 1 lb
Portable Satellite Phone 13 gp 2 lbs
Portable Video Camera 12 gp 1 lb
Printer 9 gp 3 lbs
Scanner 9 gp 3 lbs
Basic 7 gp 1 lb
Professional 12 gp 1 lb
Cameras: Comes in 35mm film, digital, and disposable varieties. Film development can often
be done within 1 hour, or 24 for less developed areas. Others may require sending film away
for a week or so. Digital of course, produce relatively good pictures all on their own, but
33mm film tends to be best used for high speed/high definition photos.
Cellular Phone: Useful for long range communication, phone companies warn people about
traveling in areas of high magical or electromagnetic interference. The battery lasts for
24 hours before requiring a recharge or replacement.
Computers: Aside from a place to store all of ones pornography and important personal
information, computers are considered tools when attempting to hack (Disable Device) into
another system or device connected by Interlink lines, they are also necessary to operate a
great deal of technology, such as satellite uplinks, scanners, printers, Interlinks, and
useful in securing communications lines. PC's are large and cumbersome to move around, but
cheaper than the easily transported notebook.
Computer Accessories: Modems, meaning the now standardized broadband, are essential to
establishing connections of all forms. Also are the portable satellite phones, which can
be used in areas that lack cellular phone service with a more powerful transmission,
portable video cameras, printers, and scanners.
Talkies: Often called 'walkie-talkies', these are extremely useful for short range
communication. Burst transmissions allow them to overcome all but the worst magical and
electromagnetic interference, and the effective range in all directions make it invaluable
for guards and explorers. The basic talkie has a 200 yard range, whereas the professional
models have 300 yard range. Anyone on the proper frequency and within range can hear
what's being said. Professional talkies can also come in the form of headsets, sometimes
integrated into helmets or other headgear.
Survaillence Gear:
Name Price Weight
Black Box 60 gp 0.5 lbs
Cellular Interceptor 50 gp 1 lb
Lineman's Buttset 13 gp 1 lb
Metal Detector 19 gp 3 lbs
Night Vision Goggles 20 gp 3 lbs
Tap Detector 7 gp 1 lb
Telephone Taps-
Line Tap 13 gp 0.5 lbs
Receiver Tap 5 gp ----
Telephone Line Tracer 70 gp 4 lbs
Black Box: Highly illegal but extraordinarily useful to hackers and professional criminals,
the black box is a very small device that emits digital tones to trick a phone system into
making long distance connections free of charge. A user can also 'bounce' a call through
multiple switches, making the call harder to trace. (The DC of any tracking attempt
increases by 5).
Cellular Interceptor: The size of a small briefcase, a cellular interceptor can detect and
monitor cell phone conversations within a 5 mile area by listening in on the phone
services' own transmitters. Intercepting the calls of a specific phone requires a Disable
Device check (DC 35), if the user knows the phone number of the phone in question, the DC
drops by 10. Obviously, the phone must be in use for someone to intercept the call. A
cellular interceptor cannot be used to intercept ground-line phone connections.
Lineman's Buttset: This device resembles an oversized telephone handset with numeric keypad
on the back and wire leads hanging from the bottom. Its function is that of a portable,
reusable, and fairly suspicious telephone line tap. A Craft/Electronics check (DC 10) can
allow a user to connect to a phone wire and hear any conversation that crosses it. This
device is commonly used by phone company personnel to repair damaged lines.
Metal Detector: This device provides a +10 equipment bonus to Search checks involving
metal objects. However it has a long handle, making it fairly annoying to transport
Night Vision Goggles: Utilizing passive light gathering and improving vision in near-dark
conditions, these goggles grant 120 ft of black & white darkvision to the wearer. However,
the field of view and depth perception are restricted, imposing a -4 penalty on Spot and
Search checks made by the wearer. Night Vision goggles require at least a little light to
operate. A cloudy night provides sufficient ambient light, but a pitch black cave or a
sealed room does not. For situations of total darkness, the goggles have an infrared
illuminator that, when switched on, operates as a standard flashlight whose light is only
visible to the wearer (or anyone else with NV goggles or darkvision). The battery on the
light lasts for 3 hours. Body Slot: Eyes.
Tap Detector: Plug this into a telephone line between the phone and outlet, and it helps
detect if the line's tapped. To detect a tap, make a Knowledge/Architecture & Engineering
check (DV varies according to type of tap used, see below). With a success, you discover
if a tap is present. It does not tell you the kind or location of the tap however. It
cannot be used to detect a Lineman's Buttset.
Telephone Taps: Used to listen in on phone conversations, there are line taps and receiver
taps. They broadcast the conversation over a radio frequency that can be picked up by any
professional talkie. Line Taps require a DC 15 Craft/Electronics check to install. To
discover the presence of one using a Tap Detector, the Knowledge/Arch & Eng check is DC 25.
Receiver taps are much less complex, only requiring an installation check DC 10, but in
return the DC to discover one is 15.
Telephone Line Tracer: Effectively an extremely specialized computer, a line tracer hooked
to a phone line can trace all phone calls made to that line, even if there are devices
designed to defeat identification hooked up at the other end. It only requires time.
Operation of a Line tracer is a full action round requiring a Disable Device check (DC 10).
Success gains one digit of the target phone number, starting with the first number of the
area code.
Professional Equipment:
Name Price Weight
Chemical Kit 60 gp 6 lbs
Bolt Cutters 4 gp 5 lbs
Demolitions Kit 70 gp 5 lbs
Duct Tape 1 gp/roll 1 lb
Evidence Kits-
Basic 23 gp 6 lbs
Deluxe 42 gp 8 lbs
Fake ID Spcl. ----
Steel Cuffs 5 gp 1 lb
Ziptie Cuffs 6 gp/10 uses 0.5 lbs
Multipurpose Tool 5 gp 1 lb
Search & Rescue Kit 49 gp 7 lbs
Surgery Kit 66 gp 5 lbs
Chemical Kit: Without a laboratory of some form, handling dangerous chemical substances
imposes a -4 penalty on Craft/Alchemical checks to handle things that fall into the
Chemistry category. This kit contains all the essentials to prevent such a penalty. It
includes the tools and components necessary for mixing and analyzing acids, bases,
explosives, toxic gasses, and other chemical compounds.
Bolt Cutters: Bolt cutters reduce the break DC of certain objects such as padlocks or steel
cables or really anything else you can fit them around, by 10. This only works on ferrous
metals however, such as iron and copper, not 'mystical' metals like Mithral and Adamantine.
Demolitions Kit: Provides the necessary to set detonators, wire explosive devices, and
disarm explosive devices. Without this kit you suffer a -2 penalty to checks involving the
setting or disarming of explosives.
Duct Tape: The usefulness of duct tape is limited solely by your imagination. Those bound
with duct tape must make a Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 20 for both) to free
themselves. Duct tape can support 200 lbs. indefinitely or 300 lbs. for 1d6 rounds. A
roll is 70 feet of tape that is two inches wide.
Evidence Kit: Mainly used by law enforcement agencies, these kits contain the tools to
gather evidence at a crime scene. This does not grant access to a law enforcement agency's
crime lab; it merely assists in the careful and proper gathering and storing of evidence to
be analyzed by such a lab. Being as discovering those tiny bits of evidence often has a
higher DC than most uses of the Search skill, evidence kits provide a bonus based on their
complexity. A basic kit provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Search checks to properly
handle those bits of physical evidence- clean containers, labels, gloves, tweezers, swabs,
and other such things. The Deluxe kit provides a +4 circumstance bonus, having all the
materials of a basic kit plus supplies for analyzing narcotic substances at the scene, and
gathering more esoteric forms of physical evidence such as casts and molds of footprints or
vehicle tracks, as well as chemical residues and organic fluids. It also contains the
necessary dusts, sprays, brushes, adhesives, and cards to acquire fingerprints. Keep in
mind that your GM may rule out the use of these kits based on situation. Using a deluxe
kit to analyze a narcotic or chemical substance requires an appropriate Craft or Knowledge
check, in which cases the circumstance bonus no longer applies.
Fake ID: False identification of any form is a risk, but sometimes you need a fake driver's
license to hide out, or a fake press badge to enter the Congressional Hearings. You must
find a Forger (Gather Information check, GM decides the DC) who has the level of skill
necessary based on the importance of the ID. A fake driver's license for a sixteen year
old that wants to buy beer is much easier than an ID to impersonate a police officer. The
GM will secretly make a Forgery check for the forger (And we expect you to be fair or
beatings will commence), which serves as the DC for the opposed check when someone inspects
the fake ID. The cost of a fake ID is 10 + the forger's ranks in the Forgery skill x5 in
Handcuffs: Restraints designed to lock two limbs together- normally the wrists- of a
prisoner or detainee together. They easily fit any Small or Medium creature or creature
that has an appropriate body structure, you can buy ones for larger or smaller at x2 price.
Steel handcuffs are heavy duty cuffs with Hardness 10, 10 HP, a Break DC of 30, and require
a Disable Device check (DC 25) or an Escape Artist check (DC 35) to remove without the key.
Zip-tie cuffs are single use disposable hand cuffs, similar to heavy duty cable ties. They
have Hardness 0 and 4 HP, and a break DC of 25. However due to the design, they can only
be removed by breaking or cutting them off (Disable Device and Escape Artist checks
automatically fail).
Multipurpose Tool: Similar to your standard Swiss Army Knife or Leatherman, the
multipurpose tool has a knife blade, can opener, bottle opener, short ruler, scissors,
tweezers, wire cutters, toothpick, and tiny magnifying glass. These can be used as an
improvised tool to perform certain Craft skills, such as Electronics or Mechanical, without
real tools, reducing the penalty from -4 to -2, in a pinch it can be used to cut the penalty
for not having the proper tools to perform Disable Device or Open Lock checks in half as well.
Your GM will determine if the tool is not appropriate in all situations.
Search & Rescue Kit: This waist pack contains a first aid kit, compass, waterproof matches,
lightweight 'space' blanket, standard flashlight, 50 feet of nylon rope, 2 smoke grenades,
and a signal flare.
Surgery Kit: Carried commonly by 'meatball' surgeons in M*A*S*H* units, or professional
doctors forced to operate in the field in the absence of a nice sterile hospital, these
kits are absolutely necessary to performing the basic surgery required to save the dying.
Without a surgery kit, you suffer a -4 penalty to the Heal check needed to perform the
task. Improvised tools are dangerous at the best of times, your GM will have to help you
in deciding what can be used appropriately.
Survivalist Gear:
Name Price Weight
Standard 4 gp 2 lbs
Rangefinding 10 gp 3 lbs
Electro-Optical 13 gp 4 lbs
ChemLite Sticks 4 gp/pack 1 lb/pack
Compass 2 gp 0.5 lbs
Fire Extinguisher 8 gp 3 lbs
Flash Goggles 3 gp 1 lb
Penlight 1 gp ----
Standard 2 gp 1 lb
Battery Floodlight 7 gp 5 lbs
Gas Mask 13 gp 5 lbs
GPS Unit 18 gp 3 lbs
PortaStove + Percolater 12 gp 3 lbs
Binoculars: Used for watching your enemies, wild game, sporting events, or beautiful people
through windows, binoculars are useful anywhere. Standard binoculars increase your sight
range by x5, reducing the range penalty for spot checks depending on weather and foliage.
Rangefinding binoculars do the same as standard, only they provide a digital readout that
indicates the exact distance between you and the target you're focusing on. Electro-Optical
binoculars function the same as standard in normal light. However, in darkness, they
function as night vision goggles with half the power.
ChemLite Sticks (5/pack): Disposable, eco-friendly plastic sticks that use a chemical
reaction to provide a warm glowing light for 6 hours at a time. The illumination area is
only a five foot radius, though. Once activated it cannot be turned off.
Compass: Relying on the planetary magnetic fields to determine the direction of magnetic
North, these can be used to provide a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge/Geography checks.
Fire Extinguisher: This portable apparatus uses a chemical foam spray to extinguish small
fires. It can put out a fire in a 10x10 foot area as a move action. There is enough
chemical material inside for 8 rounds of continuous spray. If used against a magical fire
or creature, it deals 1d6 damage.
Flash Goggles: These provide total protection against blinding light, and a +2 bonus vs
Gaze attacks. However, in darker areas they can easily negate vision- even low light and darkvision. And either way, they negate Spot and Search checks.. Unless of course, you're in a REALLY bright area. Slot: Eyes.
Flashlights: Unlike the firearm accessory, these flashlights are hand held. They come in
three varieties- penlights, standard flashlights, and battery floodlights. Penlights are
small, often carried on keyrings, projecting a 10 feet of clear light and 10 feet of
shadowy illumination in a 5 foot cone, their battery lasts for one hour. Standard
flashlights provide 30 feet of clear light and 20 feet of shadowy illumination in a 15 foot
cone, their batteries lasting for 3 hours. Battery floodlights are effectively handheld
spot lights, giving a clear view of 100 feet of clear bright light and 50 feet of shadowy
illumination, in a 50 foot cone, the battery lasting for 3 hours.
Gas Masks: Gas masks have come a long way since their inception. Acquiring one in the
appropriate size is easy. These apparatuses cover the entirety of the face, connecting to
a chemical air filter to protect the lungs and eyes from toxic gasses. They provide total
protection from eye and lung irritants, the filter canister lasting for 12 hours of use.
Changing a filter is a move action. Spare canisters cost 3 gp each.
GPS Unit: Utilizing satellites to receive signals to determine location within a few dozen
feet, the GPS unit is roughly the size of the old B&W Gameboy devices. They provide a +4
circumstance bonus on Knowlege/Geography checks, but the receivers must be able to pick up
satellite signals, and have a bit of a tendency to be fouled up by magical or
electromagnetic interference.
PortaStove & Percolater: Sold as a package deal almost universally, these items are
essential when camping.. Unless you prefer dirty water and raw food of course. They work
best with canned fuel or kerosene or white gasoline, and can easily be broken down and
carried in a nice, easily stored, compact form.
Services & Transportation:
Auto Repair: Can't repair your vehicle yourself? There's always a friendly body shop
willing to tend to your needs. Repairs can generally be done relatively quickly, depending
on how extensive the damage is. 1-10 HP repaired- 1 day and 15 gold. 11-20 HP repaired- 2
days and 28 gold. 21-30 damage repaired- 3 days and 41 gold. Any further will require
specialized work which depends on the abilities of the repairmen and the adequacy of their
Animal Care: Some people still prefer the old horse and buggy.. Or more appropriately the
old unicorn and dragon. A wide variety of specialists are available to groom and take care
of your pets or mounts or some forms of cohort when you aren't around. Taking care of
these creatures is their HD x5 /2 per day in gold.
Airfare: Flying is a good way to get from Point A to Point B, since most heavy duty aircraft
can outrun even the most agitated griffon. Domestic coach fare: 80 gold. Domestic first
class fare: 120 gold. International coach fare: 100 gold. International
first class: 150 gold.
Ground Vehicle Rental: Planes are expensive and roads are easier most of the time, aside
from the occasional raptor attack. Economy car rentals: 4 gold/day. Mid-size truck: 6
gold/day. Luxury vehicle: 10 gold/day. Heavy duty vehicle: 8 gold/day.
Though many people still enjoy riding animals, or in some cases prefer it, the average man
needs something less tempermental than a horse and less dangerous than a dragon. Cars are
easy to maintain, cheaper overall than animals- especially magical ones! So it's likely
that they will be a common mode of personal transit. Therefore, we present the most
commonly found vehicles. You may talk to staff about various improvements to them.
Vehicles require a license to drive (20 gold). Keep in mind that cars may have a nice top
speed, but it takes a Yak or a Gazelle -time- to get to their top speed. DM's are
encouraged to remember that, since you won't be driving at max speed all the time!
Name- Name of the vehicle.
Crew- How many people required to control the vehicle.
Pass- How many passengers are normally carried.
Cargo- Additional space for carrying goods.
Init- Initiative modifier.
Top Speed- Absolutely maximum speed in feet/turn. Takes time to fully accelerate.
AC- Armor Class.
Hard- Hardness.
Size- M = Medium, L = Large, H = Huge, G = Gargantuan
Mnvr- Maneuvering rate, applied to aircraft checks
Civilian Cars:
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Top Speed AC Hard Size HP Cost
Gazelle 1 5 600lbs -2 1050ft(120mph) 8 5 H 34 400 gp
Gestalt 1 4 300lbs -1 880ft(100mph) 9 5 L 30 250 gp
Sparrow 1 1 200lbs +0 2000ft(230mph) 8 5 L 32 630 gp
Zephyr 1 3 150lbs +1 2450ft(280mph) 8 5 L 30 650 gp
Judge 1 3 240lbs +1 2200ft(250mph) 12 10 H 54 520 gp
Yak 1 5 300lbs -2 790ft (90mph) 12 10 L 40 200 gp
Gazelle: This is a mid-sized SUV, the standard of soccer moms everywhere. It comfortably
seats a fair number of people and carries a large amount of cargo, ensuring constant use as
a 'helper' vehicle. Your friend needs help moving into a new apartment? Load up the
Gazelle, fold a few seats down. Gazelle's often come with some nice options, such as a DVD
player for children, power doors and windows, and almost complete soundproofing.
Gestalt: An economy sedan favored for its incredible gas mileage, comfortable seating, and
stylish appearance (Though there are complaints from older generations about all of them
looking like electric shavers..), the Gestalt is a common vehicle to be used by tourists,
travelers, and can easily be respeced into a limousine.
Sparrow: This luxury sedan is more the style, and most commonly driven by, the rich and the
famous, it features fair maneuverability and control, but the frame is still a composite of
cheap metals, so racingis probably not the best of ideas, even if it does have a nice top
Zephyr: An easily modified sports coupe, this expensive car is often used for racing, both
legal and illegal. Though made of the same cheap composites and alloys the Sparrow and the
Gestalt are forged of, its design allows for a number of safety precautions to be safely and
cheaply installed.
Judge: Powerful, fast, durable, though better at eating through your gas budget, this muscle
car has a steel and iron chassis, making it arguably safer to be in in an accident. The
design and construction afford a great deal of control and agility in the hands of a
professional or experienced driver, commonly seen in drag races or car chases in movies.
Yak: Generally, those who drive this economy station wagon are looked down on as poor or
low class by the upper echelons of society, but the mileage and cheapness of maintenance,
plus the same steel and iron chassis construction as the Judge, make it an extremely safe,
cheap, reliable family car, if not very fast or stylish.
Civilian Heavy Vehicles:
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Top Speed AC Hard Size HP Cost
Colonel 1 3 700lbs -2 1050ft(120mph) 10 8 H 60 650 gp
Bass Sub. 1 8 1000lbs -2 790ft (90mph) 10 5 H 45 570 gp
CaribouSE 1 2 2500lbs -1 970ft(110mph) 12 10 H 50 590 gp
Shetland 1 2 33000lbs -4 1150ft(130mph) 14 8 G 70 5000 gp
Bloodhound 1 39 0lbs -4 970ft(110mph) 10 8 G 54 4000 gp
Colonel: This Humvee SUV is usually used by civilians, it traverses rough ground easily,
however it can easily be refit and remodeled with heavier armor and mount a machinegun for
military purposes. The engine is fairly quiet despite its size and power, and so is often
used for scouting.
Bass Suburban: A full sized SUV, the big brother to the Gazelle. A little unnecessarily
large for soccer moms and moving, it's mostly used by sportsmen. Fishers, big game hunters,
scavengers, poachers, bounty hunters, and the similarly employed. Slow, cheaply made metals
offer slim protection, but for its size class the price can't be beat.
Caribou SE: Though it's called 'SE' for Special Edition, really almost all Caribou pickup
trucks are sold like that, it's good for marketing. Construction workers and towers love
the enormous carrying capacity, and the powerful engine allow it to drag nearly ten thousand
pounds if necessary. Sometimes called 'The Poor Man's APC', terrorists, revolutionaries,
and adventurers lacking the funds to buy -real- APC's use these to tote people around, or
mount a heavy gun in the bed.
Shetland: The standard heavy moving truck, the enormous carrying capacity sometimes calls
for adventurers, military, and law enforcement to refit it to carry laboratories or
discreetly transport vehicles that can fit into the back, some people buy one and simply
refit it to be a truly Mobile Home. Runs on diesel fuel, the fumes of which most wildlife,
particularly the ones that can rip a tank to shreds, do no appreciate. It can reach
surprisingly high speeds, but due to its weight these speeds take many precious minutes to
Bloodhound: Diesel powered, very efficient with its fuel, and consuming very little oil,
the Bloodhound bus is sometimes converted and refit into a mobile base like the Shetland
can be, due to its huge capacity for people. Just slap on some aluminum siding, a big
bulldozer blade, some razor wire, and you've got the perfect vehicle for plowing through
zombie-infested hellholes.
Civilian Motorcycles:
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Top Speed AC Hard Size HP Cost
Knight 1 1 80lbs +1 1500ft(180mph) 12 10 L 30 380 gp
Dulcaht 1 0 0lbs +3 2450ft(280mph) 10 5 M 25 430 gp
Yoyimbo 1 0 0lbs +2 790ft (90mph) 12 5 M 20 270 gp
Knight: Sturdy and powerful, the Knight is similar to the Harley Davidson of Earth in many
ways, except for having better gas mileage, a small windshield, and a more efficient use
of all its moving parts, as well as having the option of being MUCH quieter. The saddlebags
allow it to carry up to 80 lbs of goods (like backpacks), 40 lbs on each side of the bike,
there is also enough room for a second mediumor small passenger. Favored by loners, gangs,
action heroes, and preachers.
Dulcaht: Whereas the Knight's muffler can be made to roar like a mighty beast, the Dulcaht's
tends to have a high pitched whine to it, though it too can be made quieter. A racing bike,
the Dulcaht has superb control and maneuverability, though it sacrifices durability and
toughness for that speed and agility. Military units requiring swift ground scout vehicles
sometimes refit these with slightly better armor and exceptionally quiet mufflers.
Yoyimbo: The Yoyimbo is primarily a dirt bike, and therefore not nearly as fast as its
fellow motorcycles. However, its design and wheel structure allows it to easily traverse
rough ground, some of the finest suspension and shock absorbers allowing a rider to zoom
over terrain that forces others to lag behind or go around entirely. Because it is cheap
compared to the other bikes, criminals favor these as escort bikes for their leaders- which
interestingly enough is where the name comes from.
Civilian Aircraft:
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Mnvr Top Speed AC Hard Size HP Cost
Swallow 1 4 300lbs -4 -2 1230ft(140mph) 8 8 H 30 6000gp
Pelican 2 13 8000lbs -4 -4 1150ft(130mph) 10 8 G 40 9000gp
Swallow: The most common civilian chopper, usually used by news crews and EMT's, these light
and cheap helicopters aren't too hard to maintain, though they are quite fragile.
Pelican: Sometimes you need a particularly heavy chopper to do the job. The Pelican is
a very basic model, which can be easily refit to serve a multitude of purposes. Most often
it is used to pick up tons of cargo, either in its hull or by affixing a magnet or winch,
but it can easily be retrofit to hold many more passengers, so that it can be used to
evacuate large numbers of people quickly and safely. Unfortunately, it's still quite
sensitive and fragile, making it a poor choice for any other job, though the price is nice.
Military Aircraft:
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Mnvr Top Speed AC Hard Size HP Cost
Stirge 2 3 500lbs -2 +0 1320ft(150mph) 12 10 G 60 18000gp
Hawk 1 4 300lbs +0 -2 1430ft(160mph) 10 8 H 45 14000gp
Albatross 2 14 9000lbs -4 -3 1150ft(130mph) 12 12 G 70 24000gp
Stirge: This highly maneuverable attack chopper is famed for its control and weapon
capacity- skilled pilots can even make these things fly upside down for short periods of
time! Coming standard with an Xavier minigun, the Stirge can also mount 6 heavy weapons
under its 'wings'. Every nation has its own variation on this efficient gunboat's design.
Hawk: Fast, lightly armed and armored, the Hawk is a scout chopper that can also fill the
needs of escort and support, usually mounting a .50 caliber chaingun standard, it has room
under its wings for up to four heavy weapons mounts. Though lessmaneuverable than the
Stirge, reducing its heavy weapons loadout to account for the weight of people also makes
it the preferred helicopter to drop in teams of military combat specialists, or adventurers.
Albatross: Similar to the RL Chinook, the Albatross is lightly armed, heavily armored, and
generally used to tote lots of people and/or equipment. Often used as an emergency evac
chopper or supply transport, it's somewhat less of a hassle to handle than the civilian
models due to improved design. It only has space for one heavy weapons mount, but in
exchange it has one heavy machinegun mounted on either 'end' for protection and ground
Military Ground Vehicles:
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Top Speed AC Hard Size HP Cost
Tiger 2 2 300lbs -2 790ft(90mph) 13 15 H 70 12000gp
Bear 4 1 200lbs -4 530ft(60mph) 15 20 G 100 40000gp
Raven 3 25 550lbs -2 790ft(90mph) 11 14 H 65 16000gp
Medusa Spcl. 0 Spcl. -4 350ft(40mph) 12 10 G 50 10000gp
Tiger: The standard design for light tanks, the unimpressive and small stature belies its
considerable durability, fuel and oil efficiency, speed, and overall prowess in a tank
fight. All but the oldest models have advanced amphibious capability (move at up to half
speed in water), the standard loadout is one six inch cannon and 4 heavy weapons mounts.
Bear: Undisputed master of the battlefield, this lumbering giant rolls at a steady, even
pace across the landscape, it's enormous 120mm gun obliterating those who dare stand in its
way. Requiring a large crew and most of its space for ammunition, the spare space is
usually used less for cargo storage and more for just moving around. It only has 3 heavy
weapons mounts, but at the same time it has extremely thick armor plating, the most
advanced combat systems, and for its size class is amazingly mobile. If one takes an hour
or two to properly prepare the Bear, it can traverse waters of up to 5 meters in depth at
half speed, though it is not a 'true' amphibious craft, usually relying on bridge-layers.
Expensive, but if you really need heavy firepower and toughness to match, it's worth it.
Raven: Generally speaking, the Raven is used as a fast Armored Personnel Carrier, moving
large numbers of soldiers in and out of the engagement zone at impressive speed. Mounting
two heavy weapons, these craft are also almost always amphibious, moving at half speed
through water and particularly wet swamps. However, it has another major function aside
from being an APC- with some time and effort, space for troops can be reallocated and
transformed into an effective command vehicle, loaded down with satellite uplinks,
advanced communications and sensor arrays, thicker armor, and all the tactical gear it can
Medusa: These mobile platforms have a variety of uses that make them valuable to any
military force. A few modifications to the basic platform and you can mount a heavy
gun to have a Howitzer, a few others and you have a long-range missile launcher. Still
a few others and you have a bridge-layer, or a dozer. This wide variety of uses, along
with the ability to go without fresh oil for months at a time, make these highly prized
in any military force.
FRA- Full Round Action
SA- Standard Action
Mins- Minutes
Mounts and Optional Loadouts:
Name Caliber Price DMG Range Weight Clip Reload Modes Category
6" Cannon 6" Int. 4d12 350ft Mount 1 1 FRA S Exotic (Cannon)
120mm Gun 120mm Int. 10d12 500ft Mount 1 2 FRA S Exotic (Cannon)
AA Gun .50 500 gp 2d12 150ft Mount Link/400box 1 FRA A Martial
Xavier 4.6mm 600 gp 3d10 100ft Mount Link/500box 1 FRA A Martial
Flamer Fuel 600 gp 6d6 70ft Mount 10rds/Cont 1 SA Cont Martial
ATRL 75mm R. 1000gp 8d6 400ft Mount 38 pack 4 mins S Martial
Thunderbolt MS 1500gp 5d12 200ft Mount 6 pack 4 mins S Martial
6" Cannon: The standard weapon for light tanks, it cannot usually be bought, and prices will
vary depending on vendor. Each shell for the 6 inch cannon costs 100 gp.
120mm Gun: Same as the 6" cannon, however it costs 150 gp per shell.
AA Gun: Anti-Aircraft Guns, these .50 caliber monsters are usually mounted on tanks, ships,
aircraft, and sometimes set up as 'nests'. It is preferrable to have a container with at
least 4,000 rounds of linked ammunition, which is standard when mounted on any form of
vehicle. Of course, if necessary, more swiftly loaded plastic clips (one standard action
instead of FRA) of 400 rounds can also be loaded, due to the simplicity of the mechanisms.
Bullets are sold in containers of 4,000 at 100 gp each, and they can ignore up to 5 points
of Hardness.
Xavier: Though the caliber of bullet is low, it sprays so many bullets at a time in a
concentrated area that the damage output is significantly increased (20 rounds per spray).
Like the AA Guns, it is preferrable to have them in Linked containers which store 8,000
rounds each, since the bullets are much smaller. And like the AA Guns, a 500 round pre-
loaded clip can be used instead and faster, but that's only an option on tanks or nests.
Flamer: The idea of making infantry carry flamethrowers was quickly thrown out after one of
the early world wars- the tanks that held the fuel were exposed and too easily blown up by a
decent sniper or a lucky enemy rifleman. However, when mounted on vehicles, the tanks can
be easily protected, and fire is easily one of the most dangerous weapons in war. The tanks
only hold enough fuel for ten 'bursts' of flame, but they can be easily reloaded and refilled.
ATRL: ATRL is the acronym for Anti-Tank Rocket Launchers, easily mounted on vehicles or on
aircraft, sometimes on ships. These rockets are fired in a fashion similar to machineguns,
launched swiftly at armored targets, and punch througharmor well. They come in packs of
38 rockets, and chew through up to 5 points of Hardness. Rockets do Piercing + Ballistic damage.
Thunderbolt Missiles: Even more powerful and deadly, but slower to fire, are the Thunderbolt
missiles. Though their effective range is shorter than that of ATRL's, computer guidance
technology can easily triple that range provided one thinks of it and has the money to spare.
These missiles come in packs of 6 due to their increased size and power, and tear through up
to 15 points of Hardness, and do Piercing + Ballistic damage.
Other Special Vehicle Equipment:
All Terrain Wheels- These wheels make the vehicle lighter and more maneuverable, reducing
the Initiative penalty by 1, and increasing the speed by 1.5x. However, this bonus only applies
to roads, sand, and other particularly open terrain. On extremely rocky or muddy ground,
suffer a -1.5 speed penalty and additional -1 Initiative penalty. They cost 4000 gp.
Treaded tracks- The standard of heavy vehicles, they simply roll over everything they can.
These cost 3000 gp.
Platform Options: Either howitzers or huge missiles, these are generally to be used as plot points
or battlefield objectives rather than having specific statistics. These cost 8000 gp. Bridge-layers,
cranes, dozers, and the like cost roughly 4000 gp apiece. Interchanging parts requires 1d6 hours
of work.