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Freedom isn't free. It requires constant progress on the part of a free society. This progress in turn requires a psychopath willing to sacrifice everything, to die in the fight against the iniquities of the wicked- to cut away the cancers of greed and tyranny, their guns as the surgeon's scalpel, their blood as the stitches and salve to heal the wound of the surgery. I am one such lunatic, and I will die so that you might live as Free. I don't expect you to like it. I don't expect you to be grateful. In fact, all I expect from you are two things- your loathing of what I do and payment for my services.

   - Samual Alphose Kiersted

History: Son of a Dead World

Only a handful of people know Sam's past- much less his name. He is still widely referred to by his moniker 'Nobody'. This is not because he wishes to indulge in some archetypal 'mysterious figure' ideal, but because.. He frankly doesn't remember. All he knows is that he has a wide array of information that he shouldn't have, and a lot of skill pertaining to the ancient art of assassination. It is believed that his previous life involved one of contract killing, a professional and ruthless hitman. At least, until something went wrong and his head got all fuzzy. Whatever the distant past may be, all that really matters is what he has done since the Upheaval. When he came with all the other Foreigners, his initial purpose seemed to be leading squads of angels, raptorans, and other flying creatures from the back of a strangely platinum-scaled dragon. After the first few years of the Upheaval's heavy fighting, his purpose changed; instead performing surgical strikes with highly skilled military personnel. 'Nobody' became known for his near-psychotic tendencies in battle, bringing to bear what appeared to be mere guns against the Hordes of Darkness.. And winning. He also became known for his tendency to deplete his ammo supply like most people drink water, dumping rounds out like candy on Halloween. These are all the facts that are available- everything else is heresy, guessing, and rumor.

The Man lurking in the Shadows

Nobody, or Sam to his friends, is widely believed to be an eccentric-borderline-psychotic person. Only the people closest to him know the truth about the walls, the illusions, the reason he lets people perceive him as strange. He seems to be a reckless daredevil, but when studied closely one can see a pattern to his actions. A rhyme, a reason, a fluid plan that is subject to change as the struggle unfolds. He maintains close contact with only a few people- some say even the enigmatic Quincy- preferring to be left alone to his opera house and to his more covert operations, unless the situation demands his presence. The Tanikan Central Government does not trust him very much, partially due to his unusual marriage and partially due to the fact that he's made the point that the Law of the Land only matters as far as it can serve what he sees as 'the right thing'. He has peculiar tendencies and abilities; coming and going at will, leaving little to no evidence he was even there to begin with save for that strange smile and the gleam in his eyes.

Activities: A New Life

Samual maintains an opera house in the middle-class section of Athens. Having collected an immense database of his dead homeworlds culture and history, he proudly produces various plays and concertos from 'Earth'. Stand-up comedians, musicians of the classical and modern variety, orchestras, Broadway-style plays, all are encouraged to bring their act and make a name for themselves at the Arcadian Hall. All those that work at the Hall are characters of dubious legal standing, loyal to Sam almost like a family unit. In some ways, one could equate this loyalty and questionable legality to that of the Mafia, with Kiersted as the Don. Only the naive and the unlearned would believe that Kiersted doesn't still take up the occasional contract on some poor miscreant soul's life, or that he isn't involved in smuggling. Add to the fact that Sam is married to a Marilith named Eight, who the 'family' is likewise loyal to, and you'll find many who question Sam's integrity. And yet, despite these rumors, Senator Quincy takes no action against Kiersted or his people. Perhaps they really -do- keep their noses clean..

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