House Rules

From Shahara

Revision as of 02:12, 10 June 2007 by (Talk)
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This page will be a simple catalogue, in point form, of all of our special house rules.

  • All 3.5 books are available for use in character creation and running plots. The only exception to this is Heroes of Horror. All material from HoH can be used, except for those aspects requiring or relating to the Taint mechanic, which have been taking out pending its revision. No 3.0 books are allowed excepting the Book of Vile Darkness. Spellfire is not allowed. Nor are Faerun regional feats. Dragon magazine is categorically not valid for use.
  • Since modern technology is used in this theme (as can be found in the theme posts and pages, as well as our Modern Gear page), we've had to add a few extra skills. Profession:Sailor suffices for taking care of, navigating, and sailing modern boats, Profession: Driver is for controlling vehicles in stressful situations, but anyone who's ICly been trained can likely make it from point A to point B (traditional driver testing and liscensing could be said to be a point or two of Profession:Driver, allowing you to take ten), and lastly, Profession:Pilot is for controlling aircraft of all types, though controlling other systems and surviving system shock from high G-force situations may be drawn from different statistics or saves.
  • Character Traits and Character Flaws are both allowed to be taken. The normal maximum of two flaws and one trait are being enforced.
  • Racial languages have been normalized across the game world. Languages like "Orc" "Elven", "Dwarven", "Gnome", etc. have all been removed. Everyone just gets Common. Languages such as Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Auran, Ignan, Terran, and so on, as well as Druidic and Sylvan, are still prevalent.
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