Theme Differences
From Shahara
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Differences between stock DND and Twidelin DND
Questions answered as consensus achieved.
Give benefit of the doubt. No filler words, please. Examples of filler words include mostly, generally, almost, not exactly, etc. If you don't know if a word is a filler word, then it probably is. If you really need to use a filler word, make the sentence a factual statement instead.
Where do the deities reside? How old are the deities? Which deities created which races?
Age of the World
If the world is young, are there many artifacts and wondrous items? If the world is ancient, are there many artifacts and wondrous items?
Alignment and the Races
Explain Good and Evil in the context of Twidelin's races.
Technology and Magic
When a new solution is needed, does a society prefer a technological or magical solution? What primary technologies in the real world are replaced by magic in this world (if any)? When a PC wants to make a new solution, is he more able to do it technologically or magically (assuming admins already agree)?
Comparing Campaign Settings
How is Twidelin different from Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, etc?