Darque's Floating Market

From Shadowsoflogos

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[edit] Where?

Darque's Market is a floating market, it travels from location to location throughout the midwest. Overnight, the tents pop up, along with the ferris wheel. When they can, they arrange a parade through town and distribute flyers. Unlike many markets, Darque's philosophy is "the more, the merrier.."

[edit] When?

Darque's operates year round, finding it is the key. It only remains open three nights before disappearing back into the Hedge to reopen elsewhere. Notably, it allows mortals, even other supernatural creatures, to shop. However, anyone still in the Market at the stroke of midnight on the third night becomes the property of the Market and its owner.

[edit] Who?

The Dark Prince is an exiled Fae, dressed in the rags and tatters of his former glory, who runs the Floating Market as barker and ringmaster. The hobgoblins that run the rides and sell the wares are, to a creature, His Men, and a number of Changelings are also in his employ - drawn from those unlucky enough to default on the implied Pledge made when entering the Market.

[edit] What?

Anything at all is for sale at Darque's Market - anything. Their prices are steep, however. Still, it is not rare for a desperate changeling - or mortal, or anyone really - to seek out Just The Thing that they need, no matter what the cost. The Dark Prince himself will answer any three questions put to him, truthfully, so long as the answer can be found within the world of mortals. His price for this service is the heart of the questioner.

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