New Cairo Bazaar

From Shadowsoflogos

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[edit] Where?

A crumbling, ill-kept overpass in a remote suburb southwest of Chicago sees very little traffic. Vagrants and bums hang out there pretty much constantly, but there's little the people of the suburb can do about them, except tell their children not to go near. Curiously, there's a door on the pylon that holds up the overpass. It was red once, but time and weather have worn it down to a dull blood-brown, and the words "This spot reserved for advertising" have been spray painted across it in bright, neon pink.

The door is jammed, but a Changeling that knocks out the first three bars of "The Dance of the Sugar Plum Faeries" will find that it opens into a dank cave, inhabited solely by a large dragon, named Gorm. Gorm guards the New Cairo Bazaar, and demands a small cake or pastry for admittance. Beyond Gorm is an open, sunlit desert market, packed end-to-end with stalls manned by goblins, a bazaar of the bizarre.

[edit] When?

The Door will only open for two days a week, from 12:00 AM Saturday morning to 12:00 AM monday morning.

[edit] Who?

Gorm aside, there are a handful of notable merchants at the New Cairo Bazaar. Garvolo, the stick-thin baker and purveyor of local Goblin Fruits. Larsus, Moy and Corl, who buy, mend and sell dreams, and Farquod, a corpulent merchant who sells Goblin Contracts and oddities. The merchants are actually somewhat friendly to the Changelings of Chicago, not enough that they would - say - cut them a deal or anything - but the merchants of New Cairo (or Nukayro as the sign above the bazaar declares) and the Lost like to think they have something of an understanding.

[edit] What?

Locally grown and picked goblin fruits, as well as confections and dinners made from those same fruits are sold in New Cairo. Dreams of any kind can be bought, sold and restored, and a number of oddities and lesser Goblin Contracts can be purchased. New Cairo doesn't have as many items of the extremely rare or powerful variety as other markets, but its more open atmosphere makes it a great place for young Changelings to find some minor trinket or clue they're looking for.

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